Eight years ago, 14 year old May was raped by a group of men. May’s father is devastated, blaming himself for not being able to keep his daughter safe. Traumatized significantly by this incident, May withdraws completely from life.

A musical adaptation of Victor Hugo's novel "Notre Dame de Paris" which follows the gypsy dancer Esmeralda and the three men who vie for her love: the kind hunchback Quadimodo, the twisted priest Frollo, and the unfaithful soldier Phoebus.

Ferdinando Cefalù is desperate to marry his cousin, Angela, but he is married to Rosalia and divorce is illegal in Italy. To get around the law, he tries to trick his wife into having an affair so he can catch her and murder her, as he knows he would be given a light sentence for killing an adulterous woman. He persuades a painter to lure his wife into an affair, but Rosalia proves to be more faithful than he expected.

Initially, "Mulholland Dr." was to mark David Lynch's return to television. It is a retooling of a script originally shot as a 94-minute pilot for a TV series (co-written with TV screenwriter Joyce Eliason) for the channel ABC, which had approved the script, but chose not even to air the pilot once it was done in 1999, despite Lynch's labours to cut the project to their liking. It was left in limbo until 18 month later French company Studio Canal Plus (also producer of 'The Straight Story') agreed to pay ABC $7 million for the pilot, and budget a few million more to turn the pilot into a two-hour, 27-minute movie. The cost of the film doubled to $14 million as sets had to be reconstructed and actors recalled.

Francesca and Walter are two-bit criminals in Northern Italy, and, in an effort to avoid the police, Francesca joins a group of women rice workers. She meets the voluptuous peasant rice worker, Silvana, and the soon-to-be-discharged soldier, Marco. Walter follows her to the rice fields, and the four characters become involved in a complex plot involving robbery, love, and murder.

A former policeman turns full-time robber and goes on a downward spiral of crime in 1970s Rome.

A man and his son take an allegorical stroll through life with a talking bird that spouts social and political philosophy.

College student Danielle must cover her tracks when she unexpectedly runs into her sugar daddy at a shiva - with her parents, ex-girlfriend and family friends also in attendance.

Maksas - matematikos genijus, daugelį metų besistengiantis rasti ir iššifruoti skaitmeninį kodą, pagal kurį kinta visų biržų akcijų kursai. Artėjant prie šio tikslo, pasaulis aplink Maksą pamažu virsta košmaru - jį persekioja galingi Wall Street'o biržų analitikai bei slaptos Hasidiko kabalistinės religinės sektos fanatikai, pasiryžę nužudyti, kad rastų visatos sukūrimo ir savo senoviškų religinių tekstų kodus.Ant išprotėjimo ribos atsidūręs Maksas turi spręsti, ar sugebės jis suvaldyti galingąsias jėgas, kurias pažadino jo genialusis protas.

A wealthy Italian household is turned upside down when a handsome stranger arrives, seduces every family member and then disappears. Each has an epiphany of sorts, but none can figure out who the seductive visitor was or why he came.

A drug pusher grows increasingly desperate after a botched deal leaves him with a large debt to a ruthless drug lord.

In pre-war Italy, a young couple have a baby boy. The father, however, is jealous of his son - and the scene moves to antiquity, where the baby is taken into the desert to be killed. He is rescued, given the name Edipo (Oedipus), and brought up by the King and Queen of Corinth as their son. One day an oracle informs Edipo that he is destined to kill his father and marry his mother. Horrified, he flees Corinth and his supposed parents - only to get into a fight and kill an older man on the road…

Serena Bruno is an architect who studied and got several masters in different countries of the world but she decides to go back to Italy so she can live and work there. She will soon find out that her native country is not as open minded and she will struggle to find a job that she truly loves and is passionate about. Along the way she will meet Francesco a gay man who will help and support her throughout her journey.

An alcoholic man and his two young children barely survive in Taipei. They cross paths with a lonely grocery clerk who might help them make a better life.

Filmas žiūrovą nukelia į JAV pilietinio karo kamuojamą Vidžinijos valstiją, kurioje įsikūręs uždaras merginų pensionatas. Viena iš nuo karinių veiksmų besislapstančių merginų šalia pensionato esančiame miške randa sužeistą šiaurietį. Vadovaudamasi krikščioniškąja morale, įstaigos direktorė Marta Farnsvort (akt. Nicole Kidman) apsisprendžia priglausti ir išgydyti priešo kareivį. Netrukus patrauklusis Makbernis (akt. Collin Farrell) tampa jaunų merginų iki šiol gniaužtų emocijų proveržio priežastimi. Lenktyniavimas ir seksualinė įtampa kaskart auga, o aistringas jėgas atgaunantis jaunuolis pradeda slapta jausmingai bendrauti ir su melancholiškąja auklėtoja Edvina Debni (akt. Kirsten Dunst), ir su lengvabūdiška auklėtine Elise (akt. Elle Fanning). Peržengtos padorumo ribos, sulaužytas tabu ir jau netrukus veiksmas ima rutuliotis nenumatyta spirale, apnuogindamas slapčiausias personažų kertes.

Du broliai našlaičiai – šešiametis Bo ir penkiolikmetis Prosperas – pabėga į Veneciją. Jie slapstosi nuo žiaurios tetos priespaudos ir geležinio jos auklėjimo. Besislapstydami kanalų ir siaurų skersgatvių labirinte vaikai susipažįsta su paslaptingu žmogumi, kurį visi vadina Vagių karaliumi, bei jo pasekėjais – būriu vaikų. Gyvendami apleistame kino teatre mažieji vagiliai apiplėšinėja turtinguosius ir žinoma susilaukia detektyvų dėmesio. Naujieji draugužiai: kaukėtas ir paslaptingas Vagių karalius, jo vagišių gauja ir mažieji pabėgėliai patiria daugybę nepaprastų nuotykių. Galbūt jiems pavyks rasti ir stebuklingą lobį, kurį slepia ypatingas miestas – Venecija.

In this ultra-violent, fantasy epic, ancient dark magic falls into sinister hands and unleashes ages of suffering onto mankind. A group of heroes from different eras and cultures must band together in order to defeat it at all costs.

A disgruntled researcher injects his former employers' meal with a serum that turns their sushi into flesh-eating monsters.

In the throes of a zombie apocalypse, a troubled woman from Las Vegas with a dark past, finds herself stranded in the desert with a lone and ravenous zombie on her tail.

Puikius reitingus generuojanti radijo laida – santykių terapeutės Džilės darbo laukas. Deja, dalindama patarimus ji neišvengia gniuždančio atoveiksmio. Tiesioginio eterio metu, po jos duoto patarimo, jauna moteris vardu Aleksis nusižudo. Sukrėsta nelaimės, Džilė meta darbą radijo eteryje. Bet lygiai po metų radijo stoties generalinis direktorius Stiuartas paprašo jos grįžti ir vėl kurti laidas. Tikėdamasi, kad darbas padės nugalėti metus trunkantį nerimą, Džilė nenoromis priima pasiūlymą. Prasidėjus pirmai laidai, moteris sulaukia keisto skambučio. Balsas, girdimas eteryje, neabejotinai identiškas mirusios Aleksis balsui. Džilė pakliūva į neįtikėtiną persekiojimo sūkurį. Ar jai pavyks išsiaiškinti, kas skambina? Ar praeities vaiduokliai ją paliks ramybėje?