The final part of the film adaption of the erotic romance novel Gabriel's Inferno written by an anonymous Canadian author under the pen name Sylvain Reynard.

Alberto Medina is a famous composer whose car breaks down while he is on a trip. While looking for help, he finds the Valverdes' house and is welcomed in by Emilia, the mother of the family, who is known for taking in tramps.

It's officially Spring Break at Monster High, and Lagoona takes her gilfriends across the sea to the Great Barrier Reef, but they are ship wrecked and end up on a mysterious skull shaped island. Here they enjoy the local hospitality until they realize that they are being used by a slippery showman named Farnum to lure the rarest, most mysterious monster of them all, "the Beast" into a trap. Frankie is taken by the Beast but tables turn and she ends up rescuing him and returning with him to Monster High. The story goes to high voltage when they realize that Frankie has inadvertently led Farnum to the location of the greatest gathering of monsters anywhere...Monster High.

Wilbur the pig is scared of the end of the season, because he knows that come that time, he will end up on the dinner table. He hatches a plan with Charlotte, a spider that lives in his pen, to ensure that this will never happen.

Young men with no future have little in the present as well. Natale is released from prison: he takes up with his friends again but none can find work. Claudio, from Palermo, gets out of juvenile detention in Naples and he's met by Vita, a girl who's come from home to run away with him. Where can they go? A young dad, whose potato stall at the market is shut down because he has no permit, takes his two small children to the beach and yells at them. Mario, gay, a prostitute in drag, gets a visit from his mom; he offers tea, then finds the water to his apartment is shut off. Social workers drop by, parole officers file reports. What hope is there? What options besides crime?

After regaining his manliness, he escapes from hell Satan for embezzling Secretary of infernal hacienda, being chased by a couple of poor devils good for nothing, and took refuge in the cabaret ends up working as a transvestite.

Follow free diver Johanna Nordblad in this documentary as she attempts to break the world record for distance traveled under ice with one breath.

In the near future, the southern Italian city of Taranto is surrounded by barbed wire that no one, not even the police, dares to cross. The poorest are left fighting for survival, while gangs compete for the territory. Two thirteen-year-old orphans who grew up together, dream of joining one of the gangs.

Set in the mid sixties and shot with more black than white, ‘SAD?’ is a dark ten minute film that explores the time that we spend alone watching television, and the good and sad effects it can have on you. The film has a timeless, forgotten feel about it, a study of a world and time detached from the norm, a life filled with both laughter and loneliness, escapism and escapees...

Legendinio šuns Balto nuotykių tęsinys. Taip atsitiko, kad Baltas tapo tėvu. Jis padarė viską, kas įmanoma, kad visus savo palikuonis prijungtų prie gerų šeimų. Tačiau viena mergaitė, vardu Alu, staiga pajuto, kad niekada negali būti panaši į savo brolius ir seseris. Po to, kai ji sutiko medžiotoją miške, Alu pajuto paslaptingos vilko prigimties pabudimą jos viduje. Ar ji vilkas ar šuo? Norėdamas rasti atsakymą į šį klausimą, Alu leidžiasi į kelionę po didžiulius Aliaskos plotus, kur ją lydės mylintis tėvas - Baltas.

Three manic idiots—a lawyer, cab driver and a handyman—team up to run a ballet company to fulfil the will of a millionaire. Stooge-like antics result as the trio try to outwit the rich widow and her scheming big-shot lawyer, who also wants to run the ballet.

Tai – itališkas čilietiško filmo „Una Mujer Sin Filtro“ perdirbinys. Pagrindinė filmo veikėja ieško gydymo nuo streso, nes vieną dieną ji suvokia, jog nebegali filtruoti savo kalbos.

Emilia arrives at her Aunt Inés' hostel located on the Argentina-Brazil border, looking for her missing brother. In this lush jungle a dangerous beast which takes the form of different animals seems to be roaming around.

A man, determined to win the neighborhood's annual Christmas decorating contest, makes a pact with an elf to help him win. However, the elf casts a spell bringing the twelve days of Christmas to life, bringing chaos to the small, unsuspecting town.

Buvęs nusikaltėlis Kostianas, pravarde "Katinas", išeina iš kalėjimo anksčiau laiko, kad sėdęs už "bumerio" vairo, įvykdytų paskutinę užduotį savo gyvenime. Klaidžiuose Rusijos nusikaltėliu keliuose niekada nežinai, kas tavęs laukia kitame posūkyje, o išvažiavęs gali ne tik kad nepasiekti tikslo, bet ir nerasti kelio atgal.

Daug apdovanojimų susižėrusioji paskutinė 7-logijos, ir vėl dar kartą pritrauks jus prie jūsų televizorių ekranų.Siaučiant mirtinai kovai dėl žiauraus Pjūklo palikimo, grupė jo spąstų išvengusių žmonių pagalbos kreipiasi į savo jėgomis išgyvenusį Bobby Dageną – žmogų, kurio tamsios paslaptys sukelia dar vieną smurto bangą. Didesnis naujajame filme bus ir aukų tykančių spąstų skaičius. Net vienuolika rūšių siaubingų kankinimų turės patirti filmo herojai. Tiek išradingų žudymo būdų nebuvo nė vienoje ankstesnėje dalyje. Jeigu tai galima laikyti dideliu laimėjimu, jis gali pradžiuginti nebent Guinnesso rekordų gerbėjus arba ne visai stabilios psichikos žmones....

Mažame miestelyje vyksta Helovyno šventė. Žmonės apsirengę siaubingais kostiumais ir nusiteikę linksmai praleisti laiką. Tačiau kanibalų šeimynėlė nutraukia jų linksmybes, kai apsilanko pas grupelę studentų.

A womanizing lawyer follows his wife and son to a trip to Egypt in a last-ditch effort to make up for his infidelities. Also travelling to Egypt is a bumbling police chief who's desperate to keep his rebellious daughter from becoming a showgirl. The two meet during a Nile cruise. Calamity ensues.

A man becomes increasingly jealous of his friend's newfound success.