Bewildered, Don Camillo learns that Peppone intends to stand for parliament. Determined to thwart his ambitions, the good priest, ignoring the recommendations of the Lord, decides to campaign against him.

Sundar, a waiter, is in love with Radha but does not have the courage to tell her. When he becomes a successful comedian, he confesses his feelings to her, only to find that she loves someone else.

Don Camillo (now bishop) and Peppone (now senator) return to the town of Brescello and rekindle their friendly rivalry.

Poor Charlie Brown. He can't fly a kite, and he always loses in baseball. Having his faults projected onto a screen by Lucy doesn't help him much either. Against the sage advice and taunting of the girls in his class, he volunteers for the class spelling bee...and wins!

Gertrude Lawrence rises to stage stardom at the cost of happiness.

Return to Horror Hotel is an anthology feature with 4 segments. One is about giant a bedbugs, one is about a magical charm that turns girls beautiful, one is about a WWII sailor who hasn't aged and one is about a terrorizing severed hand.

Back from a tour of duty, Kelli struggles to find her place in her family and the rust-belt town she no longer recognizes.

Based on Mariane Pearl's account of the terrifying and unforgettable story of her husband, Wall Street Journal reporter Danny Pearl's life and death.

A small town in Spain, October 1955. Isabel, a 35-year-old dreamer who feels like a failure because she is not married yet, becomes the new target of a group of soulless pranksters.

An emotionally unavailable flight attendant meets a potential love interest and later finds out that her "perfect guy" has ulterior motives. As the clock ticks down on New Year's Eve, she must fight to keep her murdered ex-boyfriend's secrets or find herself dead.

Ottone, a professional dog sitter who's uncertain about most things in life, asks an analyst if he made the right decision love-wise while recounting the significant relationships he had with four women.

Štyria mladí muži, ktorí vstúpia do armády, si musia ostrihať svoje dlhé vlasy a musia dodržiavať prísnu vojenskú disciplínu, čo im vôbec nie je po chuti. Ich nadriadený im preto začne znepríjemňovať život a za svoje priestupky napokon skončia vo vojenskej väznici, ktorá sa čoskoro stáva takmer ich druhým domovom...

Christel Wyttová odchádza z rodného mesta Alexander Valley do San Francisca a cestou rozpráva o tom, čo predchádzalo tomuto zásadnému životnému kroku. Na svadbe svojej staršej sestry Becky sa stredoškoláčka Christel zoznámi so Spencerom Hillom, bývalým veliteľom svojho švagra Toma vo Vietname, ktorý neskôr získal právnický titul. Na prvý pohľad medzi nimi preskočí iskra sympatií. Christel na Spencera deň čo deň romanticky myslí a Spencer na ňu tiež, ale nezdá sa mu reálne spájať svoju budúcnosť s takým mladým dievčaťom. O rok neskôr sa na pár okamihov stretnú na krstinách Beckinho syna a potom ich život opäť rozdelí. Spencer sa ponáhľa do New Yorku, aby pomohol s prípravami na primárky senátora Kennedyho, a Christel sa zdá byť predurčená zostať na rodinnom ranči, hoci sníva o kariére speváčky. Po smrti Teda Wythea, ktorý držal ochrannú ruku nad svojou mladšou dcérou, Tom znásilní Christel...

Jesse, ktorý sa s pestúnsku rodinou Greenwoodových celkom dobre zžil, sa musí vysporiadať s existenciou náhle objaveného nevlastného brata Elvisa. Greenwoodovci vezmú oboch rozhádaných bratov na prázdniny k moru, kde sa Jesse opäť stretáva s Willym. Radosť zo stretnutia však netrvá dlho, lebo neďaleko pobrežia došlo k havárii tankera, ktorá ohrozuje nielen Willyho, ale aj celú jeho rodinu ... V okamihu, keď sa nebezpečenstvo maximálne vyhrotí, musí Jesse zmobilizovať všetku dôveru, priateľstvo a vieru, aby sa pokúsil Willyho aj jeho súrodencov vrátiť späť do otvoreného oceánu.

Now in the Far North (i.e. Milan!), Alberto has accepted to manage a program for efficiency improvement in the Italian Post. He devotes all his time and all his energy to this noble task and neglects his wife Silvia, which of course annoys her beyond limits. Things do not fare much better in Castellabate where it is rather Maria, Matta's wife, who gets on his nerves by always blaming him for his lack of ambition. One day, due to a misunderstanding, Mattia is transferred to... Milan! And on whose doorstep does he land? Alberto's of course!

Snow White asks the seven dwarfs for help, because if they don't manage to find out the name of a little boy (Rumpelstiltskin) within two days, her newborn child will be taken away from her. The journey takes the dwarves to a depressive, rhyming Pinocchio and the omniscient wizard Helge, among others, and all the way to the world of humans.

Calvin Wheeler is a scheming 13-year-old boy with everything going for him, except for an original issue of his precious comic book collection. When a prized show-dog chases him down while skateboarding one day, his owner inadvertently convinces him to adopt and train a dog of his own. However the only one available, is an uncouth stray Labrador/St. Bernard-mix named Tyko from a local animal shelter, who proves to be more than anybody can handle.

The life of a young computer systems analyst is thrown into turmoil after arriving in Istanbul to start a new job. She soon finds her passport missing, her credit cards useless, her bank account empty and her identity stolen. As the story progresses we find people and events may not be what they seem.

Na strednej škole Crippen High School sa stal pred niekoľkými mesiacmi masaker. Neznámy vrah tu po sebe zanechal hromadu mŕtvych tiel. Do priestorov zatvorenej školy prichádza excentrický producent Harry SLEERIK, aby tu natočil film o týchto krvavých udalostiach. Keď začnú miznúť herci a členovia štábu, história sa začína opakovať...