Stāsts balstīts uz reāliem faktiem par Džordanu Belfortu – sākot ar kļūšanu par bagātu akciju brokeri līdz pat viņa norietam, kas saistīts ar noziedzību, korupciju un federālo valdību.

At a tiny Parisian café, the adorable yet painfully shy Amélie accidentally discovers a gift for helping others. Soon Amelie is spending her days as a matchmaker, guardian angel, and all-around do-gooder. But when she bumps into a handsome stranger, will she find the courage to become the star of her very own love story?

1947. gads. Džons Nešs ierodas Prinstonā. Viņš ir matemātikas ģēnijs. Šis cilvēks ir izstrādājis "spēļu teoriju" matemātikā, par ko savā laikā ieguva Nobela prēmiju. Valdība palūdz Džonam palīdzēt atkodēt krievu šifrus, līdz ar ko viņš tiek iesaistīts šausminošā sazvērestībā. Taču tas ko neviens nezināja - viņš ir smagi slims. Viņam ir šizofrēnija. Drīz viņš sastopas ar līdz šim nepazīstamām sajūtām - ar mīlestību. Šīs jūtas viņa dzīvē ienes Alīsija. Uzzinot, ka Džonam ir šizofrēnija, viņa ir satriekta, taču Alīsija nepadodas, liekot pretī briesmīgajai slimībai savu mīlestību. Tagad tikai ar Alīsijas palīdzību Džons spēs atgūt savu garīgo spēku un atgūt izcilā matemātiķa statusu, kādu viņu pazina līdz šim.

When his family moves from their home in Berlin to a strange new house in Poland, young Bruno befriends Shmuel, a boy who lives on the other side of the fence where everyone seems to be wearing striped pajamas. Unaware of Shmuel's fate as a Jewish prisoner or the role his own Nazi father plays in his imprisonment, Bruno embarks on a dangerous journey inside the camp's walls.

After narrowly escaping a bizarre accident, a troubled teenager is plagued by visions of a large bunny rabbit that manipulates him to commit a series of crimes.

Filmas “Rītdienas robeža” darbība norisinās tuvā nākotnē, kurā citplanētieši ir uzsākuši iznīcinošu uzbrukumu Zemei. Cietuši sakāvi visās līdzšinējās kaujās, pasaules valstu armijas apvienojas izšķirošajam uzbrukumam. Virsnieks Viljams Keidžs ir armijas zinātnieks, kurš nav piedalījies nevienā kaujā līdz brīdim, kad tiek pazemināts rangā un nosūtīts doties uzbrukumā. Viņš tiek nogalināts dažu minūšu laikā pēc uzbrukuma sākuma, bet pēkšņi atmostas dienu pirms savas nāves. Keidžs nokļūst neizskaidrojamā laika atkārtošanās ciklā, piespiežot viņu atkal no jauna doties zaudētajā kaujā un mirt.

Katrus 5000 gadus, Zemi un visu dzīvo uz tās mēģina iznīcināt Ļaunums. 23. gadsimtā visa dzīvā glābēja misiju ir jāuzņemas taksometra šoferim Korbenam Dallasam kopā ar kādu meiteni - Lilū, kura pavisam negaidīti uzradās Korbena taksometra aizmugurējā sēdeklī. Tomēr Lilū nav parasta meitene - viņa ir galvenais (piektais) elements, bez kura Ļaunumu apturēt nav iespējams.

As the world fell, young Furiosa is snatched from the Green Place of Many Mothers and falls into the hands of a great Biker Horde led by the Warlord Dementus. Sweeping through the Wasteland they come across the Citadel presided over by The Immortan Joe. While the two Tyrants war for dominance, Furiosa must survive many trials as she puts together the means to find her way home.

An HBO special edited from three performances from Chris Rock's 2008 comedy tour: London (dark suit, dark shirt), Johannesburg (black suit, white shirt) and New York (shiny jacket). Topics include the ongoing presidential campaign, the possibility of a black president, George W. Bush, gas prices, low-paid jobs, ringtones and bottled water, sex, relationships and the correct use of the n-word

Ideālistiska FIB aģente tiek iekļauta valdības darba grupā, lai sniegtu palīdzību aizvien asākajā karā pret narkotikām ASV un Meksikas pierobežas zonā.

An awkward, telekinetic teenage girl's lonely life is dominated by relentless bullying at school and an oppressive religious fanatic mother at home. When her tormentors pull a humiliating prank at the senior prom, she unleashes a horrifying chaos on everyone, leaving nothing but destruction in her wake.

During World War II, a secret agent must seduce then assassinate an official who works for the Japanese puppet government in Shanghai. Her mission becomes clouded when she finds herself falling in love with the man she is assigned to kill.

A group of self-absorbed actors set out to make the most expensive war film ever. After ballooning costs force the studio to cancel the movie, the frustrated director refuses to stop shooting, leading his cast into the jungles of Southeast Asia, where they encounter real bad guys.

Medbrālis Gregs Fakers iepazīstas ar savas draudzenes vecākiem pirms bildināšanas, taču viņas aizdomīgais tēvs ir katra randiņa briesmīgākais murgs.

Sven arrives in nowadays Auschwitz to do his civil service at the memorial. He encounters unfriendliness, especially by Stanislaw Krzeminski, the 85 year old KZ-survivor, and Krzysztof Lanuszewski, brother of his early love affair Ania. Even his boss Herold, the places manager, does little to help Sven familiarize. But when problems accumulate Sven realises that he already has become involved.

Chris crashes into a carload of other young people, and the group of stranded motorists is soon lost in the woods of West Virginia, where they're hunted by three cannibalistic mountain men who are grossly disfigured by generations of inbreeding.

Evolution as an artist is often times what separates legends from the more mundane. After being heavily influenced by his experience in Jamaica – and his subsequent name change from Snoop Dogg to Snoop Lion – the LBC showman prepares his latest reggae-infused album Reincarnated. As part of the process, VICE followed Snoop to the island nation as he recorded various songs with backing from Diplo, Ariel Reichtshaid and Dre Skull of Major Lazer. Having grown tired of what rap provided him, the documentary reveals the rebirth and inspiration for his latest project.

Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel, has reclaimed her identity from the tyrannical Kree and taken revenge on the Supreme Intelligence. But unintended consequences see Carol shouldering the burden of a destabilized universe. When her duties send her to an anomalous wormhole linked to a Kree revolutionary, her powers become entangled with that of Jersey City super-fan Kamala Khan, aka Ms. Marvel, and Carol’s estranged niece, now S.A.B.E.R. astronaut Captain Monica Rambeau. Together, this unlikely trio must team up and learn to work in concert to save the universe.

1 Nelaimes gadījums. 10 izdzīvojušie. 3000 jūdžu attālumā no civilizācijas. Gabijas tuksneša vidū pazūd grupa, kas izdzīvojusi no lidmašīnas avārijas, bez iespējas tikt izglābtai. Viņu vienīgā cerība ir sasniegt “neiespējamo”: uzcelt jaunu ierīci ar avarējušās lidmašīnas vrakiem, lai izkļūtu no tuksneša. Viss sākās, kad kravas lidmašīnas pilots Frenks Taunss un viņa līdzpilots AJ tika nosūtīti uz Tansag baseinu Mongolijā, lai evakuētu atceltās ogļūdeņražu izpētes operācijas darbiniekus. Viņiem nav ne mazākās nojausmas, ka šī kārtējā misija kļūs par dzīvības un nāves cīņu, pilnībā mainot visu viņu dzīvesveidu.

The mega corporation Omni Consumer Products is still bent on creating their pet project, Delta City, to replace the rotting city of Detroit. Unfortunately, the inhabitants of the area have no intention of abandoning their homes simply for desires of the company. To this end, OCP have decided to force them to leave by employing a ruthless mercenary army to attack and harass them. An underground resistance begins and in this fight, RoboCop must decide where his loyalties lie.