V Taliansku 30. rokov 20. storočia, kde železnou rukou vládne fašistický diktátor Benito Mussolini, ovláda život stolára Geppetta smútok nad stratou desaťročného syna Carla. Útechu nachádza vo vyrezávaní drevenej bábky, ktorú nečakane oživí modrý drevený duch. Geppetto ju pomenuje Pinocchio. Napriek mnohým vadám a nedokonalostiam je tento malý chlapec z dreva svojim náhradným otcom bezvýhradne milovaný. Ale aj napriek múdre rady Sebastiana J. Cvrčka a zisteniu, že má dar večného života, sú Pinocchiove činy naďalej neuvážené. Neustále sa necháva ovplyvňovať bezohľadnými ľuďmi, vrátane samotného „Il Duceho“.

Pokračovanie mimoriadne obľúbeného a úspešného animovaného rodinného filmu V HLAVE od študiá Disney a Pixar “VHLAVE 2” sa vracia opäť do mysle tentokrát už čerstvej tínedžerky Riley a to práve v čase, keď ústredie prechádza náhlou demoláciou, aby uvoľnilo miesto pre niečo úplne nečakané. Film V hlave 2 prináša Veľké zmeny – Nové Emócie! Radosť, Smútok, Hnev, Strach a Znechutenie, ktoré podľa všetkého dlho úspešne fungovali, si nie sú isté, ako sa majú cítiť, keď sa objaví Úzkosť. A zdá sa, že nie je sama.

Heroism and romance combine in an action-packed martial arts story. When the Shaolin are betrayed by White-Browed Hermit, hotheaded warrior-hero Fong Sai Yuk vows revenge.

Agenta FBI Wesleyho Doyla pri vyšetrovaní série vrážd v Texase osloví mladý muž, ktorý sa predstaví ako Fenton Meiks a tvrdí, že pozná totožnosť hľadaného sériového vraha nazývaného "Božia ruka". Bol to jeho brat Adam, ktorý zavraždil niekoľko ľudí a potom aj seba. Tragický osud samovraha je však len časťou príbehu navonok obyčajnej rodiny Meiksovcov, ktorá sa pred viac ako dvadsiatimi rokmi začala dramaticky meniť.

A woman with a mysterious illness is forced into action when a group of terrorists attempt to hijack a transatlantic overnight flight. In order to protect her son she will have to reveal a dark secret, and unleash the inner monster she has fought to hide.

„Kingsman: Prvá misia“ odhaľuje úplne počiatky prvej nezávislej spravodajskej agentúry prostredníctvom príbehu, ktorý obsahuje zbierku najhorších tyranov a zločincov, ktorí sa zhromažďujú, aby zosnovali prvú svetovú vojnu, aby vyhladili milióny, a jedného muža, ktorý musí pretekať s časom, aby ich zastavil.

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson meet as boys in an English Boarding school. Holmes is known for his deductive ability even as a youth, amazing his classmates with his abilities. When they discover a plot to murder a series of British business men by an Egyptian cult, they move to stop it.

While dabbling in Satanism, Count Karstein resurrects Mircalla Karnstein who initiates him into vampirism. As a rash of deaths afflicts the village, Gustav the head of Puritan group leads his men to seek out and destroy the pestilence. One of his twin nieces has become inflicted with the witchcraft but Gustav's zeal and venom has trapped the innocent Maria, threatening her with a tortuous execution, whilst Frieda remains free to continue her orgy of evil.

Running from the law after a bank robbery in Mexico, Dad Longworth finds an opportunity to take the stolen gold and leave his partner Rio to be captured. Years later, Rio escapes from the prison where he has been since, and hunts down Dad for revenge. Dad is now a respectable sheriff in California, and has been living in fear of Rio's return.

V tomto modernom monštruóznom príbehu o Draculovom vernom sluhovi sa Nicholas Hoult predstaví v úlohe Renfielda, večne oddaného pomocníka najnarcistickejšieho šéfa histórie, Draculu. Renfield je nútený zaobstarať svojmu pánovi korisť a splniť každý jeho príkaz, bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi sa cíti byť ponížený. Teraz, po stáročiach otroctva, je však Renfield pripravený zistiť, či existuje život mimo tieňa Kniežaťa temnôt. Keby tak dokázal prísť na to, ako ukončiť svoju spoluzávislosť.

A series of murders occur that mirror those committed by the Whitechapel Ripper. Through his experiments with psychoanalysis Dr Pritchard discovers a deadly violence in one of his young female patients. As he delves into the recesses of her mind he uncovers that Anna is possessed by her dead father's spirit, willing her to commit acts of gruesome savagery over which she has no control. But the most chilling revelation of all is the identity of her father: Jack the Ripper himself.

Hungary, XVII century. After being widowed, the old countess Elizabeth Nádasdy, of the Báthory lineage, fortunately discovers a way to become young again; but the price to be paid by those around her will be high and bloody.

A small island community is overrun with creeping, blobbish, tentacled monsters which liquefy and digest the bones from living creatures. The community struggles to fight back.

The parents of a girl who was killed by a savage dog are granted the opportunity to spend three days with their deceased daughter.

After the death of his brother on the road, unemployed and unstable drifter Arthur Waldo stays for a while in the rural Australian town of Paris as the guest of the mayor, who hopes he will become a permanent member of the Paris population. Arthur soon realizes the quaint hamlet has a sinister secret: they orchestrate car accidents and rob the victims. Survivors are brought to the local hospital, lobotomized, and used for a local doctor's experiments.

History professor Scott McKenzie makes an anachronistic discovery in a photograph from the Old West and he is soon joined by beautiful time-traveler Georgia in a time-skipping adventure to stop her colleague from the future from erasing her from existence.

The Earth is facing great problems in the nearest future it is in the lack of sun light. Physicist Olmin is leading the project to build a special tunnel - made of elementary fractions - from the sun to the earth, in order to the earth could get much more sun energy and light. At the same time a strange flower is brought to the Earth from a dead planet.

A hospital nurse is possessed by an evil spirit, and proceeds to kill off the hospital's patients.

High-school principal Dr. Alfred Carroll relates to an audience of parents that marijuana can have devastating effects on teens: a drug supplier entices several restless teens, Mary and Jimmy Lane, sister and brother, and Bill, Mary's boyfriend, into frequenting a reefer house. Gradually, Bill and Jimmy are drawn into smoking dope, which affects their family lives.