Fight Club ni le prispodoba o (samo)destruktivnem begu posameznika iz ujetosti potrošniškega nesmisla, temveč (tudi) parabola upora zoper nezmožnost poistovetenja s prvobitnim moškim/očetovskim principom — odraža se v sprevrženi percepciji psihosocialnih norm in nevrotični konfrontaciji ter boju (dobesedno "z golimi pestmi") s samim seboj. Dodajmo še patološke predstave o ljubezenski zvezi in vlogi ženske, metaforični upor maskuliniziranega segmenta potlačene moške dominantnosti, ki v ničemer ne najde prave identifikacije in opore, zato njegov dezorientirani razcepljeni um primanjkljaj kompenzira tako, da ustvarja namišljene alegorične osebnosti — ter izvrstno igralsko zasedbo (Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, Helena Bontham Carter) — pa dobimo enega najbolj izvirnih (in vplivnih) produktov ameriške literature in kinematografije zadnjih desetletij.

Režiser temačnih miselnih izzivov Memento, Insomnia in Vitez teme se poglobi v najbolj srhljive dele človeškega uma, kamor s pomočjo futuristične tehnologije kuka pretkani Dom. Preko sanj vdira v misli drugih ljudi in krade dragocene podatke, zato postane najbolj iskan zločinec na planetu. Da bi zaživel normalno življenje, se odloči za zadnjo akcijo, kjer spominov ne namerava ukrasti, temveč želi namestiti nove in tako izvesti popoln zločin. Toda v nepredvidljivem svetu človeških misli ni pravil in omejitev, zato nepričakovani sovražnik nalogo spremeni v smrtonosno past, polno prevar in preobratov.

Guido Anselmi, a film director, finds himself creatively barren at the peak of his career. Urged by his doctors to rest, Anselmi heads for a luxurious resort, but a sorry group gathers—his producer, staff, actors, wife, mistress, and relatives—each one begging him to get on with the show. In retreat from their dependency, he fantasizes about past women and dreams of his childhood.

V obdobju vietnamske vojne spremljamo izkušnje J.T. Davisa »Jokerja« od rekruta do marinca, novinarja v Vietnamu. Narednik Hartman s svojim krutim pristopom načrtno uničuje samozavest in psiho mladih rekrutov, ter jih tako preoblikuje v marince, kakršne ameriška vojska potrebuje. V drugem delu zgodbe spremljamo Jokerja, ki se vključi v bitko, čeprav je njegova naloga novinarskega značaja.

Dramski triler režiserja Todda Phillipsa spremlja legendarnega stripovskega zlikovca v izvirni samostojni zgodbi o izvoru, kakšne še nismo videli na velikih platnih. Mučna in tragična pripoved se vrti okrog umsko trpinčenega komika Arthurja Flecka, v fantastični predstavi Joaquina Phoenixa, ki si prizadeva, da bi se uveljavil v razdeljeni družbi velemesta Gotham, ki ga zapostavlja in odriva na socialni rob. Živi sam z duševno bolno materjo, podnevi dela kot najeti klovn za oglaševanje lokalov in si želi postati zvezda komičnih stand-up predstav, vendar so vse šale ponavadi le na njegov račun. Ujet v krogu životarjenja med apatijo in krutostjo Arthur sprejme slabo odločitev, ki povzroči verižno reakcijo nasilja in smrti. Bolečina ga naposled pahne v soočenje s svojim drugim jazom, poznejšim Batmanovim največjim sovražnikom: Jokerjem.

Film skrivnosti in suspenza, ki pripoveduje zgodbo Grace (Nicole Kidman), ki sama v izolirani viktorijanski hiši svoje otroke vzgaja v skladu s strogimi verskimi pravili. Otroci trpijo zaradi nenavadne bolezni: svetlobe dneva ne morejo neposredno sprejeti. Tri nove služabnice, ki se pridružijo družinskemu življenju, se morajo naučiti enega življenjskega pravila: hiša bo vedno v temi; nobena vrata se ne bodo nikoli odprla, razen če je bila prejšnja zaprta. Strogi ukaz, ki ga je do takrat naložila Grace, bo izpodbijan. Milost, otroci in tisti okoli njih bodo naredili nepričakovan in dokončen korak.

Nadarjenemu programerju Calebu zmaga na računalniškem tekmovanju prinese srečanje z briljantnim izumiteljem Nathanom v njegovem skrivnostnem laboratoriju sredi divjine. Caleb navdušen spozna, da je Nathan uspel ustvariti prvega robota z umetno inteligenco Avo. Nadobudni mladenič mora preveriti njene sposobnosti, ob analizah in pogovorih pa se nanjo nenadejano naveže, kar zamegli njegovo objektivnost. Toda Nathan nadaljuje s svojimi skrivnimi načrti in Caleb kmalu ne ve več, komu lahko zaupa?

Mlad voznik, ki je prisiljen delati za vodjo kriminalnega podzemlja, se znajde v brezizhodnem položaju, ko je soudeležen v ropu, obsojenem na propad.

Legendarni plačani morilec John Wick se je prisiljen vrniti iz upokojitve po tem, ko ga nekdanji sodelavec prosi za pomoč, da bi lahko prevzel tajno združbo, ki stoji na čelu vseh najsmrtonosnejših plačanih morilcev na svetu in vodi njihovo delovanje. John Wick se odpravi v Rim na morilski pohod.

Composer Gustav von Aschenbach travels to Venice for health reasons. There, he becomes obsessed with the stunning beauty of an adolescent Polish boy named Tadzio who is staying with his family at the same Grand Hôtel des Bains on the Lido as Aschenbach.

Charles Duchemin, a well-known gourmet and publisher of a famous restaurant guide, is waging a war against fast food entrepreneur Tri- catel to save the French art of cooking. After having agreed to appear on a talk show to show his skills in naming food and wine by taste, he is confronted with two disasters: his son wants to become a clown rather than a restaurant tester and he, the famous Charles Duchemin, has lost his taste!

A young Sicilian is swindled twice, but ends up rich; a man poses as a deaf-mute in a convent of curious nuns; a woman must hide her lover when her husband comes home early; a scoundrel fools a priest on his deathbed; three brothers take revenge on their sister's lover; a young girl sleeps on the roof to meet her boyfriend at night; a group of painters wait for inspiration; a crafty priest attempts to seduce his friend's wife; and two friends make a pact to find out what happens after death.

When Erik, a Stockholm urbanite, learns that his beauty-queen sister, Susie, is missing, he goes to their country roots to look for her. But after talking to the eccentric locals -- including a shy video store clerk and a corrupt police officer -- Erik finds a woman who is not at all like the girl he left behind. Award-winning director Ulf Malmros helms this black comedy infused with hipster flair.

An account of the life and work of Spanish actress Penélope Cruz: a long journey that began in the working-class neighborhoods of Madrid and ended in the hills of Hollywood.

Filmmaker Dan Klores examines the strange love affair of Burt Pugach and Linda Riss. Pugach is a successful attorney in 1950s New York when he meets much-younger Riss. The pair date, but Riss breaks off contact with Pugach upon learning his claims of divorce are false. Discovering that Riss was engaged to another man, Pugach hires some men to throw lye in her face, and he serves 14 years in prison for the crime.

Back from a tour of duty, Kelli struggles to find her place in her family and the rust-belt town she no longer recognizes.

A young French teenage girl after moving to a new city falls in love with a boy and is thinking of having sex with him because her girlfriends have already done it.

J.C. Wiatt is a talented and ambitious New York City career woman who is married to her job and working towards partner at her firm. She has a live-in relationship with Steven, a successful investment broker who, along with J.C., agreed children aren't part of the plan. J.C.'s life takes an unexpected turn when a distant relative dies and the will appoints her the caretaker of their baby girl, Elizabeth. The baby's sudden arrival causes Steven to leave, breaking off their relationship. Juggling power lunches and powdered formula, she is soon forced off the fast track by a conniving colleague and a bigoted boss. But she won't stay down for long. She'll prove to the world that a woman can have it all and on her own terms too!

Cowboys Beauregard Decker and Virgil Blessing attend a rodeo in Phoenix, where Decker falls in love with beautiful cafe singer Cherie. He wants to take Cherie back to his native Montana and marry her, but she dreams of traveling to Hollywood and becoming famous. When she resists his advances, Decker forces Cherie onto the bus back to Montana with him, but, when the bus makes an unscheduled stop due to bad weather, the tables are turned.

Detective John Shaft travels incognito to Ethiopia, then France, to bust a human trafficking ring.