Two recap specials that focus on Team Urameshi's matches in the Dark Tournament and four separate volumes focusing around one of the main characters; Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei, or Kuwabara.

A barber seeks vengeance after his home is burglarized, cryptically telling police his "Lakshmi" has been taken, leaving them uncertain if it's a person or object, jeer at his request until they learn what they're really looking for.

Послератни Јапан је на најнижој тачки када се појављује нова криза у облику џиновског чудовишта, крштеног у ужасној моћи атомске бомбе.

When a struggling single mother falls for a wealthy heartbreaker, their risky romance could just turn their lives around — or tear their worlds apart.

When a band of brutal gangsters led by a crooked property developer make a play to take over the city, Master Ip is forced to take a stand.

Do, who doesn't take much consideration about his marriageis circled with so many debts. He lied to his mother in law to get some money. Do and his wife eventually got a divorce and Do moved out to Kuala Lumpur to start a new life. Re on the other hand has a wife who is working at a night club whereas he stays at home and takes care of the house chores. Due to re's negligent behaviour his wife's money was stolen and he was told to leave the house bringing him dragging himself to the big city. Mi, a bachelor who is head over heels with the girl who is staying across his house often loans him some money. While Mi was out looking for a job he helped out capturing the theif who snatched a lady's handbag alongside with Re and Do who was in the area and helped out as well. They became close friends since then.

A place-specific film-excavation of Bixiga neiborhood – São Paulo. Choreography of forces that cross present time. Filmancy, clairvoyance is the vision of what is taking shape.

When a creepy Jack-in-the-Box is discovered and opened on the grounds of an exclusive girls' school, six brave students soon enter a fight to the finish against the unleashed demon.

Након што је група потенцијалних криминалаца киднаповала 12-годишњу ћерку балерину моћне личности из подземља, све што треба да ураде да би прикупили откупнину од 50 милиона долара је да посматрају девојчицу преко ноћи. У изолованој вили, отмичари почињу да нестају, један по један, и откривају, на свој све већи ужас, да су закључани унутра без нормалне девојчице.

Док је Њујорк нападнут од стране ванземаљских створења која лове звуком, жена по имену Семи се бори да преживи.

A surprise visit from Spock's father provides a startling revelation: McCoy is harboring Spock's living essence.

High school is almost over and four friends are going their separate ways as they go to college. But they have one more chance to spend some time together: Inspection 12, their favorite band, is playing one last concert in Jacksonville, FL.

The movie is a fictionalized account of a disgruntled cop who has been wrongly implicated in a torture video that went viral. It begins on his last night of duty, as he is about to leave for abroad for better job prospects.

Once again tampering with mother nature to disastrous results, Dr. Herbert West continues his research while serving time in a maximum security prison for his previous exploits. West's limited prison-cell experiments are suddenly interrupted by the arrival of a new prison doctor and the brother of the girl who suffered from West's experiments 13 years earlier.

As John T. Wrecker continues his task of protecting a group of refugees from a virus, the threat of something new and even more dangerous grows ever closer in the form of monstrous mutants.

Divers go to work on a wrecked ship (the battleship Maine that was blown up in Havana harbour during the Spanish-American War), surrounded by curiously disproportionate fish.

After their car breaks down in an eerie small town, a young couple are forced to spend the night in a remote cabin. Panic ensues as they are terrorized by three masked strangers who strike with no mercy and seemingly no motives.

Заснована на најпродаванијој видеоигрици, ова акционо-авантуристичка прича прати шаролику екипе аутсајдера на мисији спасавања нестале девојке која поседује кључ незамисливе моћи. У средишту радње је Лилит, озлоглашена одметница с тајанственом позадином. Враћа се на своју родну планету, Пандору, у потрази за несталом кћерком негативца из филма, Атласа. Током свог путовања, Лилит се уједињује са шароликом групом савезника: Роландом, врхунским плаћеником; Тајни Тином, младом стручњакињом за рушење; Танис, неконвенционалном научницом; и роботом Клаптрапом, познатим по својој оштроумности. Ова еклектична група удружује се како би помогла проналажење нестале девојке, стварајући неочекивану коалицију.

Сродне душе Ерик и Шели су брутално убијене када их сустигну демони њене мрачне прошлости. Имајући прилику да спасе своју праву љубав жртвовањем себе, Ерик креће да тражи немилосрдну освету њиховим убицама, обилазећи светове живих и мртвих да би исправио погрешне ствари.