Prepare for high-flying adventures with Hiccup, Toothless and the rest of the Dragon Trainers. Meet new dragons, learn the secrets of the legendary Boneknapper and see what is in store for the holidays on the festive island of Berk.

An aging codger named Geri plays a daylong game of chess in the park against himself. Somehow, he begins losing to his livelier opponent. But just when the game's nearly over, Geri manages to turn the tables.

Liana and Alexa (Barbie and Teresa) are best friends who share everything, including their love of singing. Upon meeting a girl inside a mirror, the duo embark on a journey that will put their friendship to the ultimate test.

Corinne (Barbie) is a young country girl who heads to Paris to pursue her big dream – to become a female musketeer! Never could she imagine she would meet three other girls who secretly share the same dream! Using their special talents, the girls work together as a team to foil a plot and save the prince. It's all for one and one for all!

Groot investigates a spooky noise that’s been haunting the Quadrant, which leads to an intense dance off.

When Rex finds himself left behind in the bathroom, he puts his limbs to use by getting a bath going for a bunch of new toy friends.

Jacob’s dream is to be a rap artist, so he works on a song that will give him the big breakthrough. To his big frustration, his dreams are tested every time his roomie Adam gets a visit from his girlfriend Frederikke. And through a journey of unforeseen events Jacob meets additional challenges that test his working discipline.

"Barbie" stars as Clara in this animated retelling of the classic Christmas ballet, complete with Tchaikovsky soundtrack and ballet choreography.

Battle of the Bulge, World War II, 1944. Lieutenant Costa, an infantry company officer who must establish artillery observation posts in a strategic area, has serious doubts about Captain Cooney's leadership ability.

Return to the forest and join Bambi as he reunites with his father, The Great Prince, who must now raise the young fawn on his own. But in the adventure of a lifetime, the proud parent discovers there is much he can learn from his spirited young son.

Į Vakarus pabėga KGB generolas Kosovas. Netrukus jis praneša, kad jo kolega generolas Puškinas rengia prieš vakarų agentus operaciją „Mirtis šnipams". Tačiau netikėtai Kosovas dingsta tiesiog iš specialiųjų tarnybų panosės. Ateina laikas įsikišti ir Bondui. Padedamas gražuolės generolo Koskovos meilužės Karos Milovi, jis užtinka dingusio saugumiečio pėdsakus. Kosovas pradėjo gudrų žaidimą su ginklų prekiautoju Bredu Vitakeriu. Jie ketina praturtėti prekyba naujausiais ginklais ir narkotikais. Ar Bondas jiems sutrukdys ir nubaus nusikaltėlius?...

Po and the Furious Five uncover the legend of three of kung fu's greatest heroes: Master Thundering Rhino, Master Storming Ox, and Master Croc.

When an alien race and factions within Starfleet attempt to take over a planet that has "regenerative" properties, it falls upon Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise to defend the planet's people as well as the very ideals upon which the Federation itself was founded.

1935 m. Londonas. Rikas O`Connellas ir Evelyn jau dešimt metų gyvena susituokę ir laimingi. Jie augina 9-erių metų sūnų Alexą ir vis dar nepamiršta kraupaus susidūrimo su baisiuoju visagaliu Egipto faraonu, kuris buvo išleistas iš mumijos ir sukėlė didžiąsias smėlio audras. Taip jaunoji porelė galėtų ramiai ir gyventi, tačiau idilę sudrumsčia Londono tarptautinio meno muziejaus darbuotojai. Tarptautinio muziejaus vadovybė nusprendžia surengti senovės Egipto mumijų ekspoziciją. Svarbiausi parodos eksponatai - piktojo žynio Imhotepo ir seksualiosios jo meilužės Anck-Su-Numan likučiai. Ir mumijos antrą kartą atgyja, sukeldamos didžiulę grėsmę visai žmonijai.

"Taksi 2” – populiarios komedijos tęsinys. Šį kartą į Prancūziją atvyksta Japonijos užsienio reikalų ministras. Ministrą labai domina policijos kova su terorizmu. Todėl prancūzų policininkai surengia svečiui kovos metodų demonstravimo seansą. Viena grupė vaidina užpuolikus. Antroji grupė tuos "teroristus” gaudo ir tramdo. O Japonų jakudzos tuo tarpu kuo ramiausiai savo ministrą pagrobia ir nusiveža nežinoma kryptimi. Į kovą už šalies policijos garbę stoja Danielis ir Emiljenas. Danielis iki šiol vairuoja savo garsųjį baltą "Peugeot”, kuris atrodo kaip senas griozdas, bet yra ne tas kuo apsimeta. Iki šiol tebemyli žaviąją Lili ir todėl yra įpainiojamas į istoriją su ministru. Ir, aišku, tebėra greičiausias Prancūzijos (o gal ir pasaulio) taksi vairuotojas.

Skillfully framed by an unknown enemy for the murder of a priest, wanted vigilante MacManus brothers Murphy and Connor must come out of hiding on a sheep farm in Ireland to fight for justice in Boston.

In Lethal Crisis, the world's most uncouth private eye is framed for a crime he didn't commit in the riotous fourth installment of the Torrente series.

Now that Frollo is gone, Quasimodo rings the bell with the help of his new friend and Esmeralda's and Phoebus' little son, Zephyr. But when Quasi stops by a traveling circus owned by evil magician Sarousch, he falls for Madellaine, Sarouch's assistant.

A popular and beautiful politician plans to expose the evil-doings of a multinational corporation. Hoping to silence her, the corporation's top executives decide to hire the most incompetent detective they can find to act as her bodyguard.

A young boy must restore order when a group of bullies steal the magical book that acts as a portal between Earth and the imaginary world of Fantasia.