Džeimsas Makėjus, baigęs tarnybą kariniame jūrų laivyne, vyksta į Vakarus. Viename nedideliame miestelyje jis rengiasi vesti Patriciją, vietinio fermerio Henrio Terilo dukterį. Tačiau Patriciją įsimylėjęs ir fermos prižiūrėtojas Stivas Lyčas. Jis ima nekęsti Džeimso. Džeimsas įtraukiamas į Terilų ginčus su Henesiais dėl žemės šalia šaltinio, kuri priklauso Patricijos draugei Džiulei Maragon. Vyrukas neužsitarnauja didesnės pagarbos ir visi vaidina jį keistuoliu – juk jūrų vilkas net nemoka jodinėti, o ir čia įsigalėję papročiai jam svetimi. O labiausiai jį persekioja Stivas. Vieną dieną Bakas Henesis pagrobia Džiulę, ir Džeimsas, kuriam ji patinka, vyksta jos gelbėti.

Pietro Zinni is asked by the police to revive the old gang to create a task force that will stop the spread of smart drugs.

Niujorko centrinio parko ištuštėjusioje naktinėje alėjoje Maiklas O'Hara išvaiko banditus, užpuolusius Elsą „Rosalie“ Bannister. Milžinas, vaiko veidu, bedarbis jūreivis, sužavi ją savo pirmykšte galia, ir ji Maiklui pasiūlo darbą savo vyro, sėkmingo advokato, jachtoje, suluošinto poliomielito. Užkerėtas šviesiaplaukės, O'Hara išplaukia į kruizą. Plaukiojime Grisbis, Bannisterio verslo partneris, kreipiasi į Maiklą su gana neįprastu pasiūlymu - padėti inscenizuoti jo nužudymą, tam kad jis galėtų dingti ir gautų didžiulį draudimą. Grisbis žada sumokėti 5000 USD, už tuos pinigus Maiklas ir Rosalie galės pabėgti ir pradėti naują gyvenimą. Maiklas sutinka ir ... praktiškai pasirašo sau mirties nuosprendį.

Turkey, cranberries, pumpkin pie... and the Peanuts gang to share them with. This is going to be the greatest Thanksgiving ever! The fun begins when Peppermint Patty invites herself and her pals to Charlie Brown's house for a REALLY big turkey party. Good grief! All our hero can cook is cold cereal and maybe toast. Is Charlie Brown doomed? Not when Linus, Snoopy and Woodstock chip in to save the (Thanksgiving) Day. With such good friends, Charlie Brown - and all of us - have so many reasons to be thankful.

Brandon Ma (Brandon Lee) is a regular working Joe who holds down two jobs, so he can support his girlfriend May and his dream of owning a motorcycle. Brandon's best friend is Michael, an ambitious and murderous dope peddler. Michael covets May and so he comes up with a plan that will win her for him, and solves a problem he's been having. It seems that an undercover cop named Sharky has been using his police connections to dominate the local cocaine trade, so Michael has him killed and uses Brandon as the fall guy. Brandon goes to jail, though he thinks that he will be released soon thanks to the efforts of his good buddy Michael. Eight years later Brandon finally gets out of jail and vows revenge.

Rahul, the director of a successful dance troupe, considers Nisha his best friend, though secretly, she is madly in love with him. He then falls for Pooja, who is engaged to Ajay.

Holden and Banky are comic book artists. Everything is going good for them until they meet Alyssa, also a comic book artist. Holden falls for her, but his hopes are crushed when he finds out she's a lesbian.

Suffering from acute kidney failure, Boonmee has chosen to spend his final days surrounded by his loved ones in the countryside. Surprisingly, the ghost of his deceased wife appears to care for him, and his long lost son returns home in a non-human form. Contemplating the reasons for his illness, Boonmee treks through the jungle with his family to a mysterious hilltop cave—the birthplace of his first life.

Simpatiški juokingi pabaisiukai – Gremlinai - po kelerių metų grįžta į TV ekranus. Šį kartą armija nieko gero nežadančių pabaisų užtvindo modernų Niujorko dangoraižį. Juos sugaudyti dar sunkiau. O kas bus, jei jie išplis už pastato ribų ir pasklis po visą miestą?

Alice owns a network of sex shops and workaholic who, in trying to reconcile the harsh routine of work and family life, suffers nervous breakdown, she is forced by her husband to go to spa. Precisely at this time, appears unique opportunity to expand its business in New York. Using fun gimmicks, risks his health, leaves spa party there with family to ride, but actually in order to facilitate their professional interests. In trying to reconcile the agendas, engage in hilarious situations and mistakes that culminate in the possible separation of the couple.

A look at what goes on backstage during the last broadcast of America's most celebrated radio show, where singing cowboys Dusty and Lefty, a country music siren, and a host of others hold court.

Yann Madec, long-time best mate of Frank Drevil, the star skipper of Global System Insurance, sees his dream come true when he replaces the injured Frank at the last minute for the start of the Vendée Globe. Nine days into the race and leading, Yann is forced to stop in Cape Verde to repair his broken center-board. Back in the race, Yann discovers a stowaway on board, a Senegalese teenager named Moussa. Faced with the risk of disqualification because of Moussa’s presence, Yann hesitates… Their encounter leads to the most unforgettable round-the-world race ever.

Kadaise buvę geri draugai, dabar atsidūrė skirtingose barikadų pusėse: policininkas ir narkotikų prekeivis. Policininkas ištikimas savo darbui ir stropiai atlieka gautą užduotį – seka savo draugą ir net paslapčia susipažįsta su jo mergina, kurią, tačiau, ir pats įsimyli. Draugystei iškilusi grėsmė tuoj peraugs į realią grėsmę buvusių draugų gyvybėms.

A young terrorist kills and injures patrons of a Norfolk amusement park by placing homemade explosives on the track of one of its roller coasters. After staging a similar incident in Pittsburgh, he sends a tape to a meeting of major amusement park executives in Chicago, demanding $1 million to make him stop.

A dirty bomb goes off in Los Angeles, jamming freeways and spreading a toxic cloud.

David Leader investigates a seemingly senseless murder, and in the course of it is drawn into the labyrinth of a sinisterly unique wealthy family...

After their airplane crashes behind enemy lines, four soldiers must survive and try to find a way back to their battalion. However, when they come across a local peasant girl the horrors of war quickly become apparent.

What is supposed to be a marriage boot camp on a remote island turns into the ultimate test for survival when a 6-headed shark starts attacking the beach. Trapped with minimal weapons they try to fight off the shark, but quickly discover that no one is safe in the water or on land.

When two researchers discover a colossal shark's tooth off the Mexican coast their worst fears surface - the most menacing beast to ever rule the waters is still alive and mercilessly feeding on anything that crosses its path. Now they must hunt the fierce killer and destroy it... before there is no one left to stop it