Četveročlana obitelj Ki-taeka je bliska, ali potpuno nezaposlena, pred njom je mračna budućnost. Sina Ki-wooa preporučuje njegov prijatelj, student na prestižnom sveučilištu, za dobro plaćeni posao podučavanja, te se nada da će tako imati redovite prihode. Sa svim očekivanjima svoje obitelji, Ki-woo odlazi u obiteljski dom na intervju. Stigavši u kuću gospodina Parka, vlasnika globalne IT tvrtke, Ki-woo susreće njegovu suprugu Yeon-kia, lijepu mladu damu. Ali nakon ovog prvog susreta između dviju obitelji, uslijediti će nezaustavljivi niz nezgoda.

Princ pod smrtonosnom kletvom krene u potragu za lijekom i nađe se usred borbe između rudarskog gradića i šumskih životinja.

A dying man in his forties recalls his childhood, his mother, the war and personal moments that tell of and juxtapose pivotal moments in Soviet history with daily life.

The life of boxer Jake LaMotta, whose violence and temper that led him to the top in the ring destroyed his life outside of it.

A story set in the 90s and in the outskirts of Rome to Ostia. A world where money, luxury cars, night clubs, cocaine and synthetic drugs are easy to run. A world in which Vittorio and Cesare, in their early twenties, act in search of their success.

Istinita priča o Sir Nicholasu ‘Nickyu’ Wintonu, mladom brokeru iz Londona, koji je zajedno s Trevorom Chadwickom i Doreen Warriner iz Britanskog odbora za izbjeglice u Čehoslovačkoj, spasio 669 djece od nacističkih progona u mjesecima prije Drugog svjetskog rata. Nicky je posjetio Prag u prosincu 1938. godine i pronašao obitelji koje su pobjegle pred usponom nacista u Njemačkoj i Austriji, živeći u očajnim uvjetima s malo ili nimalo skloništa i hrane, te pod prijetnjom nacističke invazije. Shvatio je da je počinje utrka s vremenom. Koliko djece on i njegov tim mogu spasiti prije nego što se granice zatvore?

Razmažena i neurotična, južnjakinja Blanche DuBois, pokušavajući pobjeći od svoje prošlosti koja uključuje tešku ovisnost o alkoholu, gubitak naslijeđene plantaže i zavođenje maloljetnika, odlazi svojoj sestri Stelli Kowalski. Ubrzo će se naći u sukobu s Stellinim mužem, Stanleyem Kowalskim, vulgarnim i prljavim pripadnikom nove industrijsko-imigrantske generacije. Drugim riječima, sirovim čovjekom koji neumjereno pije i puši te se ponaša kao gospodar kuće. Stanely, koji je u svojoj nutrini zapravo senzualan, na nasilan će način suočiti Blanche s njenim problemima iz prošlosti, što će rezultirati njenim živčanim slomom.

In 1980s Naples, Italy, an awkward Italian teen struggling to find his place experiences heartbreak and liberation after he's inadvertently saved from a freak accident by football legend Diego Maradona.

Cecilia is a waitress in New Jersey, living a dreary life during the Great Depression. Her only escape from her mundane reality is the movie theatre. After losing her job, Cecilia goes to see 'The Purple Rose of Cairo' in hopes of raising her spirits, where she watches dashing archaeologist Tom Baxter time and again.

Paul, a young idealist trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life, takes a job interviewing people for a marketing research firm. He moves in with aspiring pop singer Madeleine. Paul, however, is disillusioned by the growing commercialism in society, while Madeleine just wants to be successful. The story is told in a series of 15 unrelated vignettes.

An American writer living in Rome witnesses an attempted murder that is connected to an ongoing killing spree in the city, and conducts his own investigation despite himself and his girlfriend being targeted by the killer.

Julie finally gets an interview for a job where she can raise her children better only to run into a national transit strike.

Residents of a rundown boardinghouse in 19th-century Japan, including a mysterious old man and an aging actor, get drawn into a love triangle that turns violent. When amoral thief Sutekichi breaks off his affair with landlady Osugi to romance her younger sister, Okayo, Osugi extracts her revenge by revealing her infidelity to her jealous husband.

Čovjek priča priče o životu sebe kao desetogodišnjaka u Houstonu 1969., ispreplićući nostalgiju s fantastičnim prisjećanjem pohoda na Mjesec.

Hrpa hrane spušta se s kata na kat. Oni pri vrhu jedu obilno, dok su oni na nižim razinama gladni i očajni. Pobuna je neizbježna...

After serving prison time for a self-defense killing, Sailor Ripley reunites with girlfriend Lula Fortune. Lula's mother, Marietta, desperate to keep them apart, hires a hitman to kill Sailor. But he finds a whole new set of troubles when he and Bobby Peru, an old buddy who's also out to get Sailor, try to rob a store. When Sailor lands in jail yet again, the young lovers appear further than ever from the shared life they covet.

Nenametljivi sveučilišni profesor Paul iz dana u dan počinje se pojavljivati ​​u snovima milijuna ljudi diljem svijeta, postajući globalna slavna osoba. Odjednom mu se sve želje počinju ostvarivati, ali i spoznaje kolika je cijena slave.

A woman with a metal plate in her head from a childhood car accident embarks on a bizarre journey, bringing her into contact with a firefighter who's reunited with his missing son after 10 years.

A young French journalist repeatedly meets iconic surrealist artist Salvador Dalí for a documentary project that never came to be.

Patrick, a strange and lonely resident, lives in a mobile home at the back of an isolated caravan park. After a violent thunderstorm erupts, a mysterious young woman appears at his door, seeking shelter from the weather. The longer the night wears on and the more the young woman discovers about Patrick, the more difficult she finds it to leave. Soon she begins to question Patrick’s intentions, while Patrick begins to question his own grip on reality...