A young girl had her voice magically taken away so that she would never hurt people with it, but her outlook changes when she encounters music and friendship. Will Naruse be able to convey the anthem of her heart?

After their late former Captain is framed, Lowrey and Burnett try to clear his name, only to end up on the run themselves.

Cēzara vadīto ģenētiski modificēto pērtiķu skaits turpina pieaugt, taču tos apdraud cilvēki, kuri spējuši izdzīvot pēc epidēmijas desmit gadus atpakaļ. Starp sāncenšiem nodibinās trausls un pavisam neilgs pamiers. Pērtiķi un cilvēki ir nonākuši kara priekšvakarā - šī nežēlīgā notikuma rezultātam ir jāizšķir, kura no abām minētajām sugām kļūs par dominējošo uz planētas.

An ancient myth of a massive creature sparks the curiosity of Tinker Bell and her good friend Fawn, an animal fairy who’s not afraid to break the rules to help an animal in need. But this creature is not welcome in Pixie Hollow — and the scout fairies are determined to capture the mysterious beast, who they fear will destroy their home. Fawn must convince her fairy friends to risk everything to rescue the NeverBeast.

Pagājis pusgads kopš filmā "Meklējot Nemo" atainotajiem notikumiem. Nemo draudzene Dorija, kurai ir regulāri atmiņas traucējumi, negaidīti atceras savu bērnību un to, ka kādreiz ir bijusi šķirta no vecākiem. Nolēmusi atrast savu ģimeni, Dorija dodas piedzīvojumiem bagātā ceļojumā uz Jūras floras un faunas institūtu, kura laikā iepazīst jaunus draugus - astoņkāji Henku, vali Beiliju un vaļhaizivi Cerību.

A spacecraft traveling to a distant colony planet and transporting thousands of people has a malfunction in its sleep chambers. As a result, two passengers are awakened 90 years early.

Atriebēji ir sakauti kaujā ar Ultronu. Seši no varoņiem ir krituši kaujā un pār pasauli tagad valda Ultrona armija. Taču karš nav zaudēts, varoņu bērni ir gatavi cīnīties!

Following the events of Volume 1, the mutated glee club continue their violent rampage in Tromaville. Chrissy and Lauren, two innocent lesbian lovers, must fight not only the Cretins, mutants, and monsters but also the evil Tromorganic Foodstuffs Conglomerate. Can they, and Kevin the Wonder Duck, save Tromaville High School and the world?

Two years after defeating a satanic cult led by his babysitter Bee, Cole's trying to forget his past and focus on surviving high school. But when old enemies unexpectedly return, Cole will once again have to outsmart the forces of evil.

Frenks, viņa draudzene Sonja un vel daži draugi atvaļinājumā dodas uz Brazīliju. Frenks, viņa draugi, divas meitenes un Sonjas vecmāmiņa dodas apskatīt kādu alu, tomēr visi plāni nojūk un sākas viņu neprātīgie piedzīvojumi.

When the magic powers of The Tablet of Ahkmenrah begin to die out, Larry Daley spans the globe, uniting favorite and new characters while embarking on an epic quest to save the magic before it is gone forever.

Pēc sakāves, maldikoni atkal atgriežas uz Zemes, lai saņemtu gūstā Semu Vitvikiju (Šaja Labafs). Pēc nonākšanas gūstā, jaunais varonis uzzina patiesību par transformeru izcelsmi. Cilvēces glābšanas misijā iesaistās Optims Prims, kurš sapulcina starptautiska mēroga armiju.

Kad divu ģeoloģisko plātņu sakustēšanās Sanandreasa lūzuma zonā izraisa 9 balles spēcīgu zemestrīci Kalifornijā, glābēju helikoptera pilots kopā ar šķirto sievu dodas no Losandželosas uz Sanfrancisko, lai glābtu savu vienīgo meitu. Tomēr briesmu pilnais ceļojums uz ziemeļiem ir tikai sākums un, kad šķiet, ka ļaunākais jau ir aiz muguras, katastrofas apmēri tikai pieaug...

Pēc piedzīvotajām šokējošajām atklāsmēm, Trisa un Četri spiesti bēgt prom no Čikāgas, pārvarot pilsētu ieskaujošo mūri. Pirmoreiz mūžā viņi pametīs ģimeni un vienīgo vietu, kuru līdz šim pazinuši. Tomēr ārpus pilsētas mūriem līdzšinējās atklāsmes kļūst nesvarīgas, jo gaismā nāk citas, vēl biedējošākas patiesības. Lai izdzīvotu, Trisai nāksies izdarīt sarežģītas izvēles attiecībā uz drosmi, sabiedrotajiem, upurēšanos un mīlestību.

Lenny has relocated his family back to the small town where he and his friends grew up. This time around, the grown ups are the ones learning lessons from their kids on a day notoriously full of surprises—the last day of school.

Beta ir veiksmīga sieviete, kura par savu profesionālo lauciņu izvēlējusies mākslu. Tomēr viņai katastrofāli neveicas mīlas lietās.

After her triumph at the Miss United States pageant, FBI agent Gracie Hart becomes an overnight sensation -- and the new "face of the FBI". But it's time to spring into action again when the pageant's winner, Cheryl, and emcee, Stan, are abducted.

John Gregory, who is a seventh son of a seventh son and also the local spook, has protected the country from witches, boggarts, ghouls and all manner of things that go bump in the night. However John is not young anymore, and has been seeking an apprentice to carry on his trade. Most have failed to survive. The last hope is a young farmer's son named Thomas Ward. Will he survive the training to become the spook that so many others couldn't?

Second part of the film "Sorry if I love you". Alex (Raoul Bova) and Niki (Michela Quattrociocche) are more in love than ever. They have just returned from the lighthouse on the island Blu where they have lived unforgettable days. Niki returns to see his friends, but a number of important changes in their lives will test the friendship of the girls. Alex also resume life with his old friends. All of them, Flavio, Enrico and Pietro, are no longer serene and safe husbands due to certain difficulties that have compromised their marriages.

Four young outsiders teleport to a dangerous universe, which alters their physical form in shocking ways. Their lives irrevocably upended, the team must learn to harness their daunting new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy.