Her talents go from acting, to fashion, dancing and singing. With a net worth over 250 million dollars, J.Lo has conquered the Latin American and pop music scene. From the streets of the Bronx to the red carpets of Hollywood, she has achieved more than most would dream for. Follow the story of one of the most talented and successful women in showbiz. The real Latina diva, Jennifer Lopez.

A Pixar short about a lost-and-found box and the unseen monster within.

Video game bad guy Ralph and fellow misfit Vanellope von Schweetz must risk it all by traveling to the World Wide Web in search of a replacement part to save Vanellope's video game, Sugar Rush. In way over their heads, Ralph and Vanellope rely on the citizens of the internet — the netizens — to help navigate their way, including an entrepreneur named Yesss, who is the head algorithm and the heart and soul of trend-making site BuzzzTube.

Phineas and Ferb become the galaxy's unlikeliest last hope when they must return the Death Star plans to the Rebel Alliance.

Siblings Kate and Teddy try to prove Santa Claus is real, but when they accidentally cause his sleigh to crash, they have to save Christmas.

Max terier se mora spoprijeti z nekaterimi velikimi življenjskimi spremembami, ko se njegov lastnik poroči in ima otroka. Ko se družina odpravi na podeželje, ima nervozni Max številne zalete s pasjimi kravami, sovražnimi lisicami in strašljivo puranjo. Na srečo Maxa kmalu zaide premor, ko sreča Roosterja, krušljivega kmečkega psa, ki poskuša ozdraviti ljubeč poo s svojimi nevrozami.

Gertrude Lawrence rises to stage stardom at the cost of happiness.

Through a series of daring escapades deep within a dark and dangerous criminal underworld, Han Solo meets his mighty future copilot Chewbacca and encounters the notorious gambler Lando Calrissian.

Teenage outsider Adam sets out on an epic and daring quest to uncover the mystery behind his long-lost dad, only to find out that he is none other than the legendary Bigfoot! He has been hiding deep in the forest for years to protect himself and his family from HairCo., a giant corporation eager to run scientific experiments with his special DNA. As father and son start making up for lost time after the boy's initial disbelief, Adam soon discovers that he too is gifted with superpowers beyond his imagination. But little do they know, HairCo. is on their tail as Adam's traces have led them to Bigfoot!

Olaf is on a mission to harness the best holiday traditions for Anna, Elsa, and Kristoff.

Lured by the promise of an Australian holiday, backpackers Rutger, Katarina and Paul visit the notorious Wolf Creek Crater. Their dream Outback adventure soon becomes a horrific reality when they encounter the site's most infamous local, the last man any traveller to the region ever wants to meet—Mick Taylor. As the backpackers flee, Mick pursues them on an epic white knuckled rampage across hostile wasteland.

Lucie is in remission and her illness is almost a distant memory. Her family pushes her to live life to the fullest, and in doing so Lucie meets the charming and arrogant Clovis, who is immediately beguiled by her wit and humor. It is Dalila, however, an eccentric and delightful dance teacher, who inspires Lucie to rebuild her life and to grow into the woman she always wanted to be. For her mother, for her daughter, for Clovis.

Skylar finds out that her parents are monster hunters after she accidentally releases some monsters from a secret containment chamber; so she and her techno friends must recapture all the monsters and also save her mom and dad from these monsters who are out for revenge.

Hundreds of years after humans have settled on Mars, Regulator Rogul and Lord Jens Maul, lead a force of Martians to Earth in order to conquer the planet. Queen Metaphor looks to the gay heroes aboard the spaceship Surprise -- Captain Kork, Mr. Spuck, and first engineer Schrotty -- for help.

After a sudden explosion at Edge of Ocean island in Tokyo, Tōru Amuro, codename Zero, begins to investigate. Meanwhile, private eye Kogorō is arrested as a suspect, so Conan Edogawa conducts his own investigation to prove his innocence, but Amuro stands in his way.

Film sledi zgodbi Sue Ann ali Ma (Octavia Spencer), osamljene ženske, ki se druži s skupino najstnikov in nudi otrokom možnost, da se napijejo v kleti njenega doma. Vendar pa je treba spoštovati nekaj pravil; eden jo pokliče ... "Ampak". Medtem ko Majeva gostoljubnost začne voditi do obsedenosti, se tisto, kar se je začelo, ko sanje nekaterih najstnikov pretvorijo v grozljivo nočno moro, tista, ki jo ponuja Ma, pa sega od najboljšega mesta v mestu do najslabšega mesta na Zemlji.

Two sisters on Mexican vacation are trapped in a shark observation cage at the bottom of the ocean, with oxygen running low and great whites circling nearby, they have less than an hour of air left to figure out how to get to the surface.

One year after the events of "Kickboxer: Vengeance", Kurt Sloan has vowed never to return to Thailand. However, while gearing up for a MMA title shot, he finds himself sedated and forced back into Thailand, this time in prison. He is there because the ones responsible want him to face a 6'8" 400 lbs. beast named Mongkut and in return for the fight, Kurt will get two million dollars and his freedom back. Kurt at first refuses, in which a bounty is placed on his head as a way to force him to face Mongkut. Kurt soon learns he will have no other choice and will undergo his most rigorous training yet under some unexpected mentors in order to face Mongkut in hopes to regain his freedom.

Meg Murry je tipična srednješolka, ki se ukvarja s problemi samozavesti in se želi vklopiti v družbo. Zadeve se zakomplicirajo s skrivnostnim izginotjem njenega očeta, zaradi česar je Meg pretresena in njena mama čustveno zlomljena. Charles Wallace Meg in njenemu sošolcu Calvinu predstavi tri nebesna bitja, ki so se odpravila na zemljo, da bi pomagale pri iskanju očeta in tako se skupaj z mladostniki odločno podajo na reševalno misijo.

Leta 2020 Elias van Dorne, direktor največjega robotskega podjetja na svetu, predstavi svoj najpomembnejši izum – Kronos, superračunalnik, ki naj bi končal vse vojne. Ko Kronos oceni, da največjo grožnjo svetovnemu miru predstavlja človeštvo samo, sproži robotski napad, da bi človeško vrsto izbrisal z obličja Zemlje. Skoraj sto let kasneje je med živimi le peščica ljudi, ki so na begu pred roboti. Dva najstnika, Andrew in Calia, skleneta nepričakovano zavezništvo, da bi našla še zadnjo človeško naselbino, kjer naj bi ljudje živeli brez strahu pred roboti. Jima bo uspelo najti ta skriti kotiček sveta?