曾获得绘画大奖的青年木股英雄(忍成修吾 饰),却在某天失心发狂,杀死了担任他模特的女友富江(酒井美纪 饰)。木股的朋友秀日和青山巧(妻夫木聪 饰)目睹这一切,并帮忙搬运掩埋尸体。三人相约保守这个秘密,却不知道更为恐怖的事情还未到来。三人在酒吧散心期间,原本应该死去的富江竟离奇地出现在包间内,木股不堪承受巨大的精神压力,旋即于洗手间内自杀。秀日尝试找到富江的尸体,结果却因此变得愈加疯狂。与此同时,富江又频繁周旋青山身边。这个神秘恐怖的女孩将三个男生相继逼向崩溃的边缘……

A boy and a girl coming from different worlds fall in love. When summer is over, they will face the shackles of their normal routine and discover what binds them and what breaks them apart.

Superman comes to the rescue when a volcano erupts.

A new member has joined Eli and the Shane Gang! Junjie, once the protector of the Eastern Caverns, is a master of the slugslinging art of Slug Fu! But even with the power of five slingers, the Shane Gang find themselves in over their heads as they race across The 99 Caverns in search of the Legendary Elemental Slugs. The five Elementals are ancient slugs of great power, and the forbearers of all slugs found in SlugTerra today. In the wrong hands, they could bring Slugterra to the brink of destruction. So when an evil alliance starts hunting down the Elementals, Eli and his friends — old and new — take off in pursuit of the greatest threat their world has ever faced!


在一个寒冷的平安夜,自私又吝啬的埃比尼泽·斯克鲁奇有一个晚上的时间来面对过去、改变未来 — 但时间所剩不多了。

A multi-part documentary about the making of the Jurassic Park trilogy. Each part walks through the making of part of one of the films, including the hurricane during the shooting of the first film, and how advances in CGI for Jurassic Park helped change the world of special effects forever. All interviews for these retrospective documentaries come with comments from Spielberg, Johnston, Neill, Dern, Goldblum, the effects crews, the child actors, and Peter Stormare. This documentary is broken into six parts: Dawn of a New Era (25 min), Making Prehistory (20 min), The Next Step in Evolution (15 min), Finding the Lost World (28 min), Something Survived (16 min), and The Third Adventure (25 min).


克里希纳(Krishna)的梵文原意是“黑天”,印度教崇拜的大神之一。他是天神毗湿奴(Vishnu)的第八个化身。他从小就以牧童的形象出现,善于助人,喜欢吹笛子,并技艺高超,平时用羽毛来装饰自己的头,而且经常和牧牛女嬉戏跳舞。他象征着爱与神圣的喜悦,全身皮肤均为蓝色,好莱坞科幻大片《阿凡达》中的人物形象就是以“黑天大神”克里希纳的原型塑造的。电影讲述了一个孩子经黑天宿主,在人间除恶助善的故事,该片是一部真人版3D动画儿童片。玖熹·查瓦拉近年来已经鲜有作品问世了,不是给这部片配配音,就是帮那部片串串场。这次玖熹·查瓦拉又选择参演了这么一部儿童片,不过她在片中的戏份还是比较吃重的。《我乃黑小天》的第一制片人Nandan Mohato,是玖熹·查瓦拉与赫里尼克·罗斯汉的私人助理,而第二制片人Pomilla Hunter是卡特莉娜·卡芙的御用发型师。显而易见,这三位大牌都是本着友情关系特别出演此片。



The Tooth Fairy is back. 15 years after the events of the first movie, Corey, now grown up but mentally scarred has gone to a class reunion. However, the Tooth Fairy is back, and this time - You better have flossed properly.

Emilia arrives at her Aunt Inés' hostel located on the Argentina-Brazil border, looking for her missing brother. In this lush jungle a dangerous beast which takes the form of different animals seems to be roaming around.


Like the original film, the sequel is set in a near future where all drinking and drugs are banned except for on one glorious day known as The Binge. This year, that day happens to miraculously land on Christmas.

A girl called Hannah goes back to her hometown (Gatlin) to find her mother but on the way she picks up a strange man who fore-shadows her life with a passage from the bible. When she gets there she wakes up Isaac from a coma he has been in for 19 years. Isaac is awake and wants to fulfil the final prophecy.