Po uničujočih dogodkih Avengers: Infinity War je vesolje v razvalinah zaradi naporov Mad Titana, Thanosa. S pomočjo preostalih zaveznikov se morajo Maščevalci zbrati še enkrat, da razveljavijo Thanosova dejanja in vzpostavijo red v vesolju, ne glede na posledice.

Tonyja Lipa, redarja iz italijanske četrti v Bronxu, kot voznika za koncertno turnejo najame dr. Don Shirley, temnopolti pianist svetovnega slovesa. Zanašati se morata na "zeleno knjigo", ki je nekakšen vodič po takratnih varnih območjih za Afroameričane globoko na ameriškem jugu. Soočena z rasizmom in nevarnostjo ter hkrati z nepričakovano človečnostjo in humorjem sta prisiljena razlike postaviti na stran, da bi lahko preživela in uživala na življenjskem popotovanju. Resnična zgodba o pravem prijateljstvu, ki je presegalo rasno nestrpnost in družbeno razslojenost zgodnjih šestdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja, je leta 2019 prejela tri oskarje: za najboljši film, najboljši izvirni scenarij in najboljšega igralca v stranski vlogi.

Young man has his dreams come true when the sexy new maid seduces him. But she also has a secret that leads to trouble.

Purehearted teen Lazzaro is content living as a sharecropper in rural Italy, but an unlikely friendship with the marquise’s son will change his world.

The opening of the new tunnel, which took ten years to build, coincided with a series of serious cataclysms. The lives of 160,000 people depend on the actions of two people, a father and a son.

17-year-old Jana has a congenital heart defect. To defy fate, Jana seeks every challenge, plunges into every wild and dangerous adventure. Her parents does not like that and are even more in constant fear of their daughter.

A young Finnish woman escapes an enigmatic love affair in Moscow by boarding a train to the arctic port of Murmansk. Forced to share the long ride and a tiny sleeping car with a larger than life Russian miner, the unexpected encounter leads the occupants of Compartment No. 6 to face major truths about human connection.

The teenage girls of Vestalis Academy are meticulously trained in the art of being “clean girls,” practicing the virtues of perfect femininity. But what exactly are they being trained for? Vivien intends to find out.

Po Charrasovi smrti in potem ko je opral svoje ime (Izgubljeni metek 2020), sta Lino in Julia ustanovila novo enoto za narkotike in prevzela vodenje. Odločen, da bo našel morilce svojega brata in mentorja, Lino nadaljuje z lovom in ne dovoli, da bi mu kdo stal na poti.

Detective Chief Inspector Sörensen is anxious. More precisely, he suffers from a chronic anxiety disorder that makes life difficult for him. That is why he is moving from Hamburg to the Frisian village of Katenbüll, where he hopes for a more peaceful working life. But that is not how the cookie crumbles. The place is grey and bleak, it rains continuously, and the locals are not very enthusiastic in welcoming him. He also finds his new colleagues, Jenni Holstenbeck and Malte Schuster, somewhat suspect. And then things go from bad to worse. Mayor Hinrichs is found dead in his stables. Sörensen quickly realises that there is a lot of bad blood hidden behind the small town's tranquil facade and some well-founded reasons for anxiety...

Zgodba se nadaljuje 300 let po dogodkih iz filma 47 Roninov (2013), ko se v sodobnem svetu med tajnimi samurajskimi klani pojavi nov razred bojevnikov, ki želijo preprečiti, da bi iskani meč padel v napačne roke.

A father survives a plane crash in rural Appalachia, but becomes suspicious of the elderly couple who take him in to nurse him back to health with the ancient remedies.

Bea is a successful architect who lives in Barcelona (Catalonia, northeast to Spain) with her boyfriend and boss, Víctor, a CEO of an important company. During a night celebration of an important contract signed to make a skyscraper designed by Bea, in the bar appears the famous TV reporter and anchorwoman Rebecca Ramos, Victor's personal erotic fantasy. Not measuring the consequences of her actions due to the alcohol she drank, Bea makes a meeting between Víctor and Rebecca. When to the next day she wakes up, Víctor proposes to wed Bea and she accepts, but after she arrives to the job, Bea learns about a videotape where Víctor and Rebecca make the love in a car that it's in all TV channels. In front of all CEOs during a full meeting, Bea slaps Víctor and destroys her design, being fired from the job. Looking for a break, she travels her natal coastal town, Santa Clara, just to discover that her rest isn't so easy as it seems: her eccentric, free-spirited and eternal smiling mother ...

New York sportswriter Mack has spent years devising successful hook-up "plays" with her friends, but when she unexpectedly falls for one of her targets, she must learn what it takes to go from simply scoring to playing for keeps.

Osamljeni neznanec mora izslediti in ubiti neusmiljenega morilca, da bi s tem poravnal svoje dolgove. Toda edini informaciji, ki ju je dobil sta bila čas in lokacija o tem, kje bo našel svojo tarčo. Brez imena, brez opisa, nič drugega. Ko pride na navedeni kraj, se tam nahaja več možnih tarč, vključno z okrožnim šerifom. Tvegajoč svoje življenje, se odpravi na lov, da bi našel morilca in dokončal svojo nalogo. Toda srečanje z domačinko grozi, da bo pokvarilo njegovo misijo ...

Laura, traumatized by an abusive relationship, runs away from her former husband with her seven-year-old son Cody. But in their new, idyllic and remote sanctuary, they find they have another, bigger and more terrifying monster to deal with…

After a pawn shop robbery goes askew, two criminals take refuge at a remote farmhouse to try to let the heat die down, but find something much more menacing.

Lizzy is a tough, resourceful frontierswoman settling a remote stretch of land on the 19th-century American frontier. Isolated from civilization in a desolate wilderness where the wind never stops howling, she begins to sense a sinister presence that seems to be borne of the land itself, and when a newlywed couple arrive at a nearby homestead, their presence amplifies Lizzy's fears, setting into motion a shocking chain of events.

A deep cover operative awakens to find himself imprisoned on a submarine. With the help of a fellow prisoner and an amateur agent, he must race against the clock to escape the vessel and expose who set him up.

On the night of November 13th, 1974, Ronald DeFeo Jr. took a high powered rifle and murdered his entire family as they slept. At his trial, DeFeo claimed that 'voices' in the house commanded him to kill. This is their story.