A core group of architects embraced the West Coast from Vancouver to LA with its particular geography and values and left behind a legacy of inspired dwellings. Today, architects celebrate the influence established by their predecessors.

Virunga in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is Africa’s oldest national park, a UNESCO world heritage site, and a contested ground among insurgencies seeking to topple the government that see untold profits in the land. Among this ongoing power struggle, Virunga also happens to be the last natural habitat for the critically endangered mountain gorilla. The only thing standing in the way of the forces closing in around the gorillas: a handful of passionate park rangers and journalists fighting to secure the park’s borders and expose the corruption of its enemies. Filled with shocking footage, and anchored by the surprisingly deep and gentle characters of the gorillas themselves, Virunga is a galvanizing call to action around an ongoing political and environmental crisis in the Congo.

Med odpravo s človeško posadko na Mars astronavta Watneyja po hudem viharju, ki je zahteval takojšnjo evakuacijo, kolegi pustijo za seboj, prepričani, da je mrtev. Toda Whatney je preživel in se zapuščen in sam znajde na sovražnem planetu. Poškodovan je, a če hoče ostati živ, mora takoj ukrepati. Ob pičlih zalogah se mora zanesti na lastno iznajdljivost in razsodnost duha, da preživi in se domisli, kako tiste na Zemlji opozoriti, da je še živ.

Napeta zgodba, ki je bila nominirana za dva oskarja, je nastala po resnični spodleteli misiji ameriških enot v Afganistanu. Skupina štirih elitnih ameriških vojakov dobi nalogo iskanja in prijetja talibanskega voditelja, toda kot se izkaže, je tarča obdana s številnimi čuvaji. Ker vojaki ne morejo vzpostaviti zveze s poveljstvom, se odločijo vrniti, toda usodna odločitev jim na glavo nakoplje bes trume sovražnikov. Da bi ušli zasledovalcem, morajo vojaki uporabiti vse svoje znanje bojevanja in preživetja v smrtonosnem objemu nasprotnikov.

Po nenadni smrti svoje ljubljene žene dobi John Wick (Keanu Reeves) od nje zadnje darilo – psičko Daisy s sporočilom, v katerem ga prosi, naj ne pozabi ljubiti. Johnovo žalovanje pa se prekine, ko njegov mustang letnik 1969 pritegne pozornost sadističnega kriminalca Iosefa Tarasova (Alfie Allen). Ko mu John noče prodati avta, se Iosef s svojimi pajdaši spravi nanj, mu vlomi v hišo, ukrade avto, pretepe Johna in ubije Daisy. Ne zavedajo se, da so s tem prebudili enega najkrutejših plačancev vseh časov v svetu zločina. Johnovo iskanje ukradenega avtomobila ga pripelje v dele New Yorka, ki jih turisti ne bodo videli – v podzemni svet zločina, ki mu je John nekoč vladal. John kmalu izve, da išče sina krutega ruskega mafijskega šefa Vigga Tarasova (Michael Nyqvist), svojega nekdanjega naročnika, ki razpiše nagrado na njegovo glavo, da bi rešil sina.

U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle takes his sole mission—protect his comrades—to heart and becomes one of the most lethal snipers in American history. His pinpoint accuracy not only saves countless lives but also makes him a prime target of insurgents. Despite grave danger and his struggle to be a good husband and father to his family back in the States, Kyle serves four tours of duty in Iraq. However, when he finally returns home, he finds that he cannot leave the war behind.

Major League Baseball has been transformed by the influx of Cuban players such as Aroldis Chapman, Yasiel Puig and Jose Abreu. But a special debt of gratitude is owed to two half-brothers, whose courage two decades ago paved the way for their stardom. "Brothers in Exile" tells the incredible story of Livan and Orlando "El Duque" Hernandez, who risked their lives to get off the island.

When Tony Stark tries to jumpstart a dormant peacekeeping program, things go awry and Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are put to the ultimate test as the fate of the planet hangs in the balance. As the villainous Ultron emerges, it is up to The Avengers to stop him from enacting his terrible plans, and soon uneasy alliances and unexpected action pave the way for an epic and unique global adventure.

A clinically depressed teenager gets a new start after he checks himself into an adult psychiatric ward.

A young apprentice (Aisling Franciosi) struggles to master nanotechnology on an alien world and prove herself to her enigmatic master (Aidan Gillen). Will her herculean goals remain tantalizingly out of reach, or will she fulfill them and in the process, change life as we know it? Tomek Bagiński’s short film Ambition is a collaborative project between the European Space Agency and Platige Image highlighting Rosetta, ESA’s real mission to rendezvous with, escort and land on a comet.

Twenty-two years after the events of Jurassic Park, Isla Nublar now features a fully functioning dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World, as originally envisioned by John Hammond.

After the Cuban Revolution, Che is at the height of his fame and power. Then he disappears, re-emerging incognito in Bolivia, where he organizes a small group of Cuban comrades and Bolivian recruits to start the great Latin American Revolution. Through this story, we come to understand how Che remains a symbol of idealism and heroism that lives in the hearts of people around the world.

In the early 1990s, a Japanese samurai detective series was aired in Australia and became a cult success. Titled in Japan Ronin Suiri Tentai (meaning roughly Deductive Reasoning Ronin), it was soon known in the West as Top Knot Detective. The original series was legendary in Japan, a cultural train wreck led by Takashi Tawagoto, a crazy writer, producer, director and lead actor; one who could not act, fight or write at all.

Armed only with their cameras, Peabody and Emmy Award-winning conflict Journalist Mike Boettcher, and his son, Carlos, provide unprecedented access into the longest war in U.S. history.

Režiser kultnih akcijskih mojstrovin Nikita, Leon in Peti element predstavlja nenavadno usodo mladenke Lucy, ki po spletu nesrečnih okoliščin pristane v rokah azijske mafije. Ker jo želijo uporabiti kot mulo za prenos mamil, ji v trebuh všijejo paket neznane substance, ki pa med potjo prodre v Lucyjin krvni obtok. Nenavadna reakcija povzroči, da se Lucyjina možganska sposobnost neizmerno poveča, kar dekle spremeni v izjemo inteligentno in nevarno junakinjo z nadčloveškimi sposobnostmi, ki se želi brez milosti maščevati kriminalcem.

Usoda sveta je v novem filmu o priljubljeni superjunakinji spet negotova in reši ga lahko le Čudežna ženska. V novi zgodbi Diana Prince tiho živi med običajnimi smrtniki v živahnih, zabavnih osemdesetih; zgodovinskem obdobju skrajnosti in presežkov, kjer si moral imeti vse. Čeprav je obvladala vse svoje sposobnosti in supermoči, se ne izpostavlja javnosti, temveč dela kot muzejska kuratorka starodavnih najdb in njena junaška dejanja ostajajo anonimna. Vendar bo morala kmalu zbrati vse svoje moči, modrost in pogum, ko se znajde nasproti Maxwellu Lordu in sovražnici Cheetah, ki jo prav tako odlikujeta nadčloveška moč in neverjetna spretnost.

The film revolves around a local street-racer who partners with a rich and arrogant business associate, only to find himself framed by his colleague and sent to prison. After he gets out, he joins a New York-to-Los Angeles race to get revenge. But when the ex-partner learns of the scheme, he puts a massive bounty on the racer's head, forcing him to run a cross-country gauntlet of illegal racers in all manner of supercharged vehicles.

Nezemljani vzamejo posnetke videoiger kot vojno napoved in napadejo Zemljo z liki iz teh istih iger. Ameriški predsednik mora poklicati stare prijatelje in strokovnjake za videoigre, da bi rešili svet, preden ga uničijo vesoljski piksli.

One fine day, at about 10 am, in a suburban house, three men, in their thirties are waiting for a fourth buddy. When he arrives, they plan to hold up the local bank where Séverine, their accomplice, is waiting for them. This could well be the beginning of a thrilling crime story, but these tough men, sporting tattoos, are not what they appear. "On fait comme on dit" is a comedy, and these guys could be descendants of the Keystone Cops. They are dreamers not gangsters. So much is riding on this bank heist, the pressure is intense. This tension creates the most diverse and unexpected obstacles for them...

A soldier is stuck in a combat zone after stepping on a mine.