Following the assassination of President Marc Jarry, a member of the investigation committee refuses to sign off on the committee's final findings.

An ex-mercenary turned smuggler. A Mende fisherman. Amid the explosive civil war overtaking 1999 Sierra Leone, these men join for two desperate missions: recovering a rare pink diamond of immense value and rescuing the fisherman's son, conscripted as a child soldier into the brutal rebel forces ripping a swath of torture and bloodshed countrywide.

"Reiz Holivudā" – režisora Kventina Tarantino 9. filma, veltījums Holivudas zelta laikmeta izskaņai. Filmas darbība norisinās Losandželosā 1969. gadā, hipiju ēras ziedu laikos. Bijusī televīzijas vesternu zvaigzne Riks Daltons un viņa ilggadējais triku dublieris Klifs Būts cenšas izsisties strauji mainīgajā Holivudas kino industrijā

French military man Adrien Dufourquet gets an eight-day furlough to visit his fiancée, Agnès. But when he arrives in Paris, he learns that her late father's partner, museum curator Professor Catalan, has just been kidnapped by a group of Amazon tribesmen who have also stolen a priceless statue from the museum. Adrien and Agnès pursue the kidnappers to Brazil, where they learn that the statue is the key to a hidden Amazon treasure.

Don Sallust is the minister of the King of Spain. Being disingenuous, hypocritical, greedy and collecting the taxes for himself, he is hated by the people he oppresses. Accused by The Queen, a beautiful princess Bavarian, of having an illegitimate child to one of her maids of honor, he was stripped of his duties and ordered to retire to a monastery.

Famed swordsman and poet Cyrano de Bergerac is in love with his cousin Roxane. He has never expressed his love for her as he his large nose undermines his self-confidence. Then he finds a way to express his love to her, indirectly.

Determined to hold on to the throne, Cleopatra seduces the Roman emperor Julius Caesar. When Caesar is murdered, she redirects her attentions to his general, Marc Antony, who vows to take power—but Caesar’s successor has other plans.

On an otherwise normal day, Étienne, a happily married man and a good father, sees something that stops him dead in his tracks: a gorgeous woman in a billowing red dress. Long after she has left his vision, her memory continues to haunt his mind. He falls instantly in love with her and tries everything to get to know her better. Helping Étienne snare his elusive lady in red are his three bumbling buddies, which all have secret affairs and/or cheat on their wives.

Iepazīstieties - lūk, Zibens Makvīns, slavenais sacīkšu vāģis! Makvīna dzīvei ir tikai viens mērķis - uzvarēt. Viņš uzskata, ka visu spēj paveikt viens pats un arī slava un atzinība pienākas tikai un vienīgi viņam. Taču viss mainās, kad Zibens Makvīns nejauši nokļūst Radiatormiestā - nomaļā pilsētiņā, kur, liekas, nenotiek nekas ievērības cienīgs. Tieši tur, viņš sastop īstus draugus un saprot, ka dzīvē ir kaut kas vairāk par sacīkšu trasi. Filmas autori ir slavenā datoranimācijas studija Pixar, kuras paspārnē tapušas filmas "Lieliskie", "Meklējot Nemo", "Rotaļlietu stāsts" u.c.

Because of his wavering health, Monsieur Henri can no longer live alone in his Paris appartment. Particularly grumpy, he ends up nonetheless accepting his son Paul's suggestion that he let one of his rooms out to a young female student. Far from falling for her charms, Henri uses her to orchestrate utter family chaos...

Paris, 1482. Today is the festival of the fools, taking place like each year in the square outside Cathedral Notre Dame. Among jugglers and other entertainers, Esmeralda, a sensuous gypsy, performs a bewitching dance in front of delighted spectators. From up in a tower of the cathedral, Frollo, an alchemist, gazes at her lustfully. Later in the night, Frollo orders Quasimodo, the deformed bell ringer and his faithful servant, to kidnap Esmeralda. But when the ugly freak comes close to her is touched by the young woman's beauty...

France, present day. A professional conman passes himself off as the boss of a construction site building a highway extension. He cons the whole region, hires dozens of workers and cynically enjoys the profits of his scam until he meets the lady mayor of a small village that the road will go through. She intrigues and unsettles him, before revealing to him a world he never knew: feelings. How far will he go now to save his victims and save himself from his own lies?

Hoping to alter the events of the past, a 19th century inventor instead travels 800,000 years into the future, where he finds mankind divided into two warring races.

In the year 10,191, the most precious substance in the universe is the spice Melange. The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness. The spice is vital to space travel. The spice exists on only one planet in the entire universe, the vast desert planet Arrakis, also known as Dune. Its native inhabitants, the Fremen, have long held a prophecy that a man would come, a messiah who would lead them to true freedom.

The whole intrigue is centered around carte-blanche documents kept in a vault. Whoever fills in the blank becomes the owner of a revue. Big money is involved. The nephew of the owner of the vault is trying to cheat his uncle and have his name in the documents. Everything is even more complicated because the manager of the bank has a finger in the pie, too. Who but a humble bank-teller (Pierre Richard) will ruin the scheme?

1960. The thrilling battles waged by a band of kids from two rival villages in the southern French countryside.

Džīna Greja iegūst neticamas superspējas, kuras neatgriezeniski izmaiņa viņu un pārvērš Tumšajā Fēniksā. Viņas spēks ir tik liels un nekontrolējams, ka X-cilvēki nonāk grūtas izvēles priekšā - vai viena komandas biedra dzīvība ir svarīgāka par cilvēku dzīvībām visā pasaulē.

Zinātniece daktere Helēna Bensone aci pret aci satiek citplanētieti sauktu par Klātu, kas ceļo pa visumu, ar mērķi brīdināt visus par gaidāmo pasaules krīzi. Kad nezināmi spēki apdraud ārpus zemes viesi, saņemot to gūstā kā ienaidnieku un noraidot viņa lūgumu vērsties pie pasaules līderiem, lai risinātu globālās krīzes problēmu. Tagad Helēnai nepieciešams pārliecināt Klātu, ka cilvēci ir vērts glābt. Lai gan tas jau var būt par vēlu...

Tom (8) and Benjamin (11) travel to Stockholm to spend the summer with their father, whom they have barely seen since he divorced their mother. Tom, in particular, knows next to nothing about this strange, solitary man who seems never to sleep. When he suggests they spend a few days at his cabin in the country, the boys are delighted. But the cabin is totally isolated in the middle of a huge forest, a place both beautiful and troubling.

High school student Paula Carson's affections are being sought after by two of her classmates: Dwight, the "bad boy", and Brian, a disturbed young man who has just been released from a mental hospital where he was committed following the suspicious death of his father. Soon after being released, more murders start happening. Is Brian back to his old tricks, or is Dwight just trying to eliminate the competition?