Pirmo reizi uz lielajiem ekrāniem filma par ikonisko Gotemas ļaundari - Džokeru. Arturs Fleks ir vīrs, kurš cenšas atrast savu vietu pilsētas sašķeltajā sabiedrībā. Dienā strādājot par klaunu gadījuma darbos, bet vakaros cenšoties kļūt par atzītu stand-up komiķi, viņš nonāk pie atziņas, ka izjokots tiek viņš pats. Ierauts vienladzības un nežēlības cilkliskajā esamībā, Arturs pieņem vienu sliktu lēmumu, kas uzsāk ķēdes reakciju viņa transformācijā par Džokeru.

In 1980s Italy, a relationship begins between seventeen-year-old teenage Elio and the older adult man hired as his father's research assistant.

Stāsts par leģendāro britu rokgrupu Queen un viņu līderi Frediju Merkūriju. Dibināta un savos pirmsākumos pastāvējusi tāpat kā daudzas citas muzikālās apvienības, grupa Queen drīz kļūst par īstām rokenrola ikonām, bet viņu dziesmās ieklausās miljoniem fanu visā pasaulē. Filmas darbība aptver 15 gadu periodu – no grupas dibināšanas līdz triumfālajam koncertam festivālā Life Aid.

The gang's vacation to Paris takes a wrong turn when Scooby and Shaggy miss their flight and end up on a skydiving expedition in the Himalayas. To make matters worse, upon arrival they must outrun the Abominable Snowmonster.

Pirms viņa kļuva par Brīnumsievieti, viņa bija Diāna, Amazoņu princese, kura bija audzināta un trenēta, lai kļūtu par neuzvaramu kareivi. Augusi noslēgtā paradīzes salā, viņa līdz šim nevienu cilvēku no ārpasaules nav satikusi. Viss mainās brīdī, kad jūras malā tiek izskalots amerikāņu pilots, kurš viņai izstāsta par milzīgu karu starp neskaitāmām valstīm, kurš var sagraut visu pasauli.

Pagājis pusgads kopš filmā "Meklējot Nemo" atainotajiem notikumiem. Nemo draudzene Dorija, kurai ir regulāri atmiņas traucējumi, negaidīti atceras savu bērnību un to, ka kādreiz ir bijusi šķirta no vecākiem. Nolēmusi atrast savu ģimeni, Dorija dodas piedzīvojumiem bagātā ceļojumā uz Jūras floras un faunas institūtu, kura laikā iepazīst jaunus draugus - astoņkāji Henku, vali Beiliju un vaļhaizivi Cerību.

Afraid her husband will fall back with his ex girlfriend after they're assigned to work together, Adriana and her sister set sail to the U.S. to go after him to stop this from happening.

Routinely exploited by her wicked stepmother, the downtrodden Samantha Montgomery is excited about the prospect of meeting her Internet beau at the school's Halloween dance.

Sena rase, kuru vada atriebes kārais Malekits, ir iecerējusi Visuma deviņās valstībās sēt mūžīgu tumsu. Bojāeja draud arī planētai Zeme. Ļaunumam, ko nespēj uzveikt pat Odins un Asgārdas karaspēks, pretī stājas varenais atriebējs Tors.

Minions Stuart, Kevin and Bob are recruited by Scarlet Overkill, a super-villain who, alongside her inventor husband Herb, hatches a plot to take over the world.

A modern-day take on the "Beauty and the Beast" tale where a New York teen is transformed into a hideous monster in order to find true love.

A lowly pencil pusher working for MI7, Johnny English is suddenly promoted to super spy after Agent One is assassinated and every other agent is blown up at his funeral. When a billionaire entrepreneur sponsors the exhibition of the Crown Jewels—and the valuable gems disappear on the opening night and on English's watch—the newly-designated agent must jump into action to find the thief and recover the missing gems.

Sofia goes to her cousin Matheus's house to take care of his two children, Júlia and Lucas, while he goes to a party. She finds a magical book, which transports them to the Magic Forest, where they meet fairytale characters such as Pinocchio and Little Red Riding Hood. But their presence starts interfering with the original stories, and so Matheus tries to bring them back to the real world.

The sequel to The Visitors reunites us with those lovable ruffians from the French Medieval ages who - through magic - are transported into the present, with often drastic consequences. Godefroy de Montmirail travels to today to recover the missing family jewels and a sacred relic, guarantor of his wife-to-be's fertility. The confrontation between Godefroy's repellent servant Jack the Crack and his descendent, the effete Jacquart, present-day owner of the chateau, further complicates the matter.

The continuing adventures of the barbers at Calvin's Barbershop. Gina, a stylist at the beauty shop next door, is now trying to cut in on his business. Calvin is again struggling to keep his father's shop and traditions alive--this time against urban developers looking to replace mom & pop establishments with name-brand chains. The world changes, but some things never go out of style--from current events and politics to relationships and love, you can still say anything you want at the barbershop.

During the Civil War, at a Southern girls’ boarding school, young women take in an injured enemy soldier. As they provide refuge and tend to his wounds, the house is taken over with sexual tension and dangerous rivalries, and taboos are broken in an unexpected turn of events.

A renegade Vulcan with a startling secret hijacks the U.S.S. Enterprise in order to find a mythical planet.

Kad skolas gads ir beidzies, Nikolā ģimenē sākas strīdi par to, kur pavadīt brīvdienas. Uzvar tēta ierosinājums doties atpūsties pie jūras. Māmiņa to gatava pieņemt, ja vien līdzi brauc ome. Tā brīvdienas pārvēršas par piedzīvojumu visiem ģimenes locekļiem.

Kira, a botanist who is also the daughter of elves, must fight the evil wicked witch Algaz. In her quest, Kira will be helped by Epifania, agood witch, elf Daphnis and even Queen Dara, the fairy mother.