Italy, 1916. Oreste Jacovacci and Giovanni Busacca are called, as all the Italian youths, to serve the army in the WWI. They both try in every way to avoid serving the army.

القمع هو القاعدة السائدة في هذا الفيلم التي تشوش الحكم اليوناني في الستينيات. قتل "زد" ، وهو حاشد جماهيري يساري ، فيما يبدو أنه حادث مروري. ولكن بالنظر إلى المناخ السياسي ، فإن وفاة مثل هذا الناشط البارز تثير أسئلة مقلقة. رغم أن الأوان قد فات لإنقاذ حياة Z ، إلا أن فحص تشريح الجثة يشير إلى أن الحزب الحاكم كان وراء وفاته. مع تسريب الحقائق ، يدفع أولئك الذين يقولون الحقيقة ثمن صدقهم.

During World War II, a man falls for a woman in Naples, leading to a two-decade affair. When she learns he plans to marry someone else, she schemes to make him marry her, having secretly borne his children.

يدور العمل حول المدرس (بول هونهام) حاد الطباع والذي يكرهه كل طلابه وزملائه، وفي عطلة رأس السنة يتقاطع طريقه مع الطالب المشاغب (أجنوس)، وسرعان ما تتطور الأمور بينهما إلى صداقة غير متوقعة.

It's a dreary Christmas 1944 for the American POWs in Stalag 17 and the men in Barracks 4, all sergeants, have to deal with a grave problem—there seems to be a security leak.

The story of an impossible love between a woman named Fred and a transgender woman named Laurence who reveals her inner desire to become her true self.

A self-assured businessman murders his employer, the husband of his mistress, which unintentionally provokes an ill-fated chain of events.

A gay couple from Hong Kong takes a trip to Argentina in search of a new beginning but instead begins drifting even further apart.

Released after being wrongfully convicted and imprisoned for 13 years, a woman begins executing her elaborate plan of retribution.

A middle-aged man meets a young woman who is waiting on a canal bridge for her lover's return.

Marty, a butcher who lives in the Bronx with his mother is unmarried at 34. Good-natured but socially awkward he faces constant badgering from family and friends to get married but has reluctantly resigned himself to bachelorhood. Marty meets Clara, an unattractive school teacher, realising their emotional connection, he promises to call but family and friends try to convince him not to.

Middle-aged suburban husband Richard abruptly tells his wife, Maria, that he wants a divorce. As Richard takes up with a younger woman, Maria enjoys a night on the town with her friends and meets a younger man. As the couple and those around them confront a seemingly futile search for what they've lost -- love, excitement, passion -- this classic American independent film explores themes of aging and alienation.

A professional cellist has an encounter with a stranger on the subway which has unexpected and far-reaching ramifications on his life.

Having recently found God, self-effacing young nurse Maud arrives at a plush home to care for Amanda, a hedonistic dancer left frail from a chronic illness. When a chance encounter with a former colleague throws up hints of a dark past, it becomes clear there is more to sweet Maud than meets the eye.

In a dysfunctional family where the mother is a heroin addict and prostitute, beaten by her son, and the father is an ex-TV reporter, sleeping with his daughter and filming his son being beaten up, ‘Q’, a complete stranger enters the bizarre family, changing their lives for the better, finding a balance in their disturbing natures.

Faced with sudden doubts about her marriage, a young New York mother teams up with her larger-than-life playboy father to tail her husband.

Alain and Marie moved to the suburb house of their dreams. But the real estate agent warned them: what is in the basement may well change their lives forever.

A young terrorist kills and injures patrons of a Norfolk amusement park by placing homemade explosives on the track of one of its roller coasters. After staging a similar incident in Pittsburgh, he sends a tape to a meeting of major amusement park executives in Chicago, demanding $1 million to make him stop.

After leaving their company Christmas Party together, David Hargrove and Emily Brandt’s impromptu first date takes an unexpected turn when their coworker, Corey, asks them to make a late-night stop at an ATM. What should be a routine transaction turns into a desperate struggle for survival when an unknown man appears outside the vestibule. With the wintry temperatures dipping below freezing, and the morning sunrise still hours away, they have no choice but to play the man’s deadly game of cat-and-mouse.

Inspired by the fictional Dr. Heiter, disturbed loner Martin dreams of creating a 12-person centipede and sets out to realize his sick fantasy.