The evil is set to damper another Christmas season for the children's home. Can the Scooby gang warm his heart?

A VH1 television special wherein the cast discuss the making of the films and what made the franchise a phenomenon.

Ana and Helen, two divorced women, were close friends as teenagers. Today, amidst the corona virus pandemic and in quarantine, they get in touch after 20 years via internet. Through video conference calls, memories, sensations and emotions reflourishes.

During a chicken picnic, Yellow Guy gets upset after Green Bird kills a butterfly. Yellow Guy then meets a butterfly that takes him on a journey to discover his concept of love.

Deux ex-prisonniers sont forcés de faire équipe alors qu'ils sont pris pour des agents secrets.

Derrick is one of the leading directors/creative forces in the Superhero genre today. When his wife (posthumously) publishes a tell-all book about his years of misconduct toward her, he loses everything. Now, years later, he tries to find redemption in the eyes of his 21-year-old son.

Twice Debut Showcase "Touchdown In Japan" is Twice's first debut showcase concert in Japan. It took place in Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium in Japan and 2 shows had took place in 1 day.

How can we visualize Body Ownership? We connected Body Ownership with an I-perspective, looking for images that uncover the multiplicity of the ‘I’ First person plural. Strapping two body cameras (GoPros) to our chests, we move in direct body contact. Our premise is that both I-perspectives of the cameras are at interplay with each other, showing that gaze is never produced by a singular entity. Instead, it is the result of bodies touching and reacting constantly to each other. The body cameras are joined by an external camera – a third-person perspective. While it may hold a position of power as the one who frames the image from the outside, it desires to dive into the collective I-perspective. BE-LONGING. At one point the gazes of the I-perspectives and the outside camera meet – they look at each other looking. Gazes conjoined with bodies. Body is spatiosocially bound, is situated.

The Bumstead family is off to see relatives in the country when Blondie runs into Charlie and Millie, an eloping couple needing her help.

L'histoire d'un garçon et d'une fille qui essaient de trouver la seule chose qui compte.

Le milliardaire Million Wong est retrouvé assassiné sur son lit. L'agent Sing-Sing (qui se trouve être son sosie), aussi débile qu'efficace, est choisi pour enquêter sur cette affaire de meurtre. Il va donc reprendre son boulot d'espion afin d'infiltrer la famille de Judy (la veuve de Million) en faisant croire qu'il est amnésique et que Million est en vie. Ce sera les débuts des ennuis lorsqu'il faudra ressembler à Million : bavures, malentendus, gaffes tout y passe !

Des années 30 à 50, l’ascension d’un gangster de Boston qui a fort à faire face à un fonctionnaire de police besogneux. Une étrange amitié nait entre les deux hommes, mélange d’admiration et de crainte.

Penniless Baron Tulicò, nicknamed Leopard, abandons his mistress, with whom he's had two sons, and marries a rich woman. The mistress tries to have her rights established with the help of her sons.

Barbara est réalisatrice et travaille dans le milieu carcéral depuis plusieurs années. Elle prépare un film écrit et interprété par des détenus de longue peine dans une maison centrale de la banlieue parisienne. Deux fois par semaine, Barbara se rend à la Centrale où elle réalise avec les détenus, des entretiens qui serviront de base à l’écriture de leur scénario. Mais Barbara rencontre Michel, un détenu du groupe. Leur histoire d’amour la conduit à transgresser la loi.

A group of pot dispensary clerks run into financial trouble but a new strain of marijuana may save the day.

Pro Skier Danger Dave and pal Sven Wolfeshlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff travel to the hill for the fun day of hitting the slopes, and some big jumps!