Fires are raging in the Moscow region, and the forest protection airbase is on a rotation. However, experienced firefighters are in short supply and team leader Andrey Pavlovich has to take on a new recruit, Roman.

As Agnes slowly dies of cancer, her sisters are so deeply immersed in their own psychic pains that they can't offer her the support she needs. Maria is wracked with guilt at her husband's attempted suicide, caused by his discovery of her extramarital affair. The self-loathing, suicidal Karin seems to regard her sister with revulsion. Only Anna, the deeply religious maid who lost her young child, seems able to offer Agnes solace and empathy.

Filippiinit 1945. Kolme vuotta japanilaisten vankileirillä on tehnyt tehtävänsä. Jäljellä on enää 500 amerikkalaisvankia, jotka on pelastettava ennen kuin on liian myöhäistä. Uhkarohkeaan tehtävään tarttuu 6. sissipataljoona everstiluutnantti Henry Muccin johdolla. Syvällä vihollislinjojen takana vaanii monta vaaraa ja vastustajista pahin: aika.

A star cowboy in a traveling rodeo gets thrown off course when he falls in love with the daughter of a tough-minded town councilman.

A gay couple living in San Francisco takes in two strangers traveling from Italy to start a new life in America, discovering each other and forming the most unlikely of relationships along the way.

Fanny and Jean have everything of an ideal couple: fulfilled in their professional life, they live in a magnificent apartment in the beautiful districts of Paris and seem to be in love as on the first day. But when Fanny crosses, by chance, Alain, a former high school friend, she is immediately capsized. They see each other again very quickly and get closer and closer.

When recently widowed, it is difficult to get used to a new life ... This is the case for Hubert Jacquin, who spends most of his time in his huge apartment, depressed, in front of his TV. One day, after a misunderstanding, his life will change. Manuela, a young and bubbly adventurer in search of a dwelling calls his home! At first reluctant, Hubert will quickly get used to the presence of this energy storm, who even manages to convince him to allow two other people to stay. There are many surprises in store for Hubert ...

Kahdeksantoistavuotiaan Lydian on paettava henkensä edestä sen jälkeen kun hänen huumeita salakuljettava poikaystävänsä väittää hänen varastaneen omaisuuksia kartellilta. Lydian ainoa tukija on hänen isänsa John Link, entinen alkoholisti, narkomaani, vanki ja moottoripyöräjengin jäsen. Nyt John päättää vihdoinkin tehdä jotain oikein elämässään ja auttaa tytärtään.

Two years have passed. After missing their separation, the Leroy seem perfectly successful in their divorce. But the appearance of two new lovers in the life of Vincent and Florence will set fire to the powders. The match between the former spouses resumes.

John McLoughlin ja Will Jimeno, kaksi New York Cityn satamaviranomaisen poliisia, jäivät raunioihin 11. syyskuuta 2001 World Trade Centerin kaksoistornien romahdettua. Lähes mahdottomissa olosuhteissa McLoughlin ja Jimeno taistelevat yhdessä henkiinjäämisestä...

Peter Garrett on nuori vuori-kiipeilijä, jonka täytyy valloittaa maailman toiseksi korkein vuori, pelätty K2, pelastaakseen ihmishenkiä. Peter koettelee omien kykyjensä rajoja ja kamppailee uskomattomia luonnonvoimia vastaan pelastaakseen siskonsa Annien ja tämän retkikunnan. Annien ryhmä on ansassa jäisessä haudassa kahdeksan kilometrin korkeudessa - kuolemanvyöhykkeellä, joka murtaa ihmisen ruumiin ja mielen voimat nopeasti. Kilpajuoksussa kuolemaa vastaan jokainen sekunti on tärkeä.

Anon on psykologinen trilleri, joka sijoittuu tulevaisuuden dystopiaan, missä teknologia on syrjäyttänyt yksityisyyden merkityksen. Ihmisten kaikki tekemiset tallennetaan, ja heidän kaikki heidän näkemänsä siirtyy videoina viranomaisten valvomaan arkistoon. Yhteiskunta ei enään kärsi henkirikoksista, koska henkilöillä ei ole minkäänlaista anynomiteettiä. Järjestelmässä huomataan kuitenkin virhe ja poliisietsivä joutuu tutkimaan salamurhaajaa, joka on poistettu kaikista visuaalisista arkistoista.

An aspiring recording artist, Adam, is burned by a bad relationship experience and decides that if women won't respond to the "nice guy" then he'll be "the jerk." This is wildly successful with meaningless relationships, but when Adam meets and falls for Molly, who doesn't fall for his jerk routine, Adam is forced to reconsider his dating philosophy.

Frank left his life as a soldier behind and wants to rebuild his life in Brandenburg. He is on his way to meet his daughter, Lily, after a long time of not seeing her. As he stops at a gas station he meets Andreas, who needs a ride to Berlin. Reluctantly, Frank agrees to take Andreas with him - unaware of the consequences.

A group of American tourists is traveling through Spain when two of them are murdered by a mysterious serial killer who removes an eyeball from every one of his victims. The tour presses on as the murders continue, with the travelers and the police trying to deduce which one of them is the killer.

A mother and her 10-year old daughter are trapped in a forest. There is something in this forest. Something unlike anything they have heard before. Something that lurks in the darkness and it’s coming after them.

A former burlesque dancer turned author discovers a second chance at life and redemption when she risks everything to rescue her young neighbor after he witnesses his parents’ murder. Now on the run from the local crime boss, who happens to be her longtime ex, she makes a desperate attempt to get the boy to safety.

When plans for a weekend vacation hit a dead end, a group of close-knit friends find themselves stranded in unfamiliar territory, pursued by a menacing predator. Holed up in an isolated cabin, tensions mount as long-buried secrets are revealed. As the body count rises, the group must put their differences aside and fight for survival.

Kauheasta tragediasta toipuva Donna valmistautuu viettämään unohtumattoman illan koulun päättäjäistansseissa, mutta juhlissa häntä odottaa painajaisista pahin.

Aalwar is a traditional priest. He is devoted to his mother and sister. But the villainous elements Lal, Vincent Asokan, kill the sister and mother. Aalwar, with revenge ringing in his mind, ends up as Shiva the killer, even while working as a ward boy in a hospital. Shiva is out to make a statement against the venal forces. He sees himself as some kind of avatar — in fact, he bumps off the baddies under the get-up's of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna. In climax, Shiva turns up as Lord Narasimha and bumps off the last villain by placing him on his thighs and ripping apart his bowels and chest with his sharp claws.