Boston, 1920. Italian immigrants Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti are charged and unfairly tried for murder on the basis of their anarchist political beliefs.

Režiser večne romantične trilogije Pred sončnim vzhodom, Pred sončnim zahodom in Pred polnočjo predstavlja edinstven 12-letni filmski projekt o odraščanju in fantovskih letih resničnega dečka. Od njegovega petega leta zgodba prikazuje prva spoznavanja sveta, odnose s starši in sestro, potovanja, praznovanja, stike s sovrstniki, žalostne in vesele trenutke, prve ljubezni in vsakdanja življenjska razočaranja, nepričakovana presenečenja in prve korake v svet odraslih.

Mavretanec je obtožen najema teroristov, ki so 11. septembra strmoglavili letala v stolpe Svetovnega trgovinskega centra. Salahi je bil zaprt 14 let v ameriškem vojaškem zaporu Guantanamo brez obtožbe in sojenja. Izgubljajoč upanje je Salahi našel zaveznico v odvetnici Nancy Hollander in njeni sodelavki Teri Duncan, ki jo igra Shailene Woodley. Cumberbatch odigra vlogo vojaškega tožilca polkovnika Stuarta Coucha, ki išče smrtno kazen za Salahija.

Plot 35 is a place that was never mentioned in my family; it is where my elder sister, who died aged three, is buried. The sister about whom I was told nothing, or nearly nothing, and of whom my parents had oddly never kept a single photograph. It was to make up for the missing images that I decided to make this film. Thinking that I would simply chronicle a forgotten life, in fact I opened up the hidden door to a past that I was unaware of, to the subconscious memory that lies inside each of us and who makes us what we are.

Sudan, Vzhodna Afrika, 1980. Skupina agentov izraelskega Mossada načrtuje reševanje in premestitev tisoč etiopskih Judov v Izrael. Da bi to storili in se izognili sumu radovednih in neusmiljenih oblasti, vzpostavijo lažno potapljaško letovišče ob Rdečem morju.

A grieving detective in the near-future hunts down criminals who trade artificial humans on the black market. In the fight to end AI exploitation, an underground resistance attempts to infiltrate him by sabotaging the programming of the artificial human assigned as his companion to behave like his late wife. She begins to question her reality as memories of a past life begin to surface in a world where nothing is as it seems.

Los Angeles, sedanjost. Henry je provokativen stand-up komik, Anne pa svetovno znana operna pevka. Pod soji žarometov sta videti kot srečen in glamurozen par, a njuno življenje se obrne na glavo, ko se jima rodi Annette, skrivnostna deklica z nenavadnim darom …

Zgodba se dogaja leta 1862 na podeželju Irske in pripoveduje o mladem dekletu po imenu Anna, ki nenadoma neha jesti, a je kljub temu po mesecih posta še vedno živa. Trdi, da vso hrano, ki jo potrebuje, črpa od boga in svoje vere. Ko Annina zgodba začne pritegniti pozornost tako lokalne skupnosti kot širšega sveta, je sestavljena komisija, ki naj preišče ta na videz čudežni primer. Lib Wright, angleška medicinska sestra, je poslana, da opazuje družino in Anno. Je to morda nova svetnica, ki »živi od nebeške mane«, ali pa so na delu še bolj zlovešče sile?

When she arrived at the Elysée Palace, Bernadette Chirac expected to finally get the place she deserved, she who had always worked in the shadow of her husband to make him president. Put aside because she was considered too old-fashioned, Bernadette decided to take her revenge by becoming a major media figure.

When his mother dies, Zino decides to look for his father, Farid. But twenty-five years ago, Farid became Lola.

Marie and Boris decide to get a divorce after 15 years of marriage. Tensions rise when cash-strapped Boris must continue to live with Marie and the two children while trying to figure out how to divide the assets.

A simple yet proud rancher conspires to murder his wife for financial gain, convincing his teenage son to participate.

Marek, a crime squad officer, sets out to avenge the death of his partner and best friend, who was killed by drug traffickers. He asks for a posting to a new undercover unit created to infiltrate a drug gang that imports hashish from Morocco using the "Go Fast" method. A fleet of high-powered speedboats and cars races across the Mediterranean to Spain and then France, loaded with drugs.

A well known radio talk show host lives as a recluse during the day, until she found her real mother.

A wife finds out her husband has a mistress. She decides to propose her to share her life with her husband, alternating every two weeks.

A band of Vikings cross enemy lines and a panicked race begins. The losers will pay with their lives.

Delphine and Yvan divorce. While his financial situation does not allow him to find a home, Yvan remembers that he owns 20% of his ex-wife's house. He then returned to live with Delphine, in his 20%. The two ex will discover the joys of forced housemates.

Marie and Eric, a couple in their thirties who have been together since college, buy their first apartment when Marie is suddenly overcome by doubt. Her encounter with a handsome, dark-haired man forces her to make a decision...

Laurent loves Camille but he can’t bring himself to marry her. Then he meets Elodie and discovers what love really is – not the mild cozy affection he has for Camille but a cataclysmic, thunderous all-consuming earthquake of the soul. The only problem is that Elodie is the girlfriend of Laurent’s best friend, François...

Fastlife: always go further, faster, to shine in the eyes of others: this is the motto of Franklin. Franklin is a megalomaniac obsessed by the desire to shine at any price. He will have to choose between becoming a man or continue to live the Fastlife...