The 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists

Film director Blasetti is looking for a little girl for his new movie. Along with other mothers, Maddelena takes her daughter to Cinecittà, hoping she’ll be selected and become a star. She is ready to sacrifice anything for little Maria.

Morris Townsend spera să se poată însura cu Catherine, o fată mult mai înstărită decât el. Când tatăl fetei îl testează pe acesta, se dovedește că singurul lucru pe care Morris îl iubea era averea familiei și implicit moștenirea sa.

Biographical film of Sister Dulce, who, in life, was called the “Good Angel of Bahia”, also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and canonized by the Catholic Church. Contemplating from the 1940s to the 1980s, the film shows how the Catholic nun faced an incurable respiratory disease, machismo, the indifference of politicians and even the dogmas of the Church to dedicate her life to the care of the miserable, leaving a legacy that continues today.

A gay couple from Hong Kong takes a trip to Argentina in search of a new beginning but instead begins drifting even further apart.

Nick Bianco (Victor Mature) este prins în timpul unui jaf la un magazin de bijuterii din New York și, în ciuda insistențelor din partea procurorului Louis D'Angelo (Brian Donlevy), refuză să-și toarne partenerii și merge la închisoare, fiind condamnat la o pedeapsă de 20 de ani. În schimbul tăcerii sale, primește din parte complicilor asigurări că soția și copiii lui vor fi îngrijiți. Aflând că soția lui s-a sinucis, Nick începe să colaboreze cu procurorul, oferind informații în legătură cu alte cazuri, condiții în care este eliberat. Nick se recăsătorește, primește un loc de muncă și începe să ducă o viață fericită, alături de soția sa Netty (Coleen Grat) atunci când află că un bărbat despre care a dat informații, ucigașul Tommy Udo (Richard Widmark), a fost eliberat din custodie și vrea să se răzbune.

Story of an ambitious young doctor through unethical means intend to make a quick career. Now is primary in a luxury clinic where administers the sick with the same cynicism of his young years.

In the near future, big wars are avoided by giving individuals with violent tendencies a chance to kill in the Big Hunt. The Hunt is the most popular form of entertainment in the world and also attracts participants who are looking for fame and fortune. It includes ten rounds for each competitor, five as the hunter and five as the victim.

Un submarin american este trimis într-o misiune la Polul Nord în urma unui accident misterios la o stație meteo. Când echipajul, pușcașii marini și doi agenți de informații ajung la fața locului, găsesc moloz și oameni de știință abia în viață. Se dovedește că operațiunea este mai mult decât o misiune de salvare, iar unul dintre pasageri îi sabotează succesul și lucrează pentru ruși.

A young woman commits a hit-and-run, then finds her fate tied to her victim.

Legends claim that Saurus Rock keeps bad luck out of the Great Valley. Is it really true? Could the mysterious Longneck named Doc be the famous Lone Dinosaur, who can defeat a Sharptooth with his lasso-like tail To find out, Littlefoot and company must cross the great Valley and face a dangerous Sharptooth themselves!

In a Gothic cathedral built on the mass grave of a Teutonic purge, an ancient discovery by the new librarian will release an unholy maelstrom of madness, violence and demonic vengeance.

Five high school students plans to steal University Entrance Exam booklets.

Abandoned by her fiancé, an educated black woman with a traumatizing past dedicates herself to helping a near bankrupt school for impoverished black children.

A peaceful family-life is suddenly disturbed when the children enter puberty. The children take over the house and disrupt the lives of their parents.

When Colonel James Braddock is told that his Asian wife and 12-year-old son are still alive in Communist Vietnam, he mounts a one-man assault to free them. Armed with the latest high-tech firepower, Braddock fights his way into the heart of the country and ends up battling his way out with several dozen abused Amerasian children in tow! Struggling to keep them alive while outmaneuvering a sadistic Vietnamese officer, Braddock ignites the jungle in a blazing cross-country race for freedom.

The relationships of three men are examined through their use of technology.

The Little Ghost lives in the castle over looking a small town and awakens for precisely one hour after the clock strikes midnight. Follow him on this adventure to see his first sunrise ever!

The defeated remnants of vile Ukrainian nationalists, headed by the leader of the Ukrainian liberation movement, Symon Petliura, cannot accept their historical fate and are plotting an insurrection against the Soviet regime in Ukraine. There is nothing Petliura and his cohorts would not do to win back control over Ukraine, including selling it to the highest bidder, in this case, the Polish dictator Jozef Pilsudski. A group of plotters are coordinating an insurrection in Kyiv with an attack from Poland headed by Petliura’s general Yurko Tiutiunnyk. Predictably, the invincible Red Army defeats the nationalist plotters and proves that the Soviet borders are impregnable.

Alone on a farm, a man spends his days tending to his animals, with a particular love for his sow. After an illicit encounter between the two creatures, the pig gives birth. However, tragedy strikes when the man tries to force the newborn piglets to love him as he loves them.