A war between two families, who live in the same building.

A camera-roll film shot on Tri-X and hand processed, EW is a reflection on the construction of nonbinary identity through hair, interwoven with ideas about monstrosity.

STOP + Cop = "Stop" or "Slow down" ? Make the right choice. An interactice movie by Ken Arsyn.

The Jews of Jerusalem are driven out by their Syrian rulers. They gather their forces, and return to drive out their oppressors.

По мотивам японской сказки. Дракон, повелитель моря, тяжело заболел. Помочь его болезни может только обезьянья печень. Осталось найти обезьяну, ведь они-то в море не водятся. Эту задачу поручили черепахе. В этом мультфильме объясняется, почему черепахи живут и на земле, и в воде.

Winner of the 47th Creative TV Drama Award. Through the story of a high school girl with "sensory sensitivity" who tries to create a place for herself with her friends, this tv special gives courage to all those who feel "difficult to live".

Замечательный комик, король пошлого и сортирного юмора Роберт Шиммель в 2000 году узнал, что болен раком на третьей стадии. Лечение заняло более 8 лет, но не смотря на малые шансы Роберту повезло - он победил недуг и выступил с бомбическим концертом "Жизнь после", в котором поведал, где же он пропадал всё это время.

David Bowie recorded an intimate set for VH1 Storytellers on August 23, 1999 at Manhattan Center in New York. The set list comprises songs that spanned Bowie's career, from the 1960s until his then soon-to-be released album Hours.

Юре 23 года — и Лене 23. Они живут в Будённовске, играют в компьютерные игры, гуляют и учатся. Они живут в городе, куда 23 года назад вошел с боевиками Шамиль Басаев, и почти ничего не знают о событиях того времени.

France, 1911. Louise Perreau, struggling financially to raise her son Gaston, gets a new job in Paris that brings her hope for a better life.

The Stooges are tree surgeons who are enlisted by a rich old man to find a mate for his rare puckerless persimmon tree. The boys sail to the tropical island of Rhum-Boogie to find the tree. When they arrive they are captured by the natives and will be eaten unless Curly marries the Chief's ugly daughter. The boys escape with the tree and, after a confrontation with an alligator, sail off with their prize.

It's a sci-fi thing that starts with a dude being overdrawn at the bank and stops making sense shortly thereafter. Go on, find someone who can coherently summarize this thing. I dare you.

Tommy loses his job as a make-up artist at Bayerischer Rundfunk after fogging an announcer with hairspray and then insulting her; Mike is dumped by his girlfriend because, on the one hand, he only cares about his music and, on the other hand, he is financially stranded. So they both need money and decide to become detectives. On behalf of a rich industrialist, they are to shadow his wife and take photos of her cheating. So Mike and Tommy travel to Bad Spänzer, where the lady is staying. But she is as faithful as gold, so Mike, disguised as a Prussian, makes advances to her so that Tommy can take the required photos. But Tommy soon has to slip into a costume, too: Since Tommy looks deceptively similar to an Arab sheik, he is hired by the sheik's secret service to double him. What Tommy doesn't know: assassins want to kill the sheikh at all costs.

The Same Difference is a documentary about lesbians who discriminate against other lesbians! The Same Difference, through a series of lesbian women stories, discusses the hypocrisy in terms of gender roles and the per formative expectations.

A Black teenager discovers that he has superpowers during a life-or-death encounter with a police officer

Devoid of any human presence, Mine depicts a place exploited by man and then abandoned, serving as a testimony of complex historical and political situations.

The film explores the idea of the moral dilemma a defence lawyer faces in his profession when all his values and truths are questioned, his life’s facts are brought into question and his entire psyche comes crashing down.