Lost cinema. Lost culture. Lost country. Lost people. How to recreate the past with nothing? Cinema of the impossible. The silent past is a horror film. The smell of nitrate in the morning. How many ghosts can the cinema contain? 75 films. 22 years. What is the numerological significance? Too late. Never too late.

Cult filmmaker Tom DeSimone (Reform School Girls; Erotikus: A History of the Gay Movie) revisits the production of a lost gay film and resurrects youthful adventures on the California coast. From the creators of Raw! Uncut! Video!.

Delves deep into the anxiety, thrill and uncertainty of six aspiring animation artists as they are plunged into the twelve-week trial-by-fire that is the NFB's Hothouse for animation filmmakers.

After drinking all night, Monty and his friend try to get home, but it turns out to be not easy. The next day, Monty tries to win the heart of a theater actress.



俄罗斯莫斯科闹市中央,执行押送任务的军方部队遭到一伙训练有素的匪徒袭击,大战过后的现场惨不忍睹,重要的卫星元件遭到劫持。国际刑警霍布斯(道恩·强森 Dwayne Johnson 饰)查明,包括此案在内的一系列案件均系前特种部队军人欧文·肖(卢克·伊万斯 Luke Evans 饰)所为。为了将这群训练有素、老练凶狠的匪徒绳之于法,他辗转找到隐居世外桃源的多米尼克·托雷多(范·迪塞尔 Vin Diesel 饰)助拳。霍布斯开出的条件令人难以拒绝,他不仅可以将托雷多和布莱恩(保罗·沃克 Paul Walker 饰)一伙从前的犯罪记录一笔勾销,此外欧文一伙中竟然还有本该死去的拉蒂(米歇尔·罗德里格兹 Michelle Rodriguez 饰)。前所未有的危险战斗,为了安定平凡的生活,这群亡命之徒再上战场……


Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

Howard and Eli have graduated from gruesome basement antics to pirating a cable TV channel for the purpose of furthering their brand of homegrown depravity, madness and murder. With the help of 'do-it-yourself' violence videos sent in by adoring fans and a beautiful guest actress unaware of the pain in store for her, the sadistic hosts guarantee the "Bloodiest Show on Earth!"


A feisty five-year-old girl Lotta decides to move away from home. And no, she doesn't want to put on the stupid sweater.

宇宙魔王突然出现在和平的小镇上,利用「生命之树」吸食人们的生命,以获得永恒的生命。 为了对抗大魔王,博士和他的孙子用传送器召唤出了三位英雄:武者高达、骑士高达和Command高达。 被召唤到与另一个世界的三位英雄从博士那里了解到情况,决定与巨大的邪恶战斗……。 同时收录有 巴巴鲁的黎明 冒险公主阿尔黛西亚 パパルの暁 第103話 スギナムの花嫁

01-殖民卫星滚落事件 02-元组高达迷之场面集锦 03-严蛇武(高达)传说 由于第1作‘机动战士SD高达MK-I’大受欢迎,1989年6月发售了OVA‘机动战士SD高达MK-II’。内容包含‘殖民卫星滚落事件’、‘元组高达迷之场面集锦’、‘严蛇武(高达)传说’这三段故事收录其中。   ‘殖民卫星滚落事件’是为了欣赏在“宇宙太空殖民地 趣乐”上举办的可疑舞台秀而前来的SD角色们无法无天大闹一场的故事。因为豪华的舞台秀而兴奋起来的(?)高达和SD女性们演出性感舞台(←死灵的盂兰盆舞?)这类谜一般的可看之处也非常多(笑)。  ‘元组高达迷之场面集锦’是将高达系列作品的副标题都改成冷笑话,如此过度大胆的内容,就连对高达毫不知情的人也能够感受到乐趣(!?)。  ‘严蛇武(高达)传说’是为了拯救被囚禁的公主,剑士阿姆罗、魔术师卡密儿、扒手杰特这3个勇者,接受国王的命令前往讨伐住在吉翁山的大魔王夏亚这样一个原创故事。  仿佛是美好过去的RPG游戏一般的气氛搭配像是“さらわれた(被抓走了)→皿割れた(盘子破了)”这种脱力系的同音笑话,会让人有种满脑子傻呼呼的幸福感吧~(笑)。

Bogus Kowalski is such a radical 17-year-old rebel that he even decides to have a "Fuck Off" tattoo on his forehead. His anger and frustration cannot be diminished by anyone, including his mother, Polish teacher and priest.

Antonio and Beba are a pair of panda bears besieged by the classic obstacles of a young couple. Their life together is defined by routine, until one day they are forced to live with their favorite singer.

I en lille 2-værelses baggårdslejlighed, på Vesterbro i København, bor den 14 årige Ester (Sofie Gråbøl) sammen med faderen (Torben Jensen), moderen (Vigga Bro) og storebroderen Carl (Carl Quist Møller). Det er tidens typiske arbejderkvarter og lejligheden er uden nogen form for moderne bekvemmeligheder. Koks skal hentes i en mørk kælder, hvor hjemløse har søgt ly og logi for natten. Ester er en drømmer. Hendes ønske er at blive forfatter og hun skriver digte i det skjulte. Hun glemmer ofte tid og sted, når hendes tanker går på langfart.

In the midst of Alaverdoba, an ordinal person plays out a trick to awake pilgrims and their moral spirits, and to remind them of the true meanings of the religious festival.