Režisieriaus Takeshi Kitano filmas, sakoma atgaivinęs japonišką kiną. Toks sumaišytas ir pasakojamas nenuosekliai, kiek ilgesingas ir dalinai rodantis, kaip kartais tarsi nedidelis žingsnis gali paveikti gyvenimus. Filmas pasakoja apie Nishi, buvusį policininką, kuris paliko tarnybą dėl kankinančių asmeninių ir profesinių sunkumų. Pasinėręs į depresiją, jis priima abejotinus sprendimus...

Two sisters find out the existence of their long-lost mother, but the younger cannot accept the fact that she was abandoned as a child.

Brash, loudmouthed and opportunistic, Kikujiro is the unlikely companion for Masao who is determined to see the mother he has never met. The two begin a series of adventures which soon turns out to be a whimsical journey of laughter and tears with a wide array of surprises and unique characters along the way.

Stars of "The Walking Dead," Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira, walk down memory lane and visit iconic locations where pivotal moments between their characters, Rick and Michonne, were filmed.

A deaf garbage collector happens upon a broken and discarded surfboard. The discovery plants in him dreams of becoming a surf champion. Encouraged by his also deaf girlfriend, he persists against all odds.

After Tanu and Manu's marriage breaks apart, the latter finds himself smitten by Datto, a lookalike of his ex-wife. But the estranged couple's feelings begin to spark again.

The workers of a dye factory have their pay cut by 20% when the factory owner brings in some Manchu thugs to try and increase production. Desperate to reclaim their full wages, the workers hire an actor to impersonate a priest and kung-fu expert from the temple of Shaolin. The factory owner proves the actor a fraud, and punishes all those involved. The young actor feels he has let the workers down, and promises to atone. He sets out for Shaolin, determined to be accepted as a kung-fu pupil at the elite temple.

Masaatsu Naito successfully completes Sankin-kotai (required ritual to visit the shogun). On his way home, he hears that an insurrection by peasants has taken place in his hometown of Yunagaya. Masaatsu Naito knows that it is a counterattack by Matsudaira. He returns to Yunagaya, but finds that his castle is gone.

Once again billed as Montgomery Wood, Giuliano Gemma plays a civil war soldier who returns to his family land to find his family decimated, his property taken over by a family of Mexican bandits and his fiancee about to marry the Mexican gangster behind all this. Bent on revenge, he goes undercover disguised as a Mexican and discovers he has a daughter!

A young man decides one day to start killing yakuza. After he kills his first two he gets roped into helping a wannabe gangster and his bumbling underlings to perform a hit. While things work out in the beginning, this young psychopath quickly becomes more trouble than the gang expected. Will they be able to rid themselves of him, or will they be his next victims?

Po ilgų klajonių grįžęs namo, žymusis nuotykių ieškotojas Guliveris sužino, kad po kadaise šlovingos pergalės prieš galingą Blefusku armiją apie jį buvo sukurta tiek legendų, jog Liliputijos gyventojai įtikėjo Guliverį esant tikru milžinu. Išvydę visiškai niekuo nuo jų pačių nesiskiriantį jaunuolį, žmonės nusivilia – mat Liliputijai vėl reikia didvyrio, ir nepanašu, kad Guliveris jiems galėtų padėti. Tačiau nebūtina būti milžinu, norint nuveikti milžiniškus darbus. Guliveriui teks patikėti savo jėgomis, pasitelkti draugystę, meilę, išradingumą, plačią šypseną, kardo valdymo įgūdžius... Na, ir tikėtis šiek tiek sėkmės. Beje, pradinę idėją (kad klasikinėje Džonatano Svifto pasakoje Guliveris buvo milžinas ne fiziniu dydžiu, bet didelės širdies ir drąsos prasme) šiam Ukrainoje pagamintam nuotaikingam filmukui pasiūlė ne kas kitas, o prezidentas Volodymiras Zelenskis, tuo metu nė nenutuokdamas, kad realiame gyvenime jam pačiam teks tapti būtent tokio Guliverio įsikūnijimu.

Making of Takeshi Kitano's movie Kids Return.

Feature film directed by Minoru Kawasaki

Four people plan to rob a bank on new year's eve, when no one will notice because of the celebrations.

Music producer Sam and his cross-dressing protege Wing have finally professed their love for another, but now what?

Sentimental Education centers on the unique relationship between Áurea, a lonely 40 year old teacher, and a young man she has just met by chance – one of these encounters which mythology and literature are full of. A delicate soul who finds itself attracted to a beauty that seems to demand, disturb and move her. That shakes her up entirely. During the days following their first conversation, she will expose all her feelings through classes in which he will let himself be carried away. Until an unusual episode from the past is revealed and changes everything.

There are five lonely souls: Je-hwi, who hides himself from the world. Jang-hui, who is obsessed with certificates of qualification; Byeong-cheol, who believes that he has a fatal disease; and the lovers, Pyo and Romi. One day, a woman who committed suicide suddenly appears before them.