In Mexican Revolution times, a guerrilla general and his troops take the conservative town of Cholula, near by Mexico City. As the revolutionaries mistreat the town's riches, General Reyes falls for beautiful and wild Beatriz Peñafiel, the daughter of one of the town's richest men.

When Allied forces liberated the Nazi concentration camps in 1944-45, their terrible discoveries were recorded by army and newsreel cameramen, revealing for the first time the full horror of what had happened. Making use of British, Soviet and American footage, the Ministry of Information’s Sidney Bernstein (later founder of Granada Television) aimed to create a documentary that would provide lasting, undeniable evidence of the Nazis’ unspeakable crimes. He commissioned a wealth of British talent, including editor Stewart McAllister, writer and future cabinet minister Richard Crossman – and, as treatment advisor, his friend Alfred Hitchcock. Yet, despite initial support from the British and US Governments, the film was shelved, and only now, 70 years on, has it been restored and completed by Imperial War Museums under its original title "German Concentration Camps Factual Survey".

Francisco was building a luxurious house in Mexico where a fatal accident caused the death of his brother. When Francisco learns that his widowed sister-in-law will not receive a compensation from the opulent owner of the house, he will seek justice.

Max is assigned to the White House while Butch, the secret service dog, is on maternity leave. He meets TJ, a 12 year old boy, who is the President's son. Due to his father's high profile, he is trying hard to fit in and lead a normal life. During a state visit by the Russian President and his daughter, Alexandra (Alex), TJ is asked to accompany her, during their stay. TJ befriends Alex, but when they get into trouble, Max comes to the rescue!

Albany, New York, 1776. After marrying, Gil and Lana travel north to settle on a small farm in the Mohawk River Valley, but soon their growing prosperity and happiness are threatened by the sinister sound of drums that announce dark times of revolution and war.

As her marriage dissolves, a Manhattan writer takes driving lessons from a Sikh instructor with marriage troubles of his own. In each other's company they find the courage to get back on the road and the strength to take the wheel.

During the '80s, a young man named Frankie dreams of escaping London's South East region, and his mother's thug of a boyfriend gives him just the opportunity. After beating up the abusive beau, Frankie runs off to Spain, where he lands a job delivering a package to the dapper Playboy Charlie, a gangster who takes him under his wing. Working as Charlie's driver, Frankie is immersed in a world of fast cars and pretty women -- but all the excess could be his undoing.

In 1918, a young, disillusioned Adolf Hitler strikes up a friendship with a Jewish art dealer while weighing a life of passion for art vs. talent at politics

Five teenagers compete to win a mansion owned by entrepreneur and scientist Atticus Virtue. To win the teens must face-off against a super computer named HAVEN who controls the mansion.

Max is 6 years old. She lives with her dad Toni, a small time crook with a golden heart. For Xmas, Max offers him Rose, a call-girl found on the street whom she’s very fond of. Despite the complicated situation, Toni’s gonna have a hard time refusing her daughter’s «gift» and must coexist with Rose.

Лондон, 80-те години. Те имат работа, семейства, те са футболни запалянковци... А също така и Банда. Такива групировки има из цялата Великобритания. Те имат свои собствени кодекси, понятия, закони, които почитат и... Нарушават. Но нищо не е вечно. Доминик е един от тях, приет по всички правила на играта. Млад, с чувство за хумор и интелект, той скоро разбира, че това, в което е вярвал, не е това, което е в действителност. Той осъзнава, че това не е неговата среда и се опитва да се махне, докато не разбира, че да напусне също не е толкова лесно.

Mr Wickers and his class go on one final school trip after they finish their GCSEs.

At a bachelor party, Paulina wins the prize of spending two hours with Fran, a stripper. The attraction between the two envelops them in a romance full of passion and eroticism.

A woman, unhappy with her fiancé, travels to Italy to find her true love; and all she knows about him is his name.

Натопен за пране на милиони долари, уважаваният инвестиционен банкер Дарил Чейс неочаквано трябва да бяга от ФБР - и разменя самоличността си с дребния крадец и голям отворко Фреди Тифани. Но когато Дарил запрашва към границата с Мексико, за да открие единствения човек, който може да докаже невинността му, той разбира, че новата му самоличност е още по-търсена от полицията!

Major-league rookie pitcher Hopper Gibson has lost his focus. After choking on the mound, he’s sent down to the minors and prescribed sessions with an unorthodox sports therapist, who pushes him to uncover the origins of his anxiety.

Bestselling author and influential filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza reveals the sordid truth about Hillary Clinton and the secret history of the Democratic Party. This important and controversial film releases at a critical time leading up to the 2016 Presidential campaign and challenges the state of American politics.

В къщата, купена от американски банкер, пристига дизайнер с цялото си семейство със задача, да възстанови дома до първоначалното му състояние. Но никой от тях дори не подозира, че къщата е била изоставена не просто така...

В течение на милиони години, пираните са били едни от най-страшните хищници на Земята. За тяхната кръвожадност се носят легенди. Генетическия експеримент, провеждащ се с помощта на най-нови технологии води до непредсказуеми последствия. Използвани в качеството си на опитни животни, пираните стават невероятно умни и хитри, а техният размер нараства неимоверно. Скоро няколко екземпляра се измъкват от лабораторията, сега те стремително се размножават, а новият вид съвършени хищници започват за завладяват планетата.

Upcoming Film of Kichcha Sudeepa