Cult filmmaker Tom DeSimone (Reform School Girls; Erotikus: A History of the Gay Movie) revisits the production of a lost gay film and resurrects youthful adventures on the California coast. From the creators of Raw! Uncut! Video!.

The Red Mountain Tribe hangs out in my backyard. "Lipton's lovely home movie PEOPLE, in its affection for valuable inconsequential gestures, indicates in the course of its three minutes why there has to be a continuing alternative to the commercial cinema." – Roger Greenspun, The New York Times

Dok Harry Potter započinje šestu godinu u školi magije Hogwarts, otkriva staru knjigu označenu kao „vlasništvo princa miješane krvi“ te počinje saznavati više o mračnoj prošlosti dječaka koji je odrastao u Lorda Voldemorta.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

Kapetan Jack Sparrow zarobljen je u sanduku Davyja Jonesa. Njegova piratska braća započinju očajničku potragu da ga spase. Pratite njihove pomorske pustolovine od egzotičnog Singapura do kraja svijeta i dalje.

Nakon dvije godine Peter Parker se nalazi pred novim izazovima mireći u sebi svoj 'dar i prokletstvo'. Kao student na koledžu, mučen svojom tajnom, otkriva da su odnosi sa svima koji su mu dragi u opasnosti saznaju li njegov tajni identitet. Parkerova žudnja za Mary Jane postaje sve jača dok se bori sa željom da joj otkrije svoje drugo lice i izjavi joj ljubav. Prijateljstvo s Harryjem Osbornom nagriženo je Harryjevom željom da osveti oca i uništi Spider-mana. Čak i njegova teta May, shrvana nakon smrti svoga muža, gaji sumnje prema nećaku Peteru. Stvari se dodatno zakompliciraju kad mu se suprotstavi novi negativac Dr. Otto Octavius - Doc Ock.

The Minions fight over a delicious banana... but is that all they want?!

After a tense few months following a miscarriage and an unemployment spell, things are finally looking up for Sean and Lisa Miller when Sean lands his dream job at an advertising firm. But when Sean’s assistant, Jen, his self-proclaimed “Work Wife,” begins vying for his affection, it soon becomes clear that she will stop at nothing to rip their marriage apart and claim him as her own.

Zvončica, koja se po prvi puta predstavila najmlađima u avanturama „Petra Pana“ oživjela je u svojoj animiranoj filmskoj pustolovini u Dolini vila, gdje se organizira svečanost. Zvončica slučajno ugrozi čitavo slavlje i sad mora nekako ispraviti pogrešku! Čini se da će ovogodišnja Jesenja Svečanost biti posebno svečana. Uzdići će se plavi žetveni mjesec koji će vilama omogućiti da pomoću dragocjenog mjesečevog kamena obnove Stablo Vilinske prašine – izvor njihove magije. No, kada Zvončica slučajno ugrozi cijelu budućnost Doline vila, prisiljena je uputiti se na tajnu pustolovinu preko mora kako bi ispravila svoju pogrešku. Uz pomoć svog prijatelja Tibora i šarmantne krijesnice Munje, odlazi u novi svijet gdje otkriva najveće od svih blaga.

Carrie is a big-city teenager whose life is turned upside down when she moves to a horse ranch in Wyoming to live with her father. But everything changes when Carrie meets Flicka, a wild, jet-black mustang who's just as free-spirited and strong-willed as Carrie. The two form a special bond and Carrie opens her heart to her father and a handsome, local boy, but when a jealous rival puts Flicka's life in jeopardy, Carrie must do whatever it takes to save her best friend.

Two Minions are busy at work in the mailroom. One of them, bored, decides to throw a box of expired PX-41 samples into its designated chute.

Kapetan Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) nađe se na neplaniranom putovanju prema mitskom Izvoru mladosti kada ga žena iz njegove prošlosti (Penelope Cruz) dovuče na palubu "Osvete kraljice Ane", broda omraženoga kapetana Crnobradog.

When teacher Simon arrives in a small, secluded village to take over the local school, he is surprised to discover that his predecessor has disappeared without a trace - and that nobody seems too concerned about it. As Simon probes deeper into the disappearance, the inhabitants of a forbidding estate called "Summerfield" take on more and more significance.

Nakon katastrofalne oluje hranom u prvom filmu, Flint i njegovi prijatelji prisiljeni su napustiti svoj grad. Flint prihvaća poziv svoga idola Chestera V da se pridruži kompaniji „The Live Crop“ koja je dobila zadatak čišćenja otoka i u kojoj najbolji izumitelji na svijetu kreiraju tehnologiju za boljitak čovječanstva. Kada Flint otkrije da njegova mašina i dalje radi i sada kreira mutantske hrano-zvijeri poput živih kiselih krastavaca, gladnih tacodila, škampopanza i jabučastih pitona on i njegovi prijatelji moraju se vratiti kako bi spasili svijet.

A bedtime story leads Littlefoot and his grandparents on a journey to a new land, where Littlefoot discovers someone who vanished before he was born: his father! Now Littlefoot must decide between two worlds. Will he leave to be with his friends in the Great Valley, or stay behind and start a new life with his father?

Četiri astronauta stječe supermoći nakon izlaganja kozmičkim zrakama tijekom znanstvene misije u svemiru u novoj eksperimentalnoj letjelici te ih moraju koristiti kako bi spriječili planove svoga neprijatelja, doktora Victora Von Dooma.

An unsupervised junior soccer team loses its ace player to the leader of a rival gang. Since only an entire team can win, they must have her back to be able to win the game against the national team. The existence of The Wild Soccer Bunch is at stake ...

Odabravši kruzer za obiteljski odmor, Vjeverice i Vjeveričice završe kao brodolomci na napuštenom otoku... no ondje nisu sami!

Sadoun is France’s best soccer player whose extra-curriculum pleasures are damaging his play and new contract negotiations. Dispatched by his scheming agent to his home village, he ends up reconciling with his father, relating to his fatherless niece, who dotes on him, and training his local children’s team, whom he takes to championship glory.

A boy's life is turned upside down when he learns that he is the last of a group of immortal warriors who have dedicated their lives to fighting the forces of the dark.