Keturi mažo Oregono valstijos miestelio draugai - jautrusis Gordis (Vilas Wheatonas), “kietas vyrukas” Krisas (Riveris Phoenixas), išsišokėlis Tedis (Corey Feldmanas) ir baikštusis Vernas (Jerry O’Connelis) – ryžtasi surasti žuvusio jų vienmečio kūną. Norėdami miestelėnų akyse tapti didvyriais, jie leidžiasi į nepaprastą dviejų dienų žygį, kuris vaikinams virsta tikru gyvenimo išbandymu. Jie rūko, keikiasi, pasakoja neįtikėtinas istorijas, bet, ištikus nelaimei, ištikimai gelbsti vienas kitą. Kai paaugliams tenka susiremti su karingai nusiteikusia miestelio gauja, kuri taip pat ieško žuvusiojo kūno, keturi draugai savyje atranda tiek jėgų, kiek nė nemanė turį. “Likime kartu” – išskirtinis filmas apie draugystę ir neišdildomus paauglystės įspūdžius. Pilnas sąmojo ir netikėtumų, filmas pastatytas pagal Stephen Kingo novelę “Kūnas”.

An alcoholic ex-football player drinks his days away, having failed to come to terms with his sexuality and his real feelings for his football buddy who died after an ambiguous accident. His wife is crucified by her desperation to make him desire her: but he resists the affections of his wife. His reunion with his father—who is dying of cancer—jogs a host of memories and revelations for both father and son.

Vieno žymiausių šiuolaikinio modernaus kino režisierių – Piterio Grynavėjaus – juosta, vertinama kaip postmodernistinės kultūros šedevras. Makabriško restorano savininko žmona įsimyli švelnų ir tylų knygų pardavėją. Jų pasimatymai vyksta tame pačiame restorane, pertraukėlėse tarp valgymo. Vyras ir jo banditai draugai tai nujaučia ir galiausiai viską išsiaiškins… Filme gausu maisto, spalvų, brutalių scenų ir paslėptų užuominų.

In the fourth film of the Lone Wolf and Cub series, Ogami Itto is hired to kill a tattooed female assassin and battles Retsudo, head of the Yagyu clan, and his son Gunbei.

An autobiographical film based on Taiwanese director Hou Hsiao-hsien's memories of his youth growing up in Taiwan after emigrating from mainland China.

The exploration of the effects of an unexpected catastrophe, known as VUE (violent unknown event) through the bios of 92 survivors.

1961 metai. Jaunuolis Levinas Deivisas - folko muzikantas, kaip ir kiekvienas menininkas, trokštantis šlovės ir pripažinimo, tačiau, kaip žinia, ne visų kelias į šlovę rožėm klotas. Su gitara ant peties, jaunasis Levinas blaškosi po Grynvičo folko muzikos pasaulį bandydamas rasti vietą po saule, tačiau norint iškilti Levinui teks įveikti ne tik šaltą Niujorko žiemą, bet ir kliūtis, kurias jis pats susigalvojo.

Dunya and Desie are two 18 year old best friends from Amsterdam North. Dunya is Moroccan and Desie is Dutch. On Dunya's Birthday she is told that her marriage has been arranged with a distant cousin in Morocco. Dunya and her family will travel to Morocco to meet him. After Desie discovers that she is pregnant she joins Dunya in Morocco in a search for Desies father.

In the 1820s, a taciturn loner and skilled cook travels west to Oregon Territory, where he meets a Chinese immigrant also seeking his fortune. Soon the two team up on a dangerous scheme to steal milk from the wealthy landowner’s prized Jersey cow – the first, and only, in the territory.

HANNAH ARENDT is a portrait of the genius that shook the world with her discovery of “the banality of evil.” After she attends the Nazi Adolf Eichmann’s trial in Jerusalem, Arendt dares to write about the Holocaust in terms no one has ever heard before. Her work instantly provokes a furious scandal, and Arendt stands strong as she is attacked by friends and foes alike. But as the German-Jewish émigré also struggles to suppress her own painful associations with the past, the film exposes her beguiling blend of arrogance and vulnerability — revealing a soul defined and derailed by exile.

A university student moves into an apartment building and becomes involved with a waitress. The landlord then attempts to evict the tenants and sell the building through illicit means.

An exiled magician finds an opportunity for revenge against his enemies muted when his daughter and the son of his chief enemy fall in love in this uniquely structured retelling of the 'The Tempest'.

Minami mistakenly kills a gangster associate of his named Brother. Almost as soon as the murder takes place, the body of the deceased man is gone, prompting Minami to conduct a search. While looking, he finds a mysterious isolated hotel where he decides to take a rest. Not only are the front desk clerks a bit strange, but even the ambiance feels unusual. Minami soon realizes he may have gotten more than he bargained for.

The American architect Kracklite arrives in Italy, supervising an exhibiton for a French architect, Boullée, famous for his oval structures. Tirelessly dedicated to the project, Kracklite's marriage quickly dissolves along with his health.

Nensė užaugo ir tapo psichiatre, kuri specializuojasi sapnų terapijoje. Vietos ligoninėje ji susitinka su grupe vaikų, kurie susiduria su Fredžiu Kriugeriu - tuo pačiu demonu, su kuriuo ji kadaise susidūrė sapnuose. Viena iš jų - Kristen, kuri turi galią į savo sapnus pritraukti kitus žmones. Bendradarbiaudama su šiai bylai paskirtu gydytoju Nensė padeda vaikams suvokti savo ypatingus gebėjimus košmarų pasaulyje. Kai Fredis pagauna vieną iš globotinių, ji vadovauja gelbėjimo operacijai į Kriugerio valdas, tikėdamasi visiems laikams pribaigti jo dvasią.

„Outpost“ karinėje bazėje suveikia aliarmas, kariai užima pozicijas ir ruošiasi mūšiui. Pranešama, kad prie jų artėja nežinomas priešas – būtybės, didesnės už žmones, judančios dvidešimties kilometrų per valandą greičiu.

Sekantis 2006 m. išleistos komedijos filmas, kuriame rodomi tikri išgalvoto kazachų žurnalisto Borato nuotykiai.

A well-to-do French family living in Calais deal with a series of setbacks and crises while paying little attention to the grim conditions in the refugee camps within a few miles of their home.

To overcome their financial problems, Justine, her husband and their whole group of friends organize a fake romantic cruise for Franck, a big investor, who is trying to seduce a woman.

The tyrant Gedren seeks the total power in a world of barbarism. She raids the city Hablac and kills the keeper of a talisman that gives her great power. Red Sonja, sister of the keeper, sets out with her magic sword to overthrow Gedren.