A short comedy spoof about Universal Monsters and their everyday unconventional work done at their very own talent agency for their movies.

Insane Fight Club is back. This year the boys are taking their unique form of entertainment to England as they stage fight nights in Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool and Newcastle.

Taylor Swift personally walks us through her phenomenal career and see incredible footage from her record-breaking reputation, Stadium Tour.

Pretty Bloody: The Women of Horror is a television documentary film that premiered on the Canadian cable network Space on February 25, 2009. The hour-long documentary examines the experiences, motivations and impact of the increasing number of women engaged in horror fiction, with producers Donna Davies and Kimberlee McTaggart of Canada's Sorcery Films interviewing actresses, film directors, writers, critics and academics. The documentary was filmed in Toronto, Canada; and in Los Angeles, California and New York City, New York in the US.

Film nadväzuje na fenomenálny celosvetový úspech Wanovho filmu V zajatí démonov. Tentoraz manželský pár odcestuje do severného Londýna vyšetrovať jeden z najhrôzostrašnejších prípadov paranormálnych aktivít, aby pomohol slobodnej matke, ktorá žije sama so svojimi štyrmi deťmi v dome zamorenom zákernými duchmi.

On the 20th anniversary of their edgy little 90's cable show Underground Entertainment, the authors, along with many SF, horror and B celebrities in cameos, remember how they pushed the envelope, shocked, entertained, but also introduced the audience to many movies, comics and conventions.

An inside look at one of the most anticipated movie sequels ever with James Cameron and cast.

An ex-felon returns home from prison and must confront the demons of his past.

Set in the African savannah, the film follows Kion as he assembles the members of the 'Lion Guard'. Throughout the film, the diverse team of young animals will learn how to utilize each of their unique abilities to solve problems and accomplish tasks to maintain balance within the Circle of Life, while also introducing viewers to the vast array of animals that populate the prodigious African landscape.

Chicken is back in exile. Hung Hing, a triad, is trying to ally with Chicken's new group, the Taiwanese triad San Luen. A contest is on in Hong Kong. The winner will head the Causeway Bay branch.

Aladin: Jafarov návrat je druhým pokračovaním kúzelného príbehu o Aladinovi a začína práve tam, kde sme opustili prvý diel. Akokoľvek sa to zdá nemožné, zlý kúzelník Jafar unikol z lampy. A čo viac, je nejmocnějším džinom ze všetkých! Jediné, na čo teraz myslí, je pomsta Aladinovi! Medzitým sa do kúzelného mesta Agrabahu vrátil zábavný Džin. A má plno historiek zo svojich dobrodružných ciest okolo celého sveta. Jeho priatelia ich radi počúvajú, ale teraz naviac potrebuju aj Džinovu kúzelnú moc, ktorá ich chráni pred zlým Jafarom.

8mm film by Swiss artist Roman Signer.

Už po tretíkrát štartuje taxikár Daniel svoju upravenú superrýchlu "štyristošestku", ktorá jazdí rýchlejšie ako TGV, na ďalšiu napínavú jazdu do marseillských ulíc. Tie sú totiž teraz, pred Vianocami, ideálnym "pôsobiskom" pre zloduchov z Číny vykrádajúcich jeden obchod za druhým. Spolu s policajtom Émilienom (Frederic Diefenthal) sa snažia chytiť gang Santov Klausov, vedený zmyselnou orientálkou Ťiu, ktorý v priebehu ôsmich mesiacov spáchal tridsaťsedem lúpeží. A pre dvojicu majú prichystané prekvapenie aj ich partnerky - Petra a Lilly. Danielovi začína škrípať aj vzťah s Lilly, ktorá sa o jeho lásku nemieni deliť s nejakým autom.

Marshal Chris Adams turns down a friend's request to help stop the depredations of a gang of Mexican bandits. When his wife is killed by bank robbers and his friend is killed capturing the last thief, Chris feels obligated to take up his friend's cause and recruits a writer and five prisoners to destroy the desperadoes.The last in the original series of four "Magnificent Seven" movies.

Top Nazi officials, intent on rooting out traitors and those in the military who may be plotting to overthrow Adolf Hitler, recruit and train a group of beautiful prostitutes whose mission is to use any means necessary to uncover plots against the Fuhrer.

During an innocent party game at the friends' annual dinner on Walborg night, the hostess discovers that her husband is cheating on her with one of the friends. The discovery has significance for all the guests, as old relationships change and new ones are created.