Ενώ ο μυστηριώδης κατά συρροή δολοφόνος του Γκόθαμ συνεχίζει το μακάβριο έργο του, ο Μπάτμαν και οι σύμμαχοί του προσπαθούν να ξετυλίξουν το κουβάρι της υπόθεσης. Μήπως τελικά ο καταζητούμενος είναι κάποια γνώριμη φυσιογνωμία;

Η Αμίνα, μια Πακιστανή μουσουλμάνα μετανάστρια, ξυπνάει τη μέρα του Εΐντ και ανακαλύπτει ότι πρέπει να πάει σχολείο. Πληγωμένη και γεμάτη νοσταλγία για την πατρίδα της, ξεκινάει μια αποστολή να κάνει το Εΐντ δημόσια σχολική αργία. Στην προσπάθειά της, έρχεται πάλι κοντά με τη μεγαλύτερη αδερφή της και αποδέχεται τη νέα της πατρίδα, αλλά και η νέα της πατρίδα αποδέχεται εκείνη.

Μετά τον θάνατο του Σούπερμαν, ο κόσμος εξακολουθεί να θρηνεί την απώλεια του ανθρώπου από ατσάλι μετά τη θανατηφόρα μάχη του με τον Doomsday. Ωστόσο, μόλις το σώμα του θάφτηκε τέσσερις νέοι της ασπίδας του Superman, βγαίνουν μπροστά για να αναλάβουν τον ρόλο του. Ο τελευταίος γιος του Krypton, ο Superboy, ο Steel και ο Cyborg προσπαθούν να καλύψουν το κενό που άφησε ο μεγαλύτερος ήρωας στον κόσμο. Εν τω μεταξύ, ο θάνατος του Σούπερμαν έχει δείξει στο σύμπαν ότι η Γη είναι ποια ευάλωτη. Μπορούν αυτοί οι νέοι Supermen και οι υπόλοιποι ήρωες να τους αποδείξουν ότι κάνουν λάθος;

Ο Γκρεγκ στη μεγαλύτερη πρόκληση της ζωής του: ένα διήμερο μόνος του, με τον αδερφό του, Ρόντρικ.

It was the biggest football game of his life and Stewart (Larry the Cucumber) had a chance to win it all. Injured in one bad play, his hopes of playing in the Salad Bowl-and living a life of fame and fortune-are dashed forever. Years later, silly-but-sweet Stewart loves his family, friends and job at the toy train factory, but still wonders "what if" things had been different. When he meets a mysterious train conductor who can turn back time, Stewart gets a chance to have the life he always wanted. Will he find all he's been looking for? And what does this mean for those he loves most? Find out in this story of wonder and a lesson in being content.

In the absence of his wife, a clarinet player is induced by a friend to meet a call girl, but arrived after a crime. Perceived by some people leaving the scene of the crime covered by his raincoat, he became the only suspect for the police. His only hope is to discover the murderer before is name is mentionned publicly, specially in front of his wife.

Οι Simpsons μας υποδέχονται σε ένα πάρτι για την ημέρα του Disney+ και όλοι είναι καλεσμένοι...εκτός από τον Χόμερ. Με φίλους από την πλατφόρμα και μουσική που αρμόζει σε μια πριγκίπισσα της Disney, το Plusaversary είναι το γεγονός της χρονιάς για το Σπρίνγκφιλντ.

It's the summer of 1965, and the members of the graduating class of upscale Westwood High are eager to reinvent themselves. Valedictorian Mary Beth wants to attend a liberal university. Surfer bum Stick plans to enlist to fight in Vietnam. Calvin lives in the poor Watts section of Los Angeles, which is slowly erupting in violence. As the summer nights grow long, they'll all be forced to make decisions that will affect the rest of their lives.

Είναι καλοκαίρι και ο Γκρεγκ ανυπομονεί να παίξει βιντεοπαιχνίδια και να περάσει χρόνο με τους φίλους του. Ωστόσο, ο μπαμπάς του έχει άλλα σχέδια: αποφάσισε ότι πρέπει να περάσει χρόνο για να δεθούν πατέρας και γιος. Μέσα στην απελπισία του να αποτρέψει τον πατέρα του από το να καταστρέψει τις καλοκαιρινές του διακοπές, ο Γκρεγκ προσποιείται ότι έχει δουλειά σε ένα αριστοκρατικό κάντρι κλαμπ. Αλλά το σχέδιο αποτυγχάνει εν μέσω ντροπιαστικών ατυχιών και ενός ταξιδιού για κατασκήνωση που πήγε όαο στραβά γινόταν.

Turbo-Charged Prelude is a 2003 short film, directed by Philip Atwell, featuring Paul Walker, reprising his role as Brian O'Conner, in a short series of sequences which bridge The Fast and The Furious with its first sequel, 2 Fast 2 Furious.

Sam and Miguel are your typical come-what-may laborers, collecting garbage in flashy subdivisions. In their workplace, they get maltreated by two of their co-workers, sometimes getting them into trouble.

Convinced that a wartime resistance heroine is innocent of a murder charge, Nap Rumbold, a solicitor / private detective travels to France searching for evidence to clear her name.

Widely used for both systems and applications development, the C and C++ programming languages are available for virtually every operating system and are often the best choice for performance-critical applications. In this course, Bill Weinman dissects the anatomy of C and C++, from variables to functions and loops, and explores both the C Standard Library and the C++ Standard Template Library. Features introduced in the C++11 standard (ratified in 2011) are also discussed.

An old Finnish athlete travels alone through eastern Europe with his van.

A panoramic shot, making a full circle, at the 1900 Paris Exposition. It begins and ends looking at the front of the Palace of Electricity. As it pans, first we see a workman hosing down the promenade. Men and women walk past, all wearing hats. We see the base of the Eiffel Tower, which the Palace faces. A couple strolls. A mother and daughter walk passed, father is slightly ahead wearing a boater. Three men in uniform walk toward the camera as it comes to a stop facing the Palace.

White hunter Allan Quartermain and his enigmatic guide help a young Irish woman locate her missing father in unexplored Darkest Africa.

After her therapist suggest sports as a way to cope with feeling invisible, math student Nikki joins a football team. At first, Nikki struggles with the physical aspect of the team but uses her brilliance to make friends and hopefully change the teams record.

The sister of ex-pimp and current Los Angeles Police detective Lyle York was murdered working the streets a few years ago. Since his reform, he has teamed with Officer Russ Garfield to clear the streets of underage girls working in prostitution. Pretty, young runaway Hailey Atkins has been turned out. Down deep she wants to go straight but has had great difficulty escaping her pimp and doesn't even have a place to go. York and Garfield go out on a limb to try and help.

Based on the Book Love Made Simple Juan Lee Have you lost hope? Or confused about which way to go in the world? Learn to live through love. Life's many obstacles can throw anyone into a tailspin that feels uncontrollable. Ultimately, everyone is searching for acceptance and joy. If you search for that acceptance and joy by living by the book when it comes to religion, your search for hope can be filled with frustration. Instead, live a life of purpose built on the principles that unite us all: love.