Kui John ja Jenny Grogan'i (Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston) pulmaööl hakkab väljas lund sadama, otsustab vastabiellunud paar kolida Palm Beach'i Floridas. Nad jätkavad oma tööd ajakirjanikena võistlevates ajalehtedes ja hakkavad võitlema abielu eest, uue karjääri eest ja elu-muutva otsuse eest saada lapsi. Ebakindlana oma vanemlikes oskustes kurdab John oma muret sõbrale Sebastianile, kes soovitab tal kutsika võtta. John ja Jenny võtavadki endale kuldse Labradori, kes saab nimeks Marley. Kuid väga kiiresti kasvab kutsikas saja-naelaseks superenergiliseks koeraks, mis muudab Groganite kodu katastroofi alaks. Koer ei kuuletu kellelegi, närib kõikvõimalikke asju, varastab Tänupühade kalkuni, hävitab aeda, joob wc-potist vett jne. Vaatamata kõigele näeb Marley Groganite elu tõuse ja mõõnu, töö ja kodu vahetusi ning kasvavat peret.

After a disastrous first date for caterer Holly and network sports director Messer, all they have in common is a dislike for each other and their love for their goddaughter Sophie. But when they suddenly become all Sophie has in this world, Holly and Messer must set their differences aside. Juggling careers and social calendars, they'll have to find common ground while living under the same roof.

It is 1967, and Larry Gopnik, a physics professor at a quiet Midwestern university, has just been informed by his wife Judith that she is leaving him. She has fallen in love with one of his more pompous acquaintances Sy Ableman.

Archetypal buddy cops Riggs and Murtaugh are back for another round of high-stakes action, this time setting their collective sights on bringing down a former Los Angeles police lieutenant turned black market weapons dealer. Lorna Cole joins as the beautiful yet hardnosed internal affairs sergeant who catches Riggs's eye.

While romancing Palmer, a much younger schoolteacher, plastic surgeon Danny Maccabee enlists his loyal assistant Katherine to pretend to be his soon to be ex-wife, in order to cover up a careless lie. When more lies backfire, Katherine's kids become involved, and everyone heads off for a weekend in Hawaii that will change all their lives.

For Nick, Kurt and Dale, the only thing that would make the daily grind more tolerable would be to grind their intolerable bosses into dust. Quitting is not an option, so, with the benefit of a few-too-many drinks and some dubious advice from a hustling ex-con, the three friends devise a convoluted and seemingly foolproof plan to rid themselves of their respective employers... permanently.

A romantically challenged morning show producer is reluctantly embroiled in a series of outrageous tests by her chauvinistic correspondent to prove his theories on relationships and help her find love. His clever ploys, however, lead to an unexpected result.

A look at the life of Margaret Thatcher, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, with a focus on the price she paid for power.

Kassie is a smart, fun-loving single woman who, despite her neurotic best friend Wally’s objections, decides it’s time to have a baby – even if it means doing it herself… with a little help from a charming sperm donor. But, unbeknownst to her, Kassie’s plans go awry because of a last-minute switch that isn’t discovered until seven years later… when Wally gets acquainted with Kassie’s cute, though slightly neurotic, son.

During a wild vacation in Las Vegas, career woman Joy McNally and playboy Jack Fuller come to the sober realization that they have married each other after a night of drunken abandon. They are then compelled, for legal reasons, to live life as a couple for a limited period of time. At stake is a large amount of money.

Ruuben Feffer (Ben Stiller) on riski vastu, kuid tema korrastatud ja planeeritud elu on keeruline, kui mesinädalate ajal tunneb tema naine (Debra Messing) huvi lihaselise Kuuba sukeldumisõpetaja (Hank Azaria) vastu. Samal ajal astub lavale oma lapsepõlvesõber Polly (Jennifer Aniston), kes tutvustab talle riskantset sporti, vürtsikat toitu ja salsa tantsimist. Lühidalt, ta õpetab teda elama muretult ja nautima iga hetke.

When an elite assassin marries a beautiful computer whiz after a whirlwind romance, he gives up the gun and settles down with his new bride. That is, until he learns that someone from his past has put a contract out on his life.

Dr. Burke Ryan is a successful self-help author and motivational speaker with a secret. While he helps thousands of people cope with tragedy and personal loss, he secretly is unable to overcome the death of his late wife. It's not until Burke meets a fiercely independent florist named Eloise that he is forced to face his past and overcome his demons.

The irreverent host of a political satire talk show decides to run for president and expose corruption in Washington. His stunt goes further than he expects when he actually wins the election, but a software engineer suspects that a computer glitch is responsible for his surprising victory.

Pushed to the breaking-up point after their latest 'why can't you do this one little thing for me?' argument, Brooke calls it quits with her boyfriend Gary. What follows is a hilarious series of remedies, war tactics, overtures and undermining tricks – all encouraged by the former couple's friends and confidantes …and the occasional total stranger! When neither ex is willing to move out of their shared apartment, the only solution is to continue living as hostile roommates until one of them reaches breaking point.

Mind-control technology has taken society by a storm, a multiplayer on-line game called "Slayers" allows players to control human prisoners in mass-scale. Simon controls Kable, the online champion of the game. Kable's ultimate challenge becomes regaining his identity and independence by defeating the game's mastermind.

Newly engaged, Ben and Sadie can't wait to start their life together and live happily ever after. However Sadie's family church's Reverend Frank won't bless their union until they pass his patented, "foolproof" marriage prep course consisting of outrageous classes, outlandish homework assignments and some outright invasion of privacy.

An unemployed lingerie buyer convinces her bail bondsman cousin to give her a shot as a bounty hunter. Her first assignment is to track down a former cop on the run for murder – the same man who broke her heart years before. With the help of some friends and the best bounty hunter in the business, she slowly learns what it takes to be a true bounty hunter.

A Psammead is 'It', an ancient, irritable, ugly sand fairy, which five children find one day in a gravel pit. As a reward for finding him, It grants the children one wish a day, the results of which will last until sunset.

Romantiline draama neljast sõbrannast, kes kõik salamisi üksteise eludest unistavad. Vallaline Olivia (Jennifer Aniston) igatseb oma abielus sõprade kindlustunnet ja tema kolm abielus sõbrannat unistavad Olivia vabadusest. Puntrasse jooksnud Olivia otsustab oma õpetajatöö jätta ja pea selginemiseni koristajana töötada. Ta loodab nii rahaliselt kui emotsionaalselt oma varakatele sõbrannadele, aga ka neil on oma eludega piisavalt palju probleeme...