After the previous Godzilla attack, a miniature arms race ensues to collect his cells. Concerned over Godzilla's possible return, the Japanese government uses the cells to create a new bio-weapon, ANEB (Anti-Nuclear Energy Bacteria). They seeks the aid of geneticist Genshiro Shiragami, who's experiments result in a new mutation.

A fictionalized account of the first major successful sexual harassment case in the United States -- Jenson vs. Eveleth Mines, where a woman who endured a range of abuse while working as a miner filed and won the landmark 1984 lawsuit.

Barbie joacă rolul lui Lumina, o sirenă care visează să fie prințesă. Ea are puteri magice: perlele dansează și strălucesc la comanda ei!

A blunt, abrasive and yet oddly compassionate Jagdishwar Mishra aka Jolly, a small-time struggling lawyer who moves from Kanpur to the city of Nawabs to pursue his dream of becoming a big-time lawyer.

An ever evolving alien life-form arrives on a comet from the Dark Gaseous Nebula and proceeds to consume pollution. Spewing mists of sulfuric acid and corrosive sludge, neither humanity nor Godzilla may be able to defeat this toxic menace.

A blue harvest moon will rise, allowing the fairies to use a precious moonstone to restore the Pixie Dust Tree, the source of all their magic. But when Tinker Bell accidentally puts all of Pixie Hollow in jeopardy, she must venture out across the sea on a secret quest to set things right.

Will is looking for an escape from his family when he encounters Lee, the school bully. Armed with a video camera and a copy of Rambo, Lee plans to make his own action-packed video epic.

In High School Musical 3: Senior Year, elevii de liceu Troy si Gabriella se confrunta cu viitorul lor, care i-ar putea separa acum, odata cu admiterea pentru facultate. Reticenti in fata terminarii acestui al 4-lea an de liceu, Troy, Gabriella si restul grupului Wildcats pregatesc un nou muzical mai elaborat, care sa marcheze aceste noi schimbari cu care se vor confrunta, reflectand in acelasi timp toate experientele acestora, sperantele lor, dar si frica de necunoscut pentru viitorul care ii asteapta pe fiecare in parte. Practicand noi stiluri de muzica si exersand diverse stiluri de dans, in numere care mai de care extravagante, acesti tineri isi vor scoate in evidenta tot talentul lor, in acest spectacol de muzica si dans, care va fi ultimul lor moment impreuna, inainte de a-si spune cu totii la revedere in toamna.

Raised by her father, an ex-CIA agent, in the wilds of Finland, Hanna's upbringing has been geared to making her the perfect assassin. Sent into the world by her father on a mission, Hanna journeys across Europe, eluding agents dispatched after her by a ruthless intelligence operative. As she nears her ultimate target, Hanna faces startling revelations about her existence.

Adolescenta Sam îl întâlnește pe băiatul visurilor ei la dans, înainte de a se întoarce la muncă în restaurantul mamei vitrege. Îi poate oare reuni celularul pierdut?

În capitolul final din saga epică, fata nou-născută a Bellei și a lui Edward forțează cuplul să intre într-o confruntare crucială cu clanul Volturi.

Disgrace is the story of a South African professor of English who loses everything: his reputation, his job, his peace of mind, his good looks, his dreams of artistic success, and finally even his ability to protect his cherished daughter. After having an affair with a student, he moves to the Eastern Cape, where he gets caught up in a mess of post-apartheid politics.

Documentary about the making of American Pie (1999), American Pie 2 (2001) and American Wedding (2003).

A freelance writer looking for romance sells a story to Cosmopolitan magazine about finding love in the workplace and goes undercover at a Finance Company.

A publishing executive is visited and bitten by a vampire and starts exhibiting erratic behavior. He pushes his secretary to extremes as he tries to come to terms with his affliction.

An ambitious teaching student's finals studies are interrupted by a passionate affair with a jazz musician.

Fostul spion al CIA, Bob Ho, își asumă cea mai dificilă atribuție până în prezent: îngrijirea celor trei copii ai prietenei sale, care nu s-au apropiat prea mult de iubițelul mamei lor. Iar când unul dintre micuți descarcă accidental o formulă de secret maxim, rivalul de mult timp al lui Bob, un terorist rus, face o vizită familiei.

Puppy mayhem turns the lives of newlywed Chihuahua parents Papi and Chloe upside down when their rambunctious, mischievous puppies present one challenge after another. But when their human owners end up in trouble, the tiny pups will stop at nothing to save them - because in good times and hard times, the family always sticks together. So Papi, Chloe and the puppies embark on a heroic adventure, proving once again that big heroes come in small packages.

A young couple bound by a seemingly ideal love, begins to unravel as unexpected opportunities spin them down a volatile and violent path and threaten the future they had always imagined.

Familia Newton pleacă într-o călătorie prin Europa. Ceea ce ei nu știu e că ajung să posede un DVD cu coduri secrete, pentru care mulți ar plăti o avere ca să le aibă! Așa că, pe parcursul călătoriei, familia Newton ajunge sa fie urmărită de doi hoți, care trebuie să recupereze DVD-ul extrem de valoros!