A short comedy spoof about Universal Monsters and their everyday unconventional work done at their very own talent agency for their movies.

About the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War.

Une série de répétitions, un couple assassiné, une affaire étouffée. Shiki se rend sur les lieux du meurtre. elle y rencontre Tomoe Enjô, le meurtrier en cavale, qu’elle décide d’héberger. Shiki et Enjô, ces deux âmes esseulées se lient d’amitié et décident d’élucider le mystère autour du crime d’Enjô. Ils découvrent que l’immeuble où le meurtre a eu lieu fait partie intégrante du puzzle. sur place, un autre mystère surgit en la personne d’Araya Sôren, un ami de longue date d’Aozaki.

The first rule is that there are no rules. For the bare-knuckle combatants competing in Musangwe fights, anything goes - you can even put a curse on him. The sport, which dates back centuries, has become a South African institution. Any male from the age of nine to ninety can compete. We follow a group of fighters as they slug it out in the ring. Who will be this year's champion?

The story of how one Pittsburgh boy’s fascination with monsters drove him to the very top of the Hollywood food chain. In 1989, Greg Nicotero, much to his parents’ chagrin, quit medical school and headed for Hollywood to pursue a dream of making monsters. Together with gore masters Howard Berger and Robert Kurtzman, Nicotero went on to create KNB EFX Group, one of the most prolific makeup effects studios in the world. After twenty years as the “go to guy” for the world’s most successful horror/sci-fi films, Greg Nicotero is the first one directors like Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez call.

The comedian and best selling author of "Cancer on $5 a Day...How Humor Got Me Through the Toughest Journey of My Life," has plenty to say on everything from raising a 17 year old daughter, bargaining with the Almighty, and how not to make friends with a dolphin.

Angélique a été enlevée, malgré les efforts de Peyrac. Elle doit être vendue comme esclave au roi du Maroc. Peyrac, après bien des aventures, échoue chez son ami l'ambassadeur de Turquie. Il propose au roi du Maroc l'échange d'un secret contre sa femme, mais celle-ci est déjà parvenue à prendre la fuite...

Dans les montagnes du Pays Basque, une mère et sa fille s'abritent dans une cabane en ruine qui semble inhabitée.

A sickly man places a classified ad in which he offers a huge downtown loft apartment, utilities, food and eventual ownership of the flat with just one proviso: the couple who moves in must love each other so much that they can remain in the flat all day until the old man’s death. If one of them leaves, the deal is off. Enter the pale and auburn-haired Katya, a cellist who meets photographer Roman, a handsomely muscular young man.

The film tells the story of three best friends named Ako, Aki and Awang, who are well-known in their village for their mischievous and humourous pranks. The trio work for Pak Man. One day, they are assigned to pick up his daughter Misha, who has just returned from overseas and dreams of becoming a doctor. The trio have been in love with her for a long time but she does not pay them any heed. When Misha is robbed by a snatch thief one day, she is rescued by a doctor named Shafiq. Her face reminds the doctor of his late wife, and he begins to pursue her, which annoys the trio.

The author Thomas meets his childhood friend Hoffman on an autumn night in 1997. They decide to let a dream come true: to make a film of a play by Thomas, Veranda for a Tenor, with Hoffman in the lead role. The story takes us back to the summer of 1961, which changed their lives. The writing of the script awakens memories and forbidden questions are answered. Their friendship is put to the test a final time. Veranda for a tenor is a film about male friendship, but also about love. Their love for the same woman...

Three brothers watched as pupil their sister and only trust George, their teammate from the football club where they play. George loves her secretly but not admitting to respect the trust

Hillary and Bonnie meet one morning by the side of the road. They become fast friends, share their secrets, and, on a rising wave of frenzy, later that afternoon, murder an old woman. They did it, they say later, for fun.

Paris, les années 1920. La ville lumière est en plein chambardement artistique. Alors que surréalisme est en train d'éclore, Jean Cocteau rencontre le jeune Raymond Radiguet par l'entremise du poète Max Jacob. Enthousiasmé par les poèmes que Radiguet lui lit, Cocteau le conseille, l’encourage et le fait travailler. L'écrivain promeut les travaux de son ami dans son cercle artistique, et s'arrange pour le faire publier par Grasset. Mais bientôt Radiguet meurt emporté à 19 ans par une fièvre typhoïde mal diagnostisquée. Cocteau ne s'en remet pas et sombre peu à peu dans la drogue. Ses rêves, sous l'emprise de l'opium, se transforment en comédie musicale...

The film follows two teenagers from Toronto, Canada (Lena and Leco) who travel to Slovakia. The film shows the interactions between the two and the locals including Lena's relatives.

Court-métrage sur le lien unique entre un grand-père et ses petits-enfants. Trois enfants inventent un jeu de rôle avec des reliques de leur maison familiale et déclenchent, à leur insu, un profond voyage émotionnel pour leur grand-père. Ce jeu devient rapidement un moyen aux deux générations de reconnecter.