Rozija un Alekss kopš bērnības ir bijuši kopā gan priekos, gan bēdās. Taču, kad Aleksa ģimene pēkšņi pārceļas no Dublinas uz Bostonu Amerikā, draugi tiek šķirti. Rozija bez Aleksa jūtas apjukusi. Tomēr, kad meitene gatavojas braukt pie drauga uz Bostonu, notiek kas tāds, kas maina visu viņas dzīvi. Rozijai jāpaliek Dublinā. Abu maģiskā saikne saglabājas. Bet vai viņu draudzība spēs pārdzīvot gadus un attālumu, kā arī jaunas attiecības?

Metal drummer Ruben begins to lose his hearing. When a doctor tells him his condition will worsen, he thinks his career and life is over. His girlfriend Lou checks the former addict into a rehab for the deaf hoping it will prevent a relapse and help him adapt to his new life. After being welcomed and accepted just as he is, Ruben must choose between his new normal and the life he once knew.

Tim and John fell in love while teenagers at their all-boys high school. John was captain of the football team, Tim an aspiring actor playing a minor part in Romeo and Juliet. Their romance endured for 15 years in the face of everything life threw at it – the separations, the discrimination, the temptations, the jealousies and the losses – until the only problem that love can't solve tried to destroy them.

Leningrad, one summer in the early eighties. Smuggling LPs by Lou Reed and David Bowie, the underground rock scene is boiling ahead of the Perestroika. Mike and his beautiful wife Natasha meet with young Viktor Tsoï. Together with friends, they will change the destiny of rock’n’roll in the Soviet Union.

In 1979 Santa Barbara, California, Dorothea Fields is a determined single mother in her mid-50s who is raising her adolescent son, Jamie, at a moment brimming with cultural change and rebellion. Dorothea enlists the help of two younger women – Abbie, a free-spirited punk artist living as a boarder in the Fields' home and Julie, a savvy and provocative teenage neighbour – to help with Jamie's upbringing.

Kristians ir izcils matemātiķis ar lielāku pieķeršanos skaitļiem nekā cilvēkiem. Mazpilsētas grāmatvedības firmas aizsegā viņš patiesībā palīdz narkobaroniem, ieroču tirgoņiem un citām kriminālām organizācijām legalizēt nelikumīgi iegūto naudu. Brīdī, kad viņam lūdz palīdzību jaunāko robotikas tehnoloģiju uzņēmums pārliecināties vai viņu grāmatvedībā nav pazuduši miljoniem dolāru, viņam nākas likt lietā ne tikai kalkulatoru, bet arī automātiskos ieročus.

At a 1962 College, Dean Vernon Wormer is determined to expel the entire Delta Tau Chi Fraternity, but those troublemakers have other plans for him.

Uz patiesiem notikumiem balstīts stāsts, kas ļauj ielūkoties visu laiku varenākās, bet pretrunīgāk vērtētās mediju impērijas "Fox News" iekšienē un vēstī par sievietēm, kuras atmaskoja un gāza no troņa tās vadītāju.

Two strangers have dropped their kids off at a pickup area for a children's camp in Helsinki, Finland. A spark of mutual interest is ignited between the man and woman.

When Michèle, the CEO of a gaming software company, is attacked in her home by an unknown assailant, she refuses to let it alter her precisely ordered life. She manages crises involving family, all the while becoming engaged in a game of cat and mouse with her stalker.

Maiks Benings pilnībā nododas valsts dienestam, viņa galvenais uzdevums – gādāt par ASV prezidenta drošību. Kolēģi, ar kuriem Benings daudzus gadus strādājis plecu pie pleca, viņam neuzticas, tur viņu aizdomās par nodomu nonāvēt valsts galvu. Lai glābtu ne vien savu godu, bet arī dzīvību, Benings ir spiests slēpties un noskaidrot, kas un kāpēc ievilina viņu un prezidentu slazdā.

When a sudden plague of blindness devastates a city, a small group of the afflicted band together to triumphantly overcome the horrific conditions of their imposed quarantine.

Danijs un Vīlers, iesprūduši 30.gados, dzīvo ar trūkumu - Danijam šķiet, ka viņš ir iesprūdis attiecībās un atraidījis satriecošo draudzeni. Vīlers tveras pēc jebkā, lai tiktu pie seksa. Kad viņi iekļūst kautiņā ar smagā auto šoferi, viņi izvēlas brīvprātīgo darbu. Abi tiek nosūtīti pie brāļiem - Danijs pie Augija, bet Vīlers pie Ronija. Vienā brīdī abi sāk pieļaut kļūdas. Vai abiem vīriešiem izdosies mainīties daudz, lai kļūtu par elkiem?

Financial TV host Lee Gates and his producer Patty are put in an extreme situation when an irate investor takes over their studio.

A mother (in her Minivan) stops at nothing to recover her kidnapped son.

Ellesmere Island, northern Canada, 1908. Josephine, a brave but naive woman, embarks on a dangerous journey through inhospitable regions in search of her husband, the explorer Robert Peary, who tries to find a route to the North Pole.

Baidoties, ka Metropoles pārcilvēciskā varoņa Supermena rīcība izgājusi ārpus kontroles, spārnotais atriebējs Betmens pamet dzimto Gotemu, lai pārmācītu Supermenu. Kamēr Betmens un Supermens cīnās viens pret otru, bet sabiedrība lauž šķēpus par to, kāds varonis tai īsti vajadzīgs, cilvēci negaidot piemeklē lielākais apdraudējums, kādu tā līdz šim piedzīvojusi…

A year after witnessing a murder, residents of Tower Block 31 find themselves being picked off by a sniper, pitting those lucky enough to be alive into a battle for survival.

A young woman named Savannah Knoop spends six years pretending to be a transgender writer named JT Leroy, the made-up literary persona of her sister-in-law.

A prep-school student accidentally films the drug-related deaths of two classmates, then is asked to put together a memorial video.