Ikääntyneet vanhemmat Shukichi (Chishu Ryu) ja Tomi Hirayama (Chieko Higashiyama) lähtevät käymään kiireisten lastensa luona Tokiossa ja Osakassa. Päästyään perille Tokioon pariskunta huomaa, ettei lapsilla ole aikaa heille, koska heillä on oma elämä, työ ja perhe, joiden välillä heidän on vaikea tasapainotella.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

A new documentary that showcases the making of the epic limited series. Features never-before-seen, behind-the-scenes footage, interviews and visits to the creature shop and props department.

A searing legal drama that centers on a highly credentialed child psychologist whose life is shattered when he's accused of sexually assaulting a young boy he's been treating.

Recorded during the band's 2009 sell out UK tour on April 30 at the legendary Roundhouse in London. The Return to Eden tour was the first time that the classic Ultravox line-up of Midge Ure, Billy Currie, Criss Cross and Warren Cann had performed together in over two decades, and was followed by a highly successful European and festival tour that ran through the summer and into the Autumn.

While settling into married life with Akiko, Ryu is brought into a case involving a woman named Katsuragi Aoi, a member of a pickpocketing ring with most of her teammates murdered from unknown masked vigilantes that Ryu fought as Accel. As the details of the case begin to unravel, Ryu is framed and Akiko believes that he may not be faithful to her. As the clock ticks down, Ryu must solve the case, clear his name, and save his marriage before everything comes to an explosive end!

Dorothy, saved from a psychiatric experiment by a mysterious girl, finds herself back in the land of her dreams, and makes delightful new friends, and dangerous new enemies.

This documentary looks at the Danish resistance movement's execution of 400 informers during the Nazi occupation and the ensuing cover-up.

Chrissy ja Lauren ovat palanneet kohtaamaan ja kukistamaan Tromavillen ja koko maailman korruptoituneet pahat voimat. Kun monikansallisen "luomuruokayhtiön" häiriintynyt johtaja käynnistää kieroutuneen salaliiton, sankarittariemme on iskettävä uudelleen. Tällä kertaa pelissä ei ole vain heidän oma ihmisyytensä, vaan taistelu ihmisten orjuuttamista ja maailmanloppua vastaan! Selviävätkö he? Troma palaa jatko-osalla Lloyd Kaufmanin hullunkuriseen tarinaan Tromavillen omituisista tapahtumista, jossa hän onnistuu sekoittamaan täysin kypsymättömän sivistymättömyyden ja kirvelevän yhteiskuntakritiikin, jossa poliitikot, julkkikset ja suuryritykset saavat kenkää sekä oikealta että vasemmalta. Myös yksi Lemmyn viimeisistä rooleista. RIP.

A man belongs to a middle-class family and is intent on pursuing his career with a music group, despite his dad's disapproval. He is also in love with the lead singer, but she sees him mainly as a friend.

Once again billed as Montgomery Wood, Giuliano Gemma plays a civil war soldier who returns to his family land to find his family decimated, his property taken over by a family of Mexican bandits and his fiancee about to marry the Mexican gangster behind all this. Bent on revenge, he goes undercover disguised as a Mexican and discovers he has a daughter!

Vuosien saatossa kovia kokenut Tromaville High School on elpynyt uuteen kukoistukseen. Koulun naapuriin on noussut TromOrganic-yhtiön tuotantolaitos, joka tarjoilee oppilaille kestävän kehityksen luomuherkkuja. Bloggaajatyttö Chrissy (Asta Paredes) epäilee yhtiön tarkoitusperiä ja saa vahvistusta vainulleen, kun koulun musikaaliklubin jäsenet muuttuvat äkkiarvaamatta aggressiivisiksi sekopäiksi. Chrissyn on räjäytettävä TromOrganicin salat julki, jotta hän voi turvata yhteisen tulevaisuutensa ihastuttavan uuden oppilaan Laurenin (Catherine Corcoran) kanssa.

It's 1649: Mazarin hires the impoverished D'Artagnan to find the other musketeers: Cromwell has overthrown the English king, so Mazarin fears revolt, particularly from the popular Beaufort. Porthos, bored with riches and wanting a title, signs on, but Aramis, an abbé, and Athos, a brawler raising an intellectual son, assist Beaufort in secret. When they fail to halt Beaufort's escape from prison, the musketeers are expendable, and Mazarin sends them to London to rescue Charles I. They are also pursued by Justine, the avenging daughter of Milady de Winter, their enemy 20 years ago. They must escape England, avoid Justine, serve the Queen, and secure Beauford's political reforms.

Joe believed in right and wrong until... His job outsourced to India. His teaser rate spiked. His wife bailed. But Joe has a plan...to get it all back, and more. Joe returns home, to the last place on planet Earth where real men can be found...Chicago. Joe's Uncle Dominic is "connected". Joe wants in...to The Mob, or "The Outfit", as it is called in Chicago. And he'll do anything to make it happen. Can a wanna-be wise guy live a long and happy life ? A way cool element of The Return of Joe Rich is amazing HD documentary footage of 10 real-life "Chicago Guys" ages 73 to 89. These "guys" found themselves in the same predicament, in real life, in the 1930's, 40's, and 50's, that Joe does today. They form a "Greek Chorus" which inter-cuts with the present day narrative of The Return of Joe Rich. Written by Sam Auster

Miraculously escaping a painful demise in the gallows, a notorious outlaw cons a crooked judge, an attractive saloon girl, and an old partner into carrying out the heist of a lifetime. As the plan gets underway, a small town sheriff makes it his personal mission to capture the outlaw and ensure that justice is served.

It's summer camp as usual at Camp Manabe where the kids torment each other for fun while the underpaid camp staff provides as little supervision as possible. Greedy camp owner Frank and junior partner Ronnie do their best to keep everyone in line, but something sinister is about to put a slash in the roster. When campers and staff mysteriously begin disappearing and turning into gruesome corpses, paranoid Ronnie can't shake the memory of a series of grisly murders that took place at Camp Arawak. As the paranoia worsens, Ronnie's list of possible killers starts growing just like the body count. Only one thing is for certain, something is carving a bloody new trail at Sleepaway Camp where kids can be so mean and surviving this summer is gonna be a real killer!

Once again someone from the future has come back to create an army of Trancers, human zombies who do what they're told without question or pause. Now officer Jack Deth, a cop from the future stranded in the past, must once again go forth to stop them. This sci-fi action sequel chronicles his courageous actions as he struggles to save the future. His difficulties are compounded when his boss sends his first wife back from the future to help Deth who has unfortunately, married a 20th-century girl.

A private detective goes after the people who murdered his girlfriend.

Made-for-tv movie, the pilot for a "Brady Bunch" revival series, "The Brady Brides." Jan and Marcia have met the men of their dreams and decide to tie the knot. They agree to hold the weddings together in the family's back yard, but fight over whether to have a modern ceremony or a traditional one. Can the marriages be saved? All of the original cast members (except cousin Oliver) put in a return appearance.

Neljä päättäjäistanssiaisista palaamassa ollutta nuorta joutuu auto-onnettomuuteen synkällä ja yksinäisellä metsätaipaleella. Yksi heistä jää auton luo odottamaan, jos joku sattuisi ajamaan ohi ja muut suunnistavat metsään etsimään apua. Matkalla he kohtaavat todella omituisen kiinteistövälittäjänaisen ja törmäävät verenhimoieseen perheeseen, jonka johtajana heiluu moottorisahaa varsin taitavasti käyttelevä Vilmer...