Made shortly after his death, this documentary explores the brief life and remarkable legacy of guitarist Jimi Hendrix. After finding fame in the U.K., Hendrix brought his act back to the U.S., where his influential playing style left a blazing imprint on a whole generation of musicians. Employing interviews with family and contemporaries, such as Eric Clapton, as well as scorching live performances from Woodstock and Isle of Wight, the film paints an indelible portrait of a rock 'n' roll legend.

A former circus artist escapes from a mental hospital to rejoin his mother - the leader of a strange religious cult - and is forced to enact brutal murders in her name.

Brian comes under the addictive spell of a parasite with the ability to induce euphoric hallucinations in its hosts.

ילד לונדוני, בן להורים בורגנים שכל מעיינם נתון למכשירים חשמליים, נסחף להרפתקאות גרוטסקיות מההיסטוריה האנושית. אנטיתזה לסרטי הילדים ההוליבודיים, מתוצרת ותיקי חבורת מונטי פייטון וטרי גיליאם בראשם. גיליאם משלב כאן וירטואוזיות טכנית, חומר אבסורדי ועיצוב תפאורות מדהים עם עלילה פנטסטית שחלקה אגדית וחלקה מדע-בדיונית - כזו שיכולה להתאים לילדים אבל יש בה את המגע השנון שאוהבים המבוגרים. בקצרה: כל סימני ההכר שמאפיינים את הקריירה של טרי גיליאם מופיעים כבר בסרט מוקדם זה.

Things seem pretty bad for a young girl living a "hard-knock life" in an orphanage. Fed up with the dastardly Miss Hannigan, Annie escapes the run-down orphanage determined to find her mom and dad. It's an adventure that takes her from the cold, mean streets of New York to the warm, comforting arms of bighearted billionaire Oliver Warbucks - with plenty of mischief and music in between.

קומדית אימה מוצלחת של הבמאי פרנק מרשל ("לחיות"). עכביש גדול מן הג'ונגלים של דרום אמריקה, מגיע בטעות לתיבת הקבורה של האיש שעקץ והרג, ונשלח לעיירה קטנה בקליפורניה, אמריקה, שם הוא מזדווג עם העכביש המקומי. תושבי העיירה שמים לב שהם מתחילים למות יותר מדי מ"עקיצות יתוש" ועתה ד"ר העיירה (ג'ף דניאלס, "טיפשים בלי הפסקה"), המדביר (ג'ון גודמן, "המלך ראלף") והמדען שהיה בדרום אמריקה (ג'וליאן סאנדס, "לעזוב את לאס וגאס"), חייבים לעצור את צאצאי העכביש הקטלני לפני שיעקצו את כל העיירה.

The clumsy and unfunny clown Richard "Stitches" Grindle entertains at the 10th birthday party of little Tom, but the boy and his friends play a prank with Stitches, tying his shoelaces. Stitches slips, falls and dies. Six years later, Tom gives a birthday party for his friends at home, but Stitches revives to haunt the teenagers and revenge his death.

Honest and straightforward small-town Shirlee Kenyon chucks her boyfriend and heads for Chicago. Accidentally having to host a radio problem phone-in show, it is clear she is a natural and is hired on the spot. But the station insists she call herself Doctor, and as her popularity grows a local reporter starts digging for the truth. Problem is, the more he is around her the more he fancies her.

Harry Crumb is a bumbling and inept private investigator who is hired to solve the kidnapping of a young heiress which he's not expected to solve because his employer is the mastermind behind the kidnapping.

קומדיית אימה בכיכובו של השחקן האלמוני (באותם הימים) ג'ים קארי. לורן האטון מגלמת ערפדית המחפשת נואשות אחרי דמו של נער בתול כדי לשמור על המראה הצעיר שלה. היא פוגשת את קארי, ובעקבות הבילוי המשותף הוא מפתח משיכה לסטייקים מדממים ונטיה להירדם בימים... תקציר: סינמטק ת"א

Melvin Junko was a nerdy weakling until he fell into a vat of toxic waste, turning him into the first ever superhuman creature from New Jersey. This time, he takes on Tokyo.

A documentary about Traci Lords, one of the most popular American porn stars of the 1980s, who almost brought down the industry when it was discovered that she had been under 18 years old.

Henelotter ups the ante in the final part of his trilogy by introducing a new member to the family: the potentially monstrous fruit of hideously deformed Belial's loins. With the pair still enjoying relative anonymity and comfort in their new found home (presided over by Granny Roth), things however take a downward turn on a trip to the Georgia Clinic of Uncle Hal, which leads to an encounter with an especially nasty redneck sheriff and his similarly blinkered band of merry men.

Michael's health club is beseiged with a series of terrible murders involving killer saunas and other grisly devices. Michael's wife killed herself a while before and her brother holds Michael responsible. Michael needs to stop the bloodshed before he loses all of his clients.

Nathan Hayes is a religious man trying to hold onto his farm and keep his family in line. A real estate developer is trying to buy most of the farm property in the area, including Mr. Hayes family farm, in the hope that the Tennesse Valley Authority will choose the town for the site of a new dam and recreational area. The night of a terrible storm, an unidentified, glowing object crashes on the Hayes farm and with it comes a horrible curse for the Hayes family and the members of the community.

The horrifying yet delicious and chewy Gingerdead Man causes murder and mayhem on the set of a horrible low budget movie set. It will take the determination of the studio's young new owner to save both his company and well as the lives of his young new friends. Including a terminally ill young boy whose final wish it was to meet the studios stars - The Tiny Terrors.

An otherwordly perpetrator has been attacking female virgins in Manhattan. As Dr. Pace and Detective Andriotti work together to identify the strange organic materials found on the women, the victims begin arising in a trance and leaving the hospital.

A woman wakes up on a beach tied in a plastic press wearing only underwear and high heels. “Not again”, she sighs and decides to track down the enemy and strike back. She gets a companion from an older woman, who has been pushed to the borders of society. During their journey through classical cinematic landscapes these nameless women from different generations struggle to connect and understand each other’s perspectives while their passion for men and male attention gets in away.

Jack wants to prove to his wife Alma, that he is a new man after his drug abuse and time spend in prison. He is offered new job as a night watchman of an old mine complex, which he accepts without a question. What no one knows that the dark place holds a disturbing secret that will fill their lives with terror.

A psychotic college professor uses unwitting students as laboratory rats, injecting them with a drug that mutates them into gory killers