A young woman with a mysterious past lands in Southport, North Carolina where her bond with a widower forces her to confront the dark secret that haunts her.

Bambi's tale unfolds from season to season as the young prince of the forest learns about life, love, and friends.

All-stars from the previous Step Up installments come together in glittering Las Vegas, battling for a victory that could define their dreams and their careers.

Thomas and his fellow Gladers face their greatest challenge yet: searching for clues about the mysterious and powerful organization known as WCKD. Their journey takes them to the Scorch, a desolate landscape filled with unimaginable obstacles. Teaming up with resistance fighters, the Gladers take on WCKD’s vastly superior forces and uncover its shocking plans for them all.

During a summer stay on the mainland, Tinker Bell is accidentally discovered while investigating a little girl's fairy house. As the other fairies, led by the brash Vidia, launch a daring rescue in the middle of a fierce storm, Tink develops a special bond with the lonely, little girl.

When her nation is invaded, a young princess is taken into the Princess Protection Program. She is relocated to Louisiana, where she stays with a covert agent and his tomboyish daughter, and must learn how to behave like an ordinary teenager.

Captain Jack Sparrow crosses paths with a woman from his past, and he's not sure if it's love -- or if she's a ruthless con artist who's using him to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. When she forces him aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, the ship of the formidable pirate Blackbeard, Jack finds himself on an unexpected adventure in which he doesn't know who to fear more: Blackbeard or the woman from his past.

Lilo, Stitch, Jumba, and Pleakley have finally caught all of Jumba's genetic experiments and found the one true place where each of them belongs. Stitch, Jumba and Pleakley are offered positions in the Galactic Alliance, turning them down so they can stay on Earth with Lilo, but Lilo realizes her alien friends have places where they belong – and it's finally time to say "aloha".

It's a jungle out there for Blu, Jewel and their three kids after they're hurtled from Rio de Janeiro to the wilds of the Amazon. As Blu tries to fit in, he goes beak-to-beak with the vengeful Nigel, and meets the most fearsome adversary of all: his father-in-law.

V zadnjem poglavju somračne vampirske romance Bella uživa v novem življenju vampirke, toda z možem Edwardom se bojita za usodo njune hčerke Renesmee. Poleg zlobnih Volturov, ki jo želijo pokončati, težave povzroča tudi volkodlak Jacob. Ta je z Renesmee doživel vtisnjenje, s katerim volkodlaki najdejo svojo sorodno dušo. Toda ko Volturi napovedo svoj prihod, morata Bella in Edward za pomoč zaprositi prijatelje in z močjo njune nerazdružljive ljubezni obvarovati hčerko pred najhujšim.

Novopečeni učitelj Zeki počasi pozablja na svojo neslavno tatinsko preteklost, vendar hkrati z vedno večjo priljubljenostjo med učenci spoznava tudi slabe strani redne službe, od zgodnjega vstajanja, do nenehnega popravljanja kontrolnih nalog. Še več težav mu povzroča stroga ravnateljica, ki želi izboljšati ugled šole, zato poskrbi za program mednarodne izmenjave učencev. Zekijev razred pošlje na Tajsko, kjer razposajeni mladeniči in mladenke takoj pričnejo uganjati norčije. Zabavne prigode Zekija prisilijo, da uporabi vse svoje trike in znova vzpostavi red med učenci.

When Mitchie gets a chance to attend Camp Rock, her life takes an unpredictable twist, and she learns just how important it is to be true to yourself.

Kultna ljubezenska saga Somrak se nadaljuje z večnim hrepenenjem med lepo Bello in vampirjem Edwardom. Njuno prepovedano romanco dodatno otežijo skrivnostni umori in grozeča vojna med vampirji in volkodlaki. Krhko ravnovesje je odvisno od Belle, ki se mora dokončno odločiti med ljubeznijo do Edwarda in prijateljstvom z volkodlakom Jacobom. Toda vrnitev maščevalne vampirke Victorie povzroči neizprosen boj na življenje in smrt ter številne težke življenjske odločitve, kjer lahko zmaga le iskrena ljubezen.

Elaine "Ellie" Harrison has just moved from Minnesota to Annapolis, Maryland while her parents take a year-long sabbatical to continue their medieval studies in nearby Washington D.C. Her new high school, Avalon High, seems like a typical high school with the stereotypical students: Lance the jock, Jennifer the cheerleader, Marco, the bad boy/desperado, and Will, the senior class president, quarterback, and all around good guy. But not everyone at Avalon High is who they appear to be, not even Ellie herself. Eventually, it becomes apparent that Avalon High is a situation where the ancient Arthurian legend is repeating itself.

In their quest to confront the ultimate evil, Percy and his friends battle swarms of mythical creatures to find the mythical Golden Fleece and to stop an ancient evil from rising.

The first wedding anniversary of Princess Odette and Prince Derek is distracted by field fires set by Knuckles. His master Clavius, wants to conquer the world, and he needs to capture a giant orb to do that. Clavius kidnaps Queen Uberta and Odette with Derek have to save her.

Three pairs of friends relationships go from good to bad and back again. Several couple fall out over girls, boys and work. Can all these couples settle their differences and be friends again?

Plastic surgeon Michel Saint-Josse is on his way to Spain where he hopes to spend a stress-free holiday in a luxury hotel with his teenage daughter Vanessa. When his car breaks down near a camping, Michel accepts the offer of help from an extrovert gigolo camper named Patrick Chirac. Whilst their car is being repaired, Michel and Vanessa agree to stay in Patrick’s well proportioned tent, not knowing that, thanks to a series of mishaps, it will be their home for several days...

Now that Frollo is gone, Quasimodo rings the bell with the help of his new friend and Esmeralda's and Phoebus' little son, Zephyr. But when Quasi stops by a traveling circus owned by evil magician Sarousch, he falls for Madellaine, Sarouch's assistant.

Wayne Szalinski is at it again. But instead of shrinking things, he tries to make a machine that can make things grow. As in the first one, his machine isn't quite accurate. But when he brings Nick & his toddler son Adam to see his invention, the machine unexpectedly starts working. And when Adam comes right up to the machine, he gets zapped along with his stuffed bunny.