Life On The Murder Scene offers an in-depth, extensive video diary, featuring band interviews and behind-the-scenes commentary.

Štiričlanska Ki-taekova družina si je sicer zelo blizu, vendar nihče nima službe, prihodnost pa ni obetavna. Sinu Ki-wooju se nasmehne sreča, ko ga prijatelj, ki obiskuje prestižno univerzo, predlaga za dobro plačano službo. Ki-woo, ki na ramenih nosi pričakovanja celotne družine, se odpravi k družini Park na razgovor. Glava družine je g. Park, lastnik mednarodnega računalniškega podjetja. Ki-woo tam spozna Yeon-kyo, prelepo mladenko. Kmalu po prvem srečanju se odnosi med družinama zapletejo, kar pripelje do niza nesrečnih pripetljajev.

Režiser filmov Sedem in Nenavadni primer Benjamina Buttona raziskuje nastanek najbolj priljubljenega spletnega družabnega omrežja Facebook, ki je leta 2003 nastal v glavi študenta Marka Zuckerberga. Zaradi občutka odrinjenosti želi Mark ustvariti svoje omrežje poznanstev, zato napiše program, ki kmalu preraste v svetovni fenomen. Toda z vsakim milijonom dobička se večajo nesoglasja med Markom in njegovimi prijatelji, znajde pa se tudi pod drobnogledom oblasti.

In 1630, a farmer relocates his family to a remote plot of land on the edge of a forest where strange, unsettling things happen. With suspicion and paranoia mounting, each family member's faith, loyalty and love are tested in shocking ways.

Bruce Willis je nekdanji tajni agent Joe, ki se preživlja kot zasebni detektiv. Najamejo ga za varovanje striptizete, ki ji že nekaj časa grozijo. Ko jo resnično napadejo, Joe spozna njenega fanta Jimmyja in skupaj postaneta dokaj nenavadna partnerja. Sledi ju vodijo v pokvarjeno igro mafije, ki si hoče prisvojiti dobičke od nogometnih stav. Joe ima mimogrede še zakonske težave in ko mu ugrabijo trinajstletno hčerko, postane neuničljiv.

Zakonca Josh in Renai imata srečno družino s tremi majhnimi otroki. Ko po njunem najmlajšem sinu udari tragedija, začneta v nadaljevanju priljubljene grozljivke Josh in Renai doživljati stvari, ki jih znanost ne zna pojasniti.

A small town is taken over by an alien plague, turning residents into zombies and all forms of mutant monsters.

Psihotičen in nekoliko moten moški, Zito, začne v New Yorku v znak maščevanja za materino zlorabljanje v otroštvu, zasledovati in ubijati lepe mlade ženske. Kot trofejo jim odreže skalp, s katerim si doma polepša izložbene lutke. V njih išče idealno žensko in ko spozna čedno fotografinjo Anno, se zdi, da je končno našel, kar je iskal. Bo to dovolj, da preneha s svojim morilskim pohodom?

Alice is a withdrawn 12-year-old who lives with her mother and her younger sister, Karen, who gets most of the attention from her mother, leaving Alice out of the spotlight. When Karen is found brutally murdered in a church, suspicions start to turn toward Alice. But could a 12-year-old girl really be capable of such savagery?

A photographer's obsessive pursuit of dark subject matter leads him into the path of a serial killer who stalks late night commuters, ultimately butchering them in the most gruesome ways.

After a young, middle-class couple moves into what seems like a typical suburban house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be demonic but is certainly the most active in the middle of the night.

A masked killer targets six college kids responsible for a prank gone wrong three years earlier and who are currently throwing a large New Year's Eve costume party aboard a moving train.

A search and recovery team heads into Victor Crowley’s haunted swamp to pick up the pieces, and Marybeth learns the secret to ending the voodoo curse that has left Victor Crowley terrorizing Honey Island Swamp for decades.

A group of American tourists is traveling through Spain when two of them are murdered by a mysterious serial killer who removes an eyeball from every one of his victims. The tour presses on as the murders continue, with the travelers and the police trying to deduce which one of them is the killer.

A rash of bizarre murders in New York City seems to point to a group of grotesquely deformed vagrants living in the sewers. A courageous policeman, a photojournalist and his girlfriend, and a nutty bum, who seems to know a lot about the creatures, band together to try and determine what the creatures are and how to stop them.

Hector Doriani (Paul Naschy) is a stage and screen actor who feels himself living in the shadow of his dead twin brother, Alex Doriani, once a famous star of horror movies. Alex’s young son, Adrian, now lives with Hector in an isolated mansion in the countryside. To keep alive the memory of his father, the boy imagines himself visited by the spirit of the dead man, incarnated in a series of classic horror characters from the past. Eric, Alex’s former butler, now also works for Hector. His main role is to locate and bring to the mansion a series of women who are paid large sums of money by Hector to take part in various sadistic sex games. To complicate matters even further, the games always seem to end with the women getting slaughtered in various gruesome ways by a black gloved, masked killer. Also on hand is horror diva Caroline Munro, as Hector’s housekeeper and cook, who is being pursued by a local priest with whom she once had a much-regretted affair.

Mutated by his own secret formula, Dr. Alec Holland becomes Swamp Thing - a half human, half plant superhero who will stop at nothing to rescue government agent Alice Cable and defeat his evil arch nemesis Arcane... even if it costs him his life.

A demented former lawyer uses autopsy equipment to kill off the teenagers who trespass on the long-abandoned asylum he inhabits. Filmed on location in an actual abandoned asylum.

High school student Paula Carson's affections are being sought after by two of her classmates: Dwight, the "bad boy", and Brian, a disturbed young man who has just been released from a mental hospital where he was committed following the suspicious death of his father. Soon after being released, more murders start happening. Is Brian back to his old tricks, or is Dwight just trying to eliminate the competition?

Beneath the fake blood and cheap masks of countless haunted house attractions across the country, there are whispers of truly terrifying alternatives. Looking to find an authentic, blood-curdling good fright for Halloween, five friends set off on a road trip in an RV to track down these underground Haunts. Just when their search seems to reach a dead end, strange and disturbing things start happening and it becomes clear that the Haunt has come to them…