DVD compilation of three werewolf-themed episodes from various Scooby-Doo series; Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Werewolf, Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo: Where's the Werewolf, and A Pup Named Scooby-Doo: The Were-Doo of Doo Manor.

After an unthinkable tragedy, a man's reality is shattered by a seemingly haunted flaslight.

Lea is a tour guide in Japan who suffered from temporary blindness and if not cured in a few weeks could be permanent. Tonyo who lives right across from Lea is persistent and determined to be her friend. They then become closer and Lea has seen the true character of Tonyo.

由美国The Documentary Group (纪录片集团)和英特尔联合摄制。影片描述十个发展中国家的女孩如何通过教育改变自身、家庭和所在社区的命运,成为有用之才。

与孙悟空和贝吉塔等龙珠战士的一役结束,伤痕累累的布洛迪乘球星飞船追踪来至地球,却因伤势过重昏迷过去,被冰封于山谷之中。   许多年过去,老一辈龙珠战士开始退居幕后,悟天、特兰克斯和比迪丽寻找散落各地的龙珠。三人路过一个山村,这里连年遭受天灾,村民认为惹恼了山中的恶魔,于是希望献上童女高高以平息恶魔的诅咒。悟天等人为救高高,答应帮村民除掉恶魔,却撞见了从沉睡中苏醒的布洛迪。一场大战在所难免…

A documentary about unemployed people who bought fruit and vegetables at moderate prices at the wholesale market and sold these in the streets of Frankfurt. Since they had no permits they were constantly with their bulky carts on the run from the police. One part of the film was shot at the fairgrounds in front of the wholesale market. Newspaper and lottery ticket vendors, propagandists offering their ware for a few pfennigs, all convey the mood of a time when need made people inventive.

A short animation by Haruka Suzuki based on the poem "Asa" by Ikuko Shirakuma


The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

一位知悉国家机密的CIA探员比利·波普 意外身亡,在弗兰克斯博士 的协助下将其记忆与技能植入了一位极度危险且无法预测的罪犯杰里科·斯图尔特 身上,而探员贵格·威尔斯 必须靠这位不定时炸弹来摧毁企图攫取国家机密的犯罪组织。杰里科·斯图尔特为了救回换脑后渐渐爱上的比利·波普被胁迫的妻子和孩子,重新找回自己的生活,不得不在48小时的时间里,与犯罪组织展开殊死搏斗。


When Crystal Wyatt was 16 her father passed away. From that time her life would never be the same. Crystal is banished from the family ranch, and starts a new life as a singer in a San Francisco nightclub.

One day the snow left the forest and went to the city. At the same time, his leadership was the Snow Law, which says that if you fall out for the first time, you can get up and walk again, if you fall out a second time, you can also get up and go further. And if you fall out for the third time, then you will remain lying until you turn into a puddle.

五只住在芬园农场里的狗狗们无意中发现了五枚看似普通的脖圈,戴上后他们居然都有了超能力,可以飞、可以隐形、也可以将身形变得很长,他们利用特殊能力 解救被抢劫的糖果店老板,也成功救出受困火场的小女孩,短短几天内,狗狗们就变成小镇上的英雄,但他们万万没想到这五枚脖圈居然大有来头,也将他们推入了 邪恶又混乱的深渊。 来自23象限星球的凯南舰长来到地球寻找遗失的五枚茵斯派隆环,但这消息却被黯黑军团邪恶司令官德瑞斯发现,为了确保自己的身份不会曝光,凯南舰长化身德 国牧羊犬,隐身在小镇好继续寻找茵斯派隆环的下落。某日,凯南舰长发现五只狗狗身上戴的居然就是茵斯派隆环,他决定要跟狗狗们合作并训练这批拥有超能力的 英雄狗狗们,好对抗觊觎茵斯派隆环力量的邪恶司令官德瑞斯,确保茵斯派隆环不会落入邪恶势力的手中!

  蛰伏了1年之久的泰国功夫巨星东尼嘉以全新面目回归银幕,誓要一雪“拳霸2”惨败之前耻,令人期待。东尼嘉自编自导自演的“拳霸2”在2008年上映,但是却没有得到观众的认可,可谓口碑、票房皆败,为了扫去过去一年的阴霾和晦气,东尼嘉吸取“拳霸2”的教训,闭关精心拍摄“拳霸3”。 这部新的电影续集将会对前作中唐突的结尾给出解释,在这一集中,东尼嘉饱受牢狱折磨后武功尽失,后来得到善良村民的帮助重获新生,并且得到大师指点武功大增,带着满腔杀敌怒火回归...让我们一同期待“拳霸3”的到来。

终于,圣地亚哥(库诺·贝克 Kuno Becker 饰)踏上了英伦列岛,加入了英超纽卡斯尔俱乐部,开始了在英超联赛的征战。不管是在英超赛场还是在欧洲冠军联赛,圣地亚哥精湛的球艺引起了欧洲各大俱乐部的注意,欧洲的豪门球队皇家马德里也向其发出了正式的邀请。为了参加欧洲的顶级赛事欧洲冠军联赛,与欧洲最出色的球队和球员同场竞技。圣地亚哥最终决定转会皇家马德里。这场看似简单的转会,在圣地亚哥看来却是波折不断。在英超的一个赛季中,圣地亚哥与贝克汉姆(大卫·贝克汉姆 David Beckham 饰)建立了良好的关系,在赛场上并肩作战。但是也遭遇到与经理人决裂,其他球员糜烂的私生活的影响……在名利的诱惑之下,这位冉冉升起的足球新星的职业生涯将会怎样发展?

Maddy and Cole were inseparable friends until high school started and Maddy became the most popular girl on campus. When she starts feeling lonely and heartbroken, she reconnects with Cole and the duo conspire to destroy the ultimate teen popularity contest

  讲述埃利奥特和他们所有的森林朋友一个全新的冒险,因为森林里其它的动物们都在为各种各样的事情而繁忙,所以Boog他决定自己旅行,一个酷似马戏团的灰熊,接管他的位置。 《丛林大反攻3》剧照(8张)   布格的朋友准备把他从俄国旅行马戏团带回家。一连串有趣的事情。


  在商场当了六年保安的保罗(凯文·詹姆斯 Kevin James 饰)攒够了假期,带着即将上大学的女儿玛雅(莱妮·罗德里格兹 Raini Rodriguez 饰),来到“赌城”拉斯维加斯的安可酒店,参加保安大会。   会议中途,保罗无意间发现了一个密谋抢劫拉斯维加斯所有赌场的黑帮团伙,于是,他继续跨着电动平衡车,与其他前来参加大会的保安们一起,和天才黑帮首领斗智斗勇,保卫赌城……