بينما يدمر كانو والتنين الأسود الخراب في جميع أنحاء العالم ، سيتعين على محارب شاب يُدعى كينشي أن يتخطى حدوده ويتحمل التهديد الذي يلوح في الأفق

12 years after Char's rebellion, Hathaway Noa leads an insurgency against Earth Federation, but meeting an enemy officer and a mysterious woman alters his fate.

بعد اكتشاف مجرم طامح أنه ثالث أهم هارب مطلوب للعدالة في "تايوان"، ينطلق في مهمة للقضاء على المجرمَين الآخرَين الخطرَين.

A group of teenagers must face a zombie apocalypse, and help reestablish order.

Lena is a talented midwife and gynaecologist, her husband Serezha is an actor at a provincial drama theatre. They are close and gentle with each other, but there is no sex. Lena suspects that Serezha has an affair, but she worries quietly and does not reveal her jealousy. Instead of sorting out her relationship with her husband, Lena starts to betray him with chance acquaintances. Gradually Lena’s parallel life gets out of control and changes her original life.

Marie, an independent and militant woman, has never needed anyone's help, including when it comes to raise her son. When the latter is expelled from his certificate of professional competence training class, Marie cannot accept it. Dreaming of a brighter future for him, she decides to enroll him in one of the best cooking schools in France.

A dysfunctional couple head to a remote lakeside cabin under the guise of reconnecting, but each has secret designs to kill the other. Before they can carry out their respective plans, unexpected visitors arrive and the couple is faced with a greater danger than anything they could have plotted.

A man will become a criminal to save his family.

الثقة هي الإعداد. يتم جمع مجموعة من المجرمين معا في ظل ظروف غامضة وعليهم العمل معا للكشف عما يحدث بالفعل عندما تسير وظيفتهم البسيطة بشكل جانبي تماما.

A woman seemingly dies of fright after participating in a séance where she sees a vision of a Dunwich priest hanging himself in a church cemetery. New York City reporter Peter Bell investigates and learns that the priest's suicide has somehow opened a portal to Hell and must be sealed by All Saints Day, or else the dead will overtake humanity.

من وحي أحداث حقيقية، وبناء على رواية مصدر داخلي، يقدم هذا التجسيد الدرامي الخيالي كيفية ترتيب سيدات برنامج "نيوزنايت" لإجراء المقابلة الشائنة مع الأمير "آندرو".

In the near future where emotions have become a threat, Gabrielle finally decides to purify her DNA in a machine that will immerse her in her past lives and rid her of any strong feelings. She then meets Louis and feels a powerful connection, as if she had known him forever.

A young woman struggling to stay on top of everything in her life meets a married publisher and begins an affair with him.

December 30, 1941. Vyazma ('Vyazemsky cauldron') is a small detachment of Soviet soldiers, by fatal coincidence, in an unequal battle with a special unit of the Wehrmacht. However, none of them think about giving up. Each of them was ready to sacrifice his life in order to protect his native land. None of these brave people was born a hero. The myth of the red ghost is a heroic deed without a soldier's Soviet soldier in the Great Patriotic War who instilled in the animals, deadly fear of German soldiers. In place of one of the dead hero was inserted another, and the born myth of the invincible Soviet soldier. The film 'Red Ghost' is about the hope that each soldier will have.

بعد قتله لعضو في إحدى عصابات المخدرات الخطيرة، يجد كونور نفسه في مواجهة العديد من المواقف العصيبة، ويلجأ إلى طلب المساعدة من فريق عمليات عسكرية قديم من أجل إنقاذه قبل فقدانه كل من يحب.

Near the end of WW2, prisoners of war are used in experiments to perfect the Arian race.

Two people, a man and a woman, wake up naked and with their abdomens attached to each other.

Zu, a free spirit estranged from her family, suddenly finds herself the sole guardian of her half-sister, Music, a teenager on the autism spectrum whose whole world order has been beautifully crafted by her late grandmother. The film soon challenges whether it is Zu or Music who has a better view of the world, and that love, trust, and being able to be there for each other is everything.

تدور أحداث الفيلم حول (تريفور جودين) الذي ينجو من حادث سيارةٍ يودي بحياة زوجته (كيرستي كوتون) حينما سقطت سيارتهما من أعلى الجسر وسط مياه أحد الأنهار. ويتمكن (تريفور) من النجاة بحياته، إلا أنه على الرغم من أن غواصي الشرطة يجدون كلا البابين الأماميين للسيارة مفتوحين، إلا أنهم لم يعثروا على أي أثر للزوجة. وبعد مرور شهرٍ كامل، يستيقظ (تريفور) ليجد نفسه بإحدى المستشفيات، ويدرك أن زوجته مفقودة، ولكن نتيجة لإصابته في الرأس فإن ذاكرته تتأثر للغاية، ولا يستطيع التمييز بين الخيال والواقع.

When something horrible happens to the only survivor of a bloody massacre, an insecure rookie cop must overcome his fears to stop further carnage.