Po uničujočih dogodkih Avengers: Infinity War je vesolje v razvalinah zaradi naporov Mad Titana, Thanosa. S pomočjo preostalih zaveznikov se morajo Maščevalci zbrati še enkrat, da razveljavijo Thanosova dejanja in vzpostavijo red v vesolju, ne glede na posledice.
Dramski triler režiserja Todda Phillipsa spremlja legendarnega stripovskega zlikovca v izvirni samostojni zgodbi o izvoru, kakšne še nismo videli na velikih platnih. Mučna in tragična pripoved se vrti okrog umsko trpinčenega komika Arthurja Flecka, v fantastični predstavi Joaquina Phoenixa, ki si prizadeva, da bi se uveljavil v razdeljeni družbi velemesta Gotham, ki ga zapostavlja in odriva na socialni rob. Živi sam z duševno bolno materjo, podnevi dela kot najeti klovn za oglaševanje lokalov in si želi postati zvezda komičnih stand-up predstav, vendar so vse šale ponavadi le na njegov račun. Ujet v krogu životarjenja med apatijo in krutostjo Arthur sprejme slabo odločitev, ki povzroči verižno reakcijo nasilja in smrti. Bolečina ga naposled pahne v soočenje s svojim drugim jazom, poznejšim Batmanovim največjim sovražnikom: Jokerjem.
The story of the last Seal Child’s journey home. After their mother’s disappearance, Ben and Saoirse are sent to live with Granny in the city. When they resolve to return to their home by the sea, their journey becomes a race against time as they are drawn into a world Ben knows only from his mother’s folktales. But this is no bedtime story; these fairy folk have been in our world far too long. It soon becomes clear to Ben that Saoirse is the key to their survival.
Po enem rednih tatinskih podvigov Osamu in njegov sin Šoto naletita na dekletce, zapuščeno v mrazu. Osamujeva žena je do deklice sprva zadržana, ko pa izve, kako težko je njeno življenje, jo vzame pod svojo streho. Čeprav je Osamujeva družina siromašna in se z drobnimi tatvinami komaj preživlja, so njeni člani srečni v skupnem bivanju. Nato pa nepričakovan dogodek razkrije skrivnost, ki tesne družinske vezi postavi pred resen preizkus. Zlata palma v Cannesu 2018.
Zgodba, postavljena v leto 1948, se dogaja v strogem internatu, kamor kot nadzornik pride nov učitelj, Clement Mathieu. Razmere v domu ga užalostijo, zato se odloči, da bo dijake spremenil s pomočjo glasbe.
A left-wing journalist whose wife died while giving birth to his son during a military coup returns to his family's farm. Estranged from his father for turning his back on the family and wasting his life with political activism instead, he tries to reconnect with him so that his son will have a place to live as his health is deteriorating due to the extensive torture he had to endure.
As bass guitarist for a garage-rock band, Scott Pilgrim has never had trouble getting a girlfriend; usually, the problem is getting rid of them. But when Ramona Flowers skates into his heart, he finds she has the most troublesome baggage of all: an army of ex-boyfriends who will stop at nothing to eliminate him from her list of suitors.
The story takes place in a small town (called Hakkari) in Turkey at the beginning of the 70's. The time has come to bring technology into that small town. The first Television (or called Visiontele by the citizens) arrives and the chaos begins.
When siblings Judy and Peter discover an enchanted board game that opens the door to a magical world, they unwittingly invite Alan -- an adult who's been trapped inside the game for 26 years -- into their living room. Alan's only hope for freedom is to finish the game, which proves risky as all three find themselves running from giant rhinoceroses, evil monkeys and other terrifying creatures.
When a dance troupe is lured to an empty school, a bowl of drug-laced sangria causes their jubilant rehearsal to descend into a dark and explosive nightmare as they try to survive the night—and find who's responsible—before it's too late.
Following the wedding of his daughter, stone-faced beekeeper Spyros makes an annual journey from the north of Greece to the south, traveling along with his hives. En route, he meets an erratic, young female drifter, with whom he strikes up an unusual, self-destructive relationship.
Zgodba o mladem fantu, ki preživlja težko obdobje po izgubi očeta. Nekega dne se mu iz prihodnosti prikaže njegov starejši jaz, ki išče svojo izginulo ženo. The Adam Project je Netflixova družinska drama, zapakirana v znanstvenofantastičen akcijski tobogan, v katerem pilot, ki ga hudomušno igra Ryan Reynolds, potuje nazaj v času, da bi rešil punco in svet, izkaže pa se, da se bo moral ukvarjati s samim seboj in prilepiti obliž na odnos z očetom.
Dame, pripravite se, saj prihaja slavna, neponovljiva in nepredvidljiva Harley Quinn Tokrat brez Jokerja Zgodba se odvija okoli skupine superjunakinj in negativk DC vesolja glavna zvezda pa je Margot Robbie kot slavna Harley Quinn katero smo že videli v filmu Odred odpisanih (Suicide Squad). Po razhodu z Jokerjem Harley Quinn združi junakinje Black Canary Huntress in Renee Montoyo da bi skupaj rešile mlado dekle pred zlobnim vladarjem kriminala.
For never-do-well compulsive gambler Fong, there's only one thing more fearsome than debtors at his doorstep - having to coax a crying baby. But what if the baby becomes his golden goose to fend off his debtors? Can he overcome his phobia of diapers, milk bottles, and cloying lullabies?
Brennan Huff and Dale Doback might be grown men. But that doesn't stop them from living at home and turning into jealous, competitive stepbrothers when their single parents marry. Brennan's constant competition with Dale strains his mom's marriage to Dale's dad, leaving everyone to wonder whether they'll ever see eye to eye.
Uporniškega Sama od otroštva spremlja skrivnostno izginotje očeta Kevina, toda nenavaden klic iz očetove nekdanje pisarne Sama pripelje do izjemnega odkritja. Kevin je dve desetletji preživel v videoigrici, ki jo je ustvaril, in v kateri se je sedaj znašel tudi Sam. Da bi preživel v surovem svetu futurističnih gladiatorskih spopadov, Sam združi moči z očetovo zaupnico Quorro, toda navidezna resničnost ponuja večje in nevarnejše izzive, kot si je Sam kadarkoli predstavljal.
Istanbul Police Department homicide detectives encounter a murder nothing like they’ve seen before.Commissioners Emin, Salih, Asuman and deputy Alaattin begin investigating.But strange murders keep happening. They don’t have any evidence or any clues. Day by day, tempers flare and the police chiefs grow annoyed.As the murders keep piling up, the public’s interest rises. The pressure on Emin and his colleagues get intense. At last, the chief of police assigns “crime expert” Dizdar Koşu, who has recently come back from the US, to the team.Overwhelmed with panic, pressure and disdain, Emin and his friends try to solve the strangest series of murders with the most unusual methods.This fast race against time immediately turns into a tragicomedy.
In the opulent St. Petersburg of the Empire period, Eugene Onegin is a jaded but dashing aristocrat – a man often lacking in empathy, who suffers from restlessness, melancholy and, finally, regret. Through his best friend Lensky, Onegin is introduced to the young Tatiana. A passionate and virtuous girl, she soon falls hopelessly under the spell of the aloof newcomer and professes her love for him
A woman in love, a weak man, a father stumbling with his emotions, an uncle dependent on the past and a teenager meet at Zagor’s boarding house. Despite the serenity of the house, they all struggle to find the peace that they each need.