An insane therapist entangles a suburban novelist in a web of hypnosis, drugs, kidnapping, depravity and murder.

After six failed relationships Eun Jin is determined to succeed with her clumsy unromantic boyfriend, but questions arise when she suspects that he is hiding something.

Маленькая зимняя история о том, что для каждой девочки её папа – самый настоящий рыцарь, а для каждого папы его дочка – настоящая принцесса.

Tennessee, 1838. Polly Crockett, the daughter of the legendary hero Davy Crockett of Alamo, and makes a living from hunting in the forests. These forests are still inhabited by the Indians. Most of them live in peace but some of them are negatively affected by white traders. One day Polly, who is accompanied by her faithful Indian friend Neshoba, goes to the town to sell her hides. Polly meets Catawampus Jones. Jones and his father fought in the Alamo too. Indians influenced by Prewitt, an employee of a hide company, and Redbud, are killing settlers and burning down their homes. Polly's house is destroyed too and her maid Birdie, Neshoba's mother, is killed.

The secretive realm of the world's deadliest ninja warriors is thrown into chaos as one by one, ninja clan leaders are brutally assassinated! What fiendish foe has the power to kill the most dangerous men in the world? To avenge their dead leader, three ninjas must face this hidden enemy. They'll need all their stealth and ninja trickery to survive!

A notorious outlaw is recruited by a cattle buyer, secret boss of a gang of cattle rustlers, to impersonate the town sheriff, who is the outlaw's twin brother; and complications ensue, as the sheriff, now a hostage, is on the eve of his marriage while the outlaw's cantina-dancer girlfriend has followed him to town and is at risk of exposing him.

Мэдди и Коул были неразлучными друзьями, но в старших классах Мэдди стала самой популярной девушкой в школе, и их общение прекратилось. Пока однажды Мэдди не застала своего парня целующимся с её лучшей подругой. Убитая горем девушка впадает в одиночество. Как ни странно, это снова сближает её с Коулом, и старые друзья договариваются вместе уничтожить самое главное состязание в популярности — выпускной.

The lives of bandmates of the titular band, who get embroiled in a world of crime.

Там, где человек без лица погибнет, человек-хамелеон имеет шанс остаться в живых. Агент специального подразделения по борьбе с наркотиками Уилли Серлинг известен своим умением маскироваться и изменять свою внешность. Его шеф Мэтт Джанни поручает Серлингу вывести на чистую воду мафиози и убийцу Джованни Падзатто. Под вымышленным именем Уилли внедряется в банду, но влюбляется в красавицу Джилл Холлмен, одну из главных подозреваемых.

Shayan (Pejman Bazeghi) is a successful lawyer, who falls in love with a woman and attempts to perform illegal actions on a case. Although he owes his success to his wife Diba (Leyla Otadi), he finds in himself in a similar case and on the verge of losing everything when Rosa (Shaghayegh Farahani), his wife from his temporary marriage, enters his personal life.

"Seven Women", Thome's third film in the trilogy "Formen der Liebe" (Forms of Love) is a type of modern fairy tale. Hans Hummel (Johannes Herrschmann) abandons a South Sea paradise and returns to his old homeland to trace his deceased father's path in life. His father has not only bequeathed him a large house and valuable documents, but also a type of treasure map in the form of a computer with the corresponding program. While he is involved in this treasure hunt game, he meets up with seven women - the family in the neighbouring house, who support him both in a business as well as in a personal sense. But instead of delighting in his new found wealth, he trades money, gold and millions for happiness - just like in a fairy tale.

Based on Julia Franck's novel which retraces the journey of a woman who, after the WWII, is ready to do anything to start a new life. Helene, a central character with many faces, shares life between two men, two worlds far from being alike

An aspiring animation creator's dreams start coming true when she is met with a charismatic young boy. Jo and the Boy is not exactly a children's movie, but more of a Hollywood-style inspirational film set in the backdrop of an unspecified cold hill town and centered on a child enamored by cartoon characters. In fact, the only connect with Indian reality is that the characters speak Malayalam.

Во время избирательной компании совершается дерзкое убийство действующего мэра. Подозревая, что местные власти могут быть слишком коррумпированы ФБР подключает к расследованию двух своих агентов: циничного Джона Арчера и настырную Милу Драйвер. Очень скоро этим двоим удается обнаружить, что дело намного сложнее, чем предполагалось. Агенты оказываются вовлечены в большую игру. Теперь они должны не только раскрыть дело, следы которого ведут к одной очень влиятельной преступной группировке, но и сохранить свои жизни, поскольку на них уже началась охота.

Shelia, an environmentalist venturing into the deep sea to capitalize on the billion-dollar plastic industry encounters deadly enhanced sharks. She wants revenge… it wants blood.

As she does every Sunday night, Leo is getting ready to receive her two sisters at dinner. As expected from her, she didn’t prepare anything. Except a heavy secret that she’s struggling to reveal.