Their most ambitious staging to date, Black Symphony is capturing a unique concert at Rotterdam's Ahoy Arena on February 7, 2008. Sold out months in advance, Within Temptation performed to 10,000 fans with the 60-piece Metropole Orchestra and a 20-voice classical choir, as well as on-stage stilt performers, costume changes, and an array of stunning pyrotechnic and lighting effects. Special guests include Keith Caputo (ex-Life Of Agony), Anneke van Giersbergen (The Gathering), and George Oosthoek (Orphanage)

Joss Whedon and others in interviews discussing the aims for this new franchise.


Alice Segretto is more agitated than ever. The success of her chain of stores Sexy Delícia takes the businesswoman on a tour around the world. Working endlessly, Alice realizes that she has not been able to keep up with her family, which has also grown. Conflict sets in: how to reconcile this insane life with her family? Impetuously, Alice makes a curious decision, deciding to retire and hand over the business to her mother. But when a competitor comes up with a plan to steal the scene, Alice's life is once again flipped legs in the air.

When his sister disappears after leaving their home in hopes of singing stardom, Luis tracks her down and discovers the grim reality of her whereabouts.

贵族公子德武是当朝右丞相的庶子,不爱钻研经史子集,偏偏混在杂书堆里,看似笨手笨脚,实则聪颖过人。朝中左丞相赵明秀一直觊觎独占冰库,因而陷害了右丞相。为了帮父亲洗清污名,德武一计上心,打算盗取西冰库的藏冰。他联手被赵明秀整掉的原冰库管理者东秀,同时开始联络当时朝鲜境内的盗窃高手。   最后,他们集结了汉阳第一财主秀均、盗墓贼硕昌、制弹高手大贤、易容达人宰俊、神速马车夫哲洙、东秀的妹妹——潜水海女秀莲、智多星正俊、造谣高手南伊等,伺机而动,准备展开伟大而神奇的盗冰行动。他们的口号是——带着钱、金子、冰块儿一起随风而逝!



Star follows the path of Tito and Jay, two brothers living in the Montreal neighborhood of Park Extension. Accompanying these young people in their daily life marked by complicity and intimidation, Star tackles themes dear to teenagers: identity and friendship.

In their pursuit of perfect Christmas well - known characters accompanied by some new faces happen to experience tiny miracles! The adventures they come across help them realize that the most important things in life - hope, acceptance and family - are within their reach and that real love is the best Christmas present!

  坦迪·牛顿将主演新片[上帝的国度](God’s Country,暂译)。朱利安·希金斯执导,希金斯与谢伊·奥邦纳([下层人])共同操刀剧本。该片改编自James Lee Burke创作的短篇故事《冬日之光》,讲述在美国西部山区阴冷的冬季,牛顿饰演的大学教授,独自生活在国家森林的边缘。一天,两名猎人闯入了她的土地,这引发了一场危险的较量。影片将在本周于蒙大拿开拍。

San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner took 12 years to complete a montage cycle set to the late Leslie Scalapino’s most celebrated poem, way—a sprawling book-length odyssey of shardlike urban impressions, fraught with obliquely felt social and sexual tensions. Six stylistically distinctive films for each section of way, using sources ranging from Kodachrome footage of sun-kissed S.F. street scenes to internet clips of the Iraq war to a fragmented Fred Astaire dance number.

Mr. Imbruttito, a leading executive of a large multinational, lives the routine in his hectic Milan. Breaking this balance is Brusini, an eccentric entrepreneur at the head of an economic empire, who for an absurd reason blows up what for the Brutito is the business of life. For the first time, the Ugly one feels the pinch, falls into depression, can no longer find a reason to wake up in the morning. The turning point comes from Brera, a longtime friend, who proposes to the Bruttito the purchase of a Chiringuito in Sardinia, to do business in flip-flops and finally be able to say: "I quit everything and open a chiringuito!"

A collaboration anime project of Anime Tenchou and Touhou animated by ufotable.

香港男人阿发独自跑到异乡。为的就是要逃避那不能面对的过去,为了救赎阿发放弃自尊当上人妖。可惜无论他多么努力,似乎唯一不能原谅他自己的就是他 !跟舞娘阿妙及脱衣舞男阿瓜做朋友,这种友情让阿发得到一种非常另类的快乐。一件突然其来的变故要阿发作出一个极端的抉择 ! 究竟阿发会选择刺杀那害人的店主夫妇、还是袖手旁观看着阿瓜及阿妙受苦。在阿发这孤独的寻死路上似乎只有杀戮伴随。

When a young, ambitious market researcher finds out her boss is involved in the leaking of a scandalous Prime Minister speech, she decides to investigate the case to gain a position among the big-shots. Based on actual events.