Maksu vajā nemierīgās pagātnes rēgi, viņš nolemj, ka labākais veids, kā izdzīvot ir klimst pa pasauli vienam. Neskatoties uz to, viņš pievienojas dumpiniekiem, kuri Furiosas vadībā traucas cauri tuksnesim. Viņi cenšas aizbēgt no Citadeles, kas pakļauta Nemirstīgā Džo tirānijai. Saniknotais Džo kuram dumpinieki atņēmusi kaut ko ļoti vērtīgu, stājas uz skarbā kara ceļa, viņus vajāt sūtot veselu armiju.

Darbība risinās 1820. gados, kad kāds pārceļotājs no kažokādu tirgotāju grupas cīnās par savu dzīvību, jo tam ir uzbrucis lācis un pārējie medību kolektīva dalībnieki viņu ir atstājuši nomirt.

Stāsts par to, kā 20. gadsimta piecdesmitajos gados Ņujorkā centīga fotogrāfe iesaistās mīlas dēkā ar gados vecāku sievieti.

Stāsts par kādu jaunu afroamerikāni, kurš uzaudzis bīstamā Maiami rajonā, un dažādiem viņa dzīves posmiem.

Mia Hall, a talented young cellist, thought the most difficult decision she would ever have to make would be whether to pursue her musical dreams at prestigious Juilliard or follow her heart to be with the love of her life, Adam, a rock singer/guitarist. However, a car wreck changes everything in an instant, and now Mia's life hangs in the balance. Suspended between life and death, Mia faces a choice that will decide her future.

Thirty years after defeating the Galactic Empire, Han Solo and his allies face a new threat from the evil Kylo Ren and his army of Stormtroopers.

Filmas darbība notiek uz patiesu vēsturisku notikumu fona un stāsta par Bruklinas advokātu Džeimsu Donovanu, kurš attopas aukstā kara epicentrā, kad CIP viņu nosūta veikt praktiski neiespējamu uzdevumu – vienoties par PSRS notvertā izlūklidmašīnas U2 amerikāņu pilota atbrīvošanu.

Skots Lengs, kurš zināms arī kā Skudrcilvēks, jau nopelnījis tiesības būt par Atriebēju komandas biedru, taču vēlme būt kopā ar savu meitu notur viņu dzimtajā Sanfrancisko. Līdz kādu dienu doktors Henks Pims – Skudrcilvēka brīnumainā kostīma autors – aicina Skotu doties jaunā un bīstamā uzdevumā. Cīņā ar ienaidnieku Skudrcilvēkam nāks palīgā viņa jaunā pāriniece Lapsene.

While Sergeant John Tyree is home on two weeks leave from Germany, he meets Savannah after he dives into the ocean to retrieve Savannah's purse that had fallen off a pier. John eventually falls in love with Savannah, who promises to write to him until he returns from overseas.

The film tells the life of Maria Fe, a young woman who faces singleness after six years of relationship. Along with her two soul friends, played by Karina Jordán and Jely Reátegui, the girl must learn to be single again. On the way, you will run into old loves, new adventures and lots of fun.

All-stars from the previous Step Up installments come together in glittering Las Vegas, battling for a victory that could define their dreams and their careers.

When the child Arthur’s father is murdered, Vortigern, Arthur’s uncle, seizes the crown. Robbed of his birthright and with no idea who he truly is, Arthur comes up the hard way in the back alleys of the city. But once he pulls the sword Excalibur from the stone, his life is turned upside down and he is forced to acknowledge his true legacy... whether he likes it or not.

Financial TV host Lee Gates and his producer Patty are put in an extreme situation when an irate investor takes over their studio.

Jamilah has her whole life figured out. She's the president of her black sorority, captain of their champion step dance crew, is student liaison to the college dean, and her next move is on to Harvard Law School. She's got it all, right? But when the hard-partying white girls from Sigma Beta Beta embarrass the school, Jamilah is ordered to come to the rescue. Her mission is to not only teach the rhythmically-challenged girls how to step dance, but to win the Steptacular, the most competitive of dance competitions. With the SBBs reputations and charter on the line, and Jamilah's dream of attending Harvard in jeopardy, these outcast screw-ups and their unlikely teacher stumble through one hilarious misstep after another. Cultures clash, romance blossoms, and sisterhood prevails as everyone steps out of their comfort zones.

In order to make his little sick brother's dream come true, Leo and his best mates organize a fake score...but on the d day, they make a mistake and the fake score becomes a real hold up.Here starts the extraordinary adventure of PUBLIC Amis.

Divi brāļi, kuri nodarbojas ar automašīnu aizdzīšanu, dodas izbraucienā uz Francijas dienvidiem, lai meklētu jaunas iespējas, bet tā vietā nokļūst ietekmīga kriminālā bosa redzeslokā.

When a young soldier in Vietnam gets dumped by his hometown girl, he and his best friend decide to go AWOL and return to the States to win her back.

Shy, sensitive April is the class virgin, torn between an illicit flirtation with her soccer coach Mr. B and an unrequited crush on sweet stoner Teddy. Emily, meanwhile, offers sexual favors to every boy to cross her path — including both Teddy and his best friend Fred, a live wire without filters or boundaries. As one high school party bleeds into the next — and April and Teddy struggle to admit their mutual affection — Fred's escalating recklessness starts to spiral into chaos.

Divas māsas nolemj sarīkot pēdējo mājas ballīti, pirms viņu vecāki pārdevuši ģimenes māju.

A sorority moves in next door to the home of Mac and Kelly Radner who have a young child. The Radner's enlist their former nemeses from the fraternity to help battle the raucous sisters.