Marion Craneová, sekretárka z Phoenixu, chce zmeniť svoj život. Jej najväčšou túžbou je zanechať stereotypnú prácu a začať nanovo s milencom Samom Loomisom. To však nie je jednoduché, pretože Sam má finančné záväzky voči bývalej manželke. Marion preto spreneverí značnú finančnú čiastku z realitnej kancelárie, v ktorej pracuje, a vydá sa za Samom do Kalifornie. Na úteku po dlhej jazde nájde útočisko pred búrkou v opustenom moteli, ktorý vlastnia matka a syn Batesovci. Po Marion pátra nielen polícia, ale aj jej sestra a súkromný detektív Milton Arbogast. Spolu odhaľujú hrozivé okolnosti Marioninho zmiznutia aj smrteľné tajomstvá, ktoré skrýva starý ponurý dom a opustený motel vedený duševne narušeným Normanom Batesom.
Je rok 1954 a USA, ktoré sa stále celkom nespamätali z 2. svetovej vojny, sú ovládané paranojou a protikomunistickou hystériou. Detektív Teddy Daniels a jeho kolega Chuck prichádzajú na ostrov pátrať po šialenej vrahyni, ktorá zmizla zo svojej cely v psychiatrickej liečebni. Daniels je vojnový veterán, ktorý stále spomína na prežitú traumu a na dôvažok sa musí vyrovnať i so smrťou manželky. Ako skúsený detektív však rýchlo vycíti, že na ostrove nie je niečo v poriadku.
V malom, opustenom kostolíku je päticou zabijakov zmasakrovaná prebiehajúcej svadba. Zabijak Bill strelia do hlavy a ťažko zraní tehotnú nevestu, ktorá mu ešte v poslednej sekunde stačí povedať, že čaká jeho dieťa. Žena, prezývaná Nevesta, však prežije a skončí v kóme v nemocnici. O štyri roky neskôr sa nečakane preberie a s hrôzou zistí, že prišla o dieťa a nemôže hýbať nohami. Napriek tomu sa jej podarí zabiť chlapa, ktorý ju chcel zneužiť. Dostane sa do podzemných garáží, kde silou vôle a trpezlivosťou rozcvičí ochabnuté a stuhnuté svalstvo. Plánuje pritom pomstu štyrom kolegom zabijakom a hlavne šéfovi a bývalému milencovi Billovi. Na ostrove Okinawa nájde legendárneho výrobcu mečov Hattoriho Hanzu a presvedčí ho, aby pre ňu jeden vyrobil. Muž súhlasí len preto, že jeho zákazníčka chce zabiť Billa. A potom už sa Nevesta vydáva na cestu krvavej a neľútostnej pomsty ...
Francis, a young man, recalls in his memory the horrible experiences he and his fiancée Jane recently went through. Francis and his friend Alan visit The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, an exhibit where the mysterious doctor shows the somnambulist Cesare, and awakens him for some moments from his death-like sleep.
Bruno Anthony vymyslí plán, ako sa zbaviť svojho nenávideného otca. Je relatívne jednoduchý - dvaja cudzí ľudia sa dohodnú na tom, že každý z nich zabije toho, ktorého sa ten druhý potrebuje zbaviť. Ideálnym partnerom pre tento plán sa zdá byť tenista Guy, ktorého stretne vo vlaku, a ktorý sa potrebuje zbaviť svojej manželky Miriam, aby sa mohol oženiť s dcérou senátora Anne...
A fading southern belle moves in with her sister in New Orleans where her ferocious brother-in-law takes stabs at her sanity.
After the suspicious suicide of a fellow cop, tough homicide detective Dave Bannion takes the law into his own hands when he sets out to smash a vicious crime syndicate.
A vengeful witch, Asa Vajda, and her fiendish servant, Igor Jauvitch, return from the grave and begin a bloody campaign to possess the body of the witch's beautiful look-alike descendant, Katia. Only a handsome doctor with the help of family members stand in her way.
Inspired by the life of a fearless young officer who made history by becoming the first Indian female Air Force officer to fly in a combat zone during the 1999 Kargil War
Pierrot escapes his boring society and travels from Paris to the Mediterranean Sea with Marianne, a girl chased by hit-men from Algeria. They lead an unorthodox life, always on the run.
A tourist witnesses a murder and finds herself caught up in a series of bloody killings.
When an artifact known as the "King's Seal" is stolen during transport from Soul Society, Hitsugaya Toushirou is assigned to retrieve it. Toushirou goes missing after a battle with the thieves, leading Seireitei to suspect him of treachery. They order his immediate capture and execution. Unwilling to believe him capable of such a crime, Ichigo, Rangiku, Rukia, and Renji set out to find Toushirou.
Having recently witnessed the horrific results of a top secret project to bring the dead back to life, a distraught teenager performs the operation on his girlfriend after she's killed in a motorcycle accident.
Disowned in the past by his father, Kurt Menliff, a cruel and sadistic nobleman, returns to the family castle to reclaim his inheritance.
After landing on a mysterious planet, a team of astronauts begin to turn on each other, swayed by the uncertain influence of the planet and its strange inhabitants.
A woman named Emily checks into a hotel and offers the bellboy $2000 to temporarily marry her. We soon find out Emily is the caretaker of a wheelchair-bound mute named Helga, who was the childhood guardian of a pair of siblings: Miriam Webster and her half-brother, Warren, who is about to inherit the estate of their late father. Who is the mysterious Emily and what are her intentions?
A 1920s playwright meets a beautiful woman who may be the ghost of his patron's deceased wife.
Arizona ants mock the food chain on their way to a desert lab to get two scientists and a woman.
A young man, Peter, returns to Austria in search of his heritage. There he visits the castle of an ancestor, a sadistic Baron who was cursed to a violent death by a witch whom the Baron had burned at the stake. Peter reads aloud the incantation that causes Baron Blood to return and continue his murderous tortures.
Johanka and Matyáš have an unusual home. The two live among the animals and plants of an enchanted botanical garden in the middle of the city, but this idyll is under threat. To the children’s horror, the mayor wants to build a theme park on the same spot. The Blue Tiger, an animal with magic powers, comes to their aid. Only he can protect the garden, but Johanka and Matyáš must now stop the mayor from capturing their newfound friend. MODRY TYGR is a colourful, atmospheric and imaginatively told animated fairytale that inspires the viewer to reflect on natural resources and habitats.