Benjamin, a recent college graduate very worried about his future, finds himself in a love triangle with an older woman and her daughter.

Dakteris Aiens Grejs - molekulārais biologs - apjautis, ka viņa darbs stagnējis kādas eksotiskas jaunas sievietes dēļ, kas nu ir pazudusi no viņa redzesloka. Turpinot pētījumus ar asistenti Karenu, viņi atklāj faktus, kas sarežģī visu līdzšinējo zinātnisko un garīgo pieeju cilvēces attīstībai. Ceļodami apkārt puspasaulei un riskējot ar visu, Aiens ir gatavs pierādīt savu teoriju.

15-year-old deep-thinking Welsh schoolboy Oliver Tate struggles to initiate and maintain a relationship with Jordana, his devilish, dark-haired classmate at their Swansea high school. As his parents' marriage begins to fall apart, similar problems arise in his relationship with Jordana.

During a writing slump, playwright J.M. Barrie meets a widow and her four children, all young boys—who soon become an important part of Barrie’s life and the inspiration that lead him to create his masterpiece. Peter Pan.

The hidden memoir of an elderly woman confined to a mental hospital reveals the history of her passionate yet tortured life, and of the religious and political upheavals in Ireland during the 1920s and 30s.

The true story of mountain climber Aron Ralston's remarkable adventure to save himself after a fallen boulder crashes on his arm and traps him in an isolated canyon in Utah.

An unexpected affair quickly escalates into a heart-stopping reality for two women whose passionate connection changes their lives forever.

Every child comes into the world full of promise, and none more so than Chappie: he is gifted, special, a prodigy. Like any child, Chappie will come under the influence of his surroundings—some good, some bad—and he will rely on his heart and soul to find his way in the world and become his own man. But there's one thing that makes Chappie different from any one else: he is a robot.

Atrodoties pa vidu starp aizliegtu mīlestības romānu un draugu cerībām, centīgais DJ Kouls Kārters mēģina atrast dzīvē ceļu, kas ved uz slavu un bagātību.

In a strange world where people share numerous deformities, the same problem we all face challenges each of them: to find someone who accepts you as you are. Sometimes, that means finding yourself first.

Stīvena Rasela (Džims Kerijs) dzīve rit pavisam parasti - viņš ir laimīgi precējies, strādā vietējā policijas nodaļā, ir krietns draudzes loceklis. Taču satiksmes negadījums apgriež viņa dzīvi kājām gaisā - viņš nolemj izdzīvot savu dzīvi visā pilnībā, arī ja tas nozīmētu pārkāpt likumu. Par izkrāptām apdrošināšanas prēmijām, viltotiem dokumentiem, kredītkartēm un tamlīdzīgām pretlikumīgām darbībām Stīvens nonāk cietumā, kur sastop Filipu Morisu (Jūens Makgregors). No ieslodzījuma viņš izkļūst, taču nonāk aiz restēm atkārtoti. Liekot lietā dažnedažādas viltības, Stīvens pamanās izkļūt no cietuma četras reizes - un tas viss mīlestības dēļ!

Viņas Majestātes Slepenā dienesta visefektīvākā aģente Lorēna Brotone ir vienlīdz izsmalcināta un diskrēta informācijas iegūšanā kā arī nāvējoša pretējās nometnes spiegiem, gatava uz pilnīgi visu, lai paveiktu sev doto uzdevumu un paliktu dzīva. Nosūtīta uz Berlīni īsi pirms mūra krišanas, lai atgūtu dosjē ar nopludinātiem spiegu vārdiem, viņa nokļūst brutālā lielvaru savstarpējā cīņā par Berlīnes, Vācijas un visas Eiropas nākotni.

Johnny Knoxville and his band of maniacs perform a variety of stunts and gross-out gags on the big screen for the first time. They wander around Japan in panda outfits, wreak havoc on a once civilized golf course, they even do stunts involving LIVE alligators, and so on.

Claire, a brilliant student, seeks answers to the meaning of life in the calm of her biology laboratory. One day, she meets a mysterious young man, Jack, at the cinema, and is intrigued by his style, assurance and audacity. Apart from his artistic activities, Jack has a regular scam going, ripping off foreign businessmen with his loyal mate Charlie and two actresses. But his tough guy exterior conceals a secret passion for old books, and he dreams of writing a novel one day. Jack falls hard for Claire's purity and curiosity. An unusual romance develops between them. But Jack is scared of their growing intimacy and rejects Claire, withdrawing into his shell. Abandoned and confused, Claire gradually begins to neglect her studies and embarks on a spiraling course of self-destruction, whilst Jack, who tries to ignore her, concentrates on his criminal activities. However, a sharp detective, named Linda Fox, is following his dodgy tracks.

Hundreds of years after humans have settled on Mars, Regulator Rogul and Lord Jens Maul, lead a force of Martians to Earth in order to conquer the planet. Queen Metaphor looks to the gay heroes aboard the spaceship Surprise -- Captain Kork, Mr. Spuck, and first engineer Schrotty -- for help.

A passionate holiday romance leads to an obsessive relationship when an Australian photojournalist wakes one morning in a Berlin apartment and is unable to leave.

After the lord of darkness decides he will not cede his throne to any of his three sons, the two most powerful of them escape to Earth to create a kingdom for themselves. This action closes the portal filtering sinful souls to Hell and causes Satan to wither away. He must send his most weak but beloved son, Little Nicky, to Earth to return his brothers to Hell.

Labākie draugi dodas atvaļinājumā uz Rivjēru, kur nonāk neveiklā situācijā. Vienā no viņiem – 42 gadus vecā ģimenes tēvā – iemīlas kārdinoša astoņpadsmitgadīga skaistule. Viss būtu labi, ja vien šī apburošā meitene nebūtu viņa labākā drauga meita.

Tusiņu vietā apzinīgā skolniece Brendija dod priekšroku mācību grāmatām, jo tuvojas izlaidums un drīz jādodas studēt. Bet viņa aptver, ka koledžā neklāsies viegli - viņas atzīmes ir teicamas, taču meitenei, kura nevienu reizi pat nav skūpstījusies ar puisi, būs ļoti grūti adaptēties studentu dzīvē! Un tad Brendija nolemj būt apzinīga arī šajā jomā un cītīgi apgūt iekavēto.

A young couple bound by a seemingly ideal love, begins to unravel as unexpected opportunities spin them down a volatile and violent path and threaten the future they had always imagined.