Mickey, Minnie and their pals attempt to celebrate the perfect Christmas at their snowy cabin. However, when Pluto causes Santa to lose all the presents on his sleigh, the friends travel to the North Pole on a quest to save Christmas.

Dėdė Stiuartas parveža Aleksui lauktuvę iš Tailando - languoto audinio lėlę nindzę. Nuotykiai prasideda, kai nindzė netikėtai atgyja - susidraugavę jiedu pradeda spręsti Alekso bėdas mokykloje ir namuose. Tačiau netrukus paaiškėja, kad Languotas nindzė yra apsėstas ir vykdo keršto misiją, kurioje jau tikisi ir paties Alekso pagalbos. Berniuko laukia sunkūs apsisprendimai ir neeiliniai nuotykiai su naujuoju draugu.

The plot involves the coming of Lucifer to the Sanctuary, where his underlings systematically dispose of the surviving Gold Saints. Athena goes to Lucifer to ask for peace, placing herself in peril. The Bronze Saints must then come to her rescue, destroying Lucifer's Fallen Angels (Seima Tenshi in Japanese) in the process.

Pooh gets confused when Christopher Robin leaves him a note to say that he has gone back to school after the holidays. So Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Eeyore and Rabbit go in search of Christopher Robin which leads to a big adventure.

When Rex finds himself left behind in the bathroom, he puts his limbs to use by getting a bath going for a bunch of new toy friends.

Charlie's got a 'job' to do. Having just left prison he finds one of his friends has attempted a high-risk job in Torino, Italy, right under the nose of the mafia. Charlie's friend doesn't get very far, so Charlie takes over the 'job'. Using three Mini Coopers, a couple of Jaguars, and a bus, he hopes to bring Torino to a standstill, steal a fortune in gold and escape in the chaos.

3 men from a provincial town who are in an urgent need for money so they decide to buy a lottery ticket. They win the lottery, but very soon, the ticket gets stolen.

Žmogui, kuris tai pasakė buvo 75. Išpažintį, jog keturis dešimtmečius santuokoje išgyvenęs tėvas yra gėjus išgirdusiam sūnui - 38. Panašiai tiek buvo ir filmo režisieriui Mike Mills bei jo tėvui, kai jie apie tai pasišnekėjo arba kitais žodžiais - filmas iš dalies yra paremtas asmenine režisieriaus patirtimi. Ir būtent jis arba jo herojų filme vaidiantis Ewan McGregor yra pagrindinė istorijos figūra.

Netverdamas iš smalsumo mažasis pabaisos Grufo vaikelis leidžiasi į kelionę po naktinį mišką. Pabaisiukui tūnoti urve nuobodu, o girioje gyvena piktoji pelė, apie kurią pasakojo tėtis Grufas!

Stick Man lives in the family tree with his Stick Lady Love and their stick children three, and he's heading on an epic adventure across the seasons. Will he get back to his family in time for Christmas?

With the Griffins stuck again at home during a blackout, Peter tells the story of “Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.”

Baronas Manfredas fon Richthofenas yra pavojingiausias ir garsiausias Vokietijos karinių oro pajėgų pilotas Pirmajame pasauliniame kare. Jam ir jo bendražygiams oro mūšiai yra sporto varžybos, techninis iššūkis ir garbinga pareiga, nepaisant viso karo siaubo. Bet kai jis įsimylėjo slaugytoją Keitę, Manfredas supranta, kad jis naudojamas tik kaip propagandos įrankis. Rinkdamasis tarp neapykantos karui ir atsakomybės už jo naikintuvų būrį, fon Richthofenas nusprendžia skristi...

Jennifer and Vince, virtual strangers, find themselves strapped for cash and decide to stage a fake engagement and wedding just for the gifts

Doctor Knock is a former thug who has become a doctor and arrives in the small village of Saint-Maurice to make his fortune according to a particular method. It will make the villagers believe that they are not as healthy as they might think. It is thus that he will find in each one an imaginary symptom, or not, and thus will be able to exercise his profession lucratively. Under his seductive looks and after gaining the confidence of the village, Knock is on the verge of achieving his ends. But his past catches up with him and an old acquaintance disrupts the doctor's plans.

The tale of a ravenous rat who craves buns, biscuits and all sweet things. Tearing along the highway, he searches for sugary treats to steal, until his sweet tooth leads him to a sticky end.

Deep in the jungle, a group of Mexican gum workers crosses their path with Agnes, a mysterious Belizean woman. Her presence enlivens the fantasies and desires of those men, without knowing that they have woken up an ancient Mayan legend.

Asteriksas ir Obeliksas savo kaime jau ima nuobodžiauti: stipruolis ir jo bičiulis pasiilgo nuotykių. Tačiau netrukus juodu gauna neįvykdomą užduotį – išlepintą ir jokių kovos įgūdžių neturintį jaunuolį Tiksperiksą paversti nepralenkiamu kariu. Tiksperiksui rūpi tik merginos ir šokiai, o dabar jam tenka mosuoti kumščiais. Netrukus Asteriksą pasiekia kita džiugi žinia – prie jų kranto prisišvartavo vikingų laivas, kuriuo atplaukė ne tik vikingų karalius, bet ir jo duktė, princesė Aba. Ši aplinkybė tikrai padės Tiksperiksui įveikti savo baimes ir pademonstruoti tikrą širdies narsą.

A medieval tale with Pythonesque humour: After the death of his father the young Dennis Cooper goes to town where he has to pass several adventures. The town and the whole kingdom is threatened by a terrible monster called 'Jabberwocky'. Will Dennis make his fortune? Is anyone brave enough to defeat the monster?

After suffering a family tragedy, a young woman leaves her hometown to start a new life in another city. During her long drive, she meets a mysterious man who begins following her. Before she knows it, she has been kidnapped and taken to a basement somewhere in the forest. With no one coming to her rescue, she must rely on herself if she wants to survive.

"Revealing Ukraine" by Igor Lopatonok continues investigations on of the ongoing Ukrainian crisis following "Ukraine on Fire". In addition, it analyzes the current political backstage and its dangerous potential for the world.