Figures of Speech is a feature-length documentary that follows a group of high school students from all over the country as they vie for glory in the little-known world of competitive acting, otherwise known as Speech or Forensics. It is a coming-of-age story wrapped inside a quirky sub-culture competition doc, that will remind you what it feels like to be on the edge of adulthood, fighting to become whoever it is you’re meant to be.

Lo que ocurrió en Pamplona el 2 de julio fue apoteósico. Enrique Villarreal ‘El Drogas’, y su banda superaron con creces todas las expectativas y demostraron el momento tan dulce que están viviendo. Bien arropados por unos invitados de lo más diversos, pero unidos todos ellos por el respeto y la admiración mutua hacia El Drogas y su banda. Es la primera vez que se juntan 19 invitados en un mismo concierto, creando todos ellos momentos mágicos e irrepetibles de la música en los últimos 35 años. Nombres tan ilustres como Fito Cabrales (Fito & Fitipaldis), Carlos Tarque (M Clan), Kutxi Romero (Marea), Luz Casal, Quique González, Rosendo, Ara Malikian, Leiva, Yosi Domínguez (Los Suaves), Gorka Urbizu (Berri Txarrak), Rulo (Rulo y la Contrabanda), Carlos Escobedo (Sôber), Álvaro y Ovidi Tormo de Los Zigarros, Iván Ferreiro, Vito (Sínkope), Julieta Itoiz (La Chula Potra), Brick Paco (Benation) e Ibai (Motxila 21).

A film that depicts the everyday life and the beauty of Portela’s Old Folk – a group of veteran samba musicians who belong to one of Rio’s most revered samba schools, the one with the most first places and accolades in Rio’s Carnaval pageant. These old gentelmen’s and ladies’ musicality and poetry are unveiled through their simple, but rich and meaningful, every day life in Oswaldo Cruz, a quaint neighborhood in Rio’s North Zone, that serves both as set and as a main character in this story.

A group of girls come together for a Halloween costume party and little do they know a masked killer is hiding in the shadows of the house waiting to make them his next victims.

A darkly surreal tale in which a woman goes on a desperate search to satisfy her hunger.

Mr. Khavari, a calligraphy teacher who is the tenant of an aristocratic family has fallen in love with their daughter. But the hand of fate is working against his heartfelt sentiments. Every time he find a chance to ask for the girl's hand, a rival crops up that marries the girl and make him a loser. But Khavari proves himself a persevering suitor...

Puchuncaví es una compilación de fragmentos cinematográficos que exploran los diferentes niveles que coexisten y que se superponen o habitan paralelamente en una zona con larga tradición industrial y de esparcimiento familiar en la costa central de Chile. Con cada fragmento que se adhiere a Puchuncaví intento develar lo visible y lo invisible que hacen de esta zona un lugar con múltiples estratos. Un lugar que es a la vez muchos lugares: zona industrial, zona de balneario, zona campesina, pueblo costero, puerto etc.

Cape Verde, 1964. At the feet of a mighty volcano, the traditional Cape Verdean society is undergoing a steady change. The old land-owning aristocracy is disintegrating. A class of "mulattos" begins to emerge, with a trade-based financial power that threatens the landlords. A new identity arises, a mix of old and new, of African and Portuguese culture, sensual and dynamic. The songs of Cesária Évora follow this inevitable transformation. From the novel by Henrique Teixeira de Sousa.

Cheyenne Harry llega a la ciudad de Rawhide, donde se hace amigo del vaquero Cimmaron Bill y de Bess Thurston, que trabaja en el salón de baile local a fin de mantener a su madre enferma. Beau Ross, el líder de una banda de forajidos, está enamorado de Bess, y después de convencer a su hermano Jack de unirse a su banda, él la secuestra y capturan a Cheyenne. Pero este llega a escapar e intenta darles caza.

El juego de la verdad es una comedia de enredo que cuenta las aventuras más o menos cotidianas de dos parejas de amigos que acaban de entrar en la treintena. Una serie de circunstancias casuales hará que afloren viejas rencillas y así, por primera vez, se digan las verdades a la cara.

Struggling to connect with her grieving family after the sudden death of her stepfather, a teenager sneaks off to shoot guns in rural Florida with her best friend.

SHIMMER Women Athletes Volume 6 was the sixth SHIMMER event to be recorded by SHIMMER Women Athletes, the event took place on May 21, 2006 at the Eagles Club in Berwyn, Illinois. This was the second of two events recorded, the first event being the previous volume SHIMMER Women Athletes Volume 5.

In the year 2035, survivors of a now almost completely evacuated post-apocalyptic Britain compete for a government bounty to retrieve a mysterious bio weapon known only as Unit Eleven.

Following a brief statement by Ry Cooder on his thoughts about performing - and improvising - on stage, this concert film depicts Cooder's 1987 live show in Santa Cruz, California, which was part of his "Get Rhythm" world tour.

Highland Sunset and a final look at Class 37s on the West Highland Line to Fort William before the introduction of Class 66s. Crewe Open Weekend with a tour of Crewe Works during the open weekend of the 20th and 21st of May with a variety of traction plus coverage of specials to the event with 33 and 37 hauage. Class 58 Profile with only half of the original class still in action we take a look at the class from the 1980s to the present day. Devon Contrasts and Class 67 and 47 motive power along the famous stretch of sea wall from Starcross to Dawlish.