Originally a home video never intended for public viewing, this film captures the final chapter in Roger Federer's legendary tennis career, featuring Roger, his family, and his three main rivals: Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic, and Andy Murray.

In 2200, private detective Aline Ruby and her android partner Carlos Rivera are hired by a wealthy businessman to track down a notorious hacker. On Mars, they descend deep into the underbelly of the planet's capital city where they uncover a darker story of brain farms, corruption, and a missing girl who holds a secret about the robots that threatens to change the face of the universe.

Sounds as witnesses. They blurr into memories, half-dreams, it is undecided if they are real or not. A fluctuation between imagination and reality.

​V starovekej Číne boli draci a ľudia priateľmi, ale ľudská chamtivosť ukončila ich spojenectvo a tieto čarovné stvorenia sa stali korisťou. Posledného z nich teraz drží v zajatí krutý cisár. Jedného dňa drakovi prinesie jedlo malá sirota menom Ping a čoskoro sa ukáže, že ona je tou vyvolenou, ktorá jediná ho môže zachrániť. Títo nepravdepodobní spojenci sa musia naučiť pomáhať si a chápať jeden druhého. Na ich ceste za slobodou ich prenasleduje zlý čarodejník a lovec drakov. Aby prežili a Ping splnila svoje poslanie, musí nájsť odvahu a magickú silu, o ktorej doteraz nevedela. Už nemôže byť tým bojazlivým, plachým sirotou, akým bývala kedysi. Teraz je skutočnou hrdinkou, ktorá musí zachrániť draka.

After her husband's death, Madame Clicquot flouts convention by assuming the reins of their wine business, defying her critics and ultimately revolutionizing the champagne industry, establishing her as one of the world's first great businesswomen.

Zee is a feared contract killer known as "the Queen of the Dead," but when she refuses to murder a young blind woman, she finds herself hunted both by criminal colleagues and a determined police detective.

Boundary-pushing Russian dancer and actress Ida Rubinstein selects renowned French composer Maurice Ravel to compose the music for her next ballet. Ravel ends up creating his greatest success ever: Boléro.

François Marsault, a war veteran, makes the most of his retirement alongside his wife Annie. Authoritarian and ruthless, François rules his family with an iron fist — but when he discovers that his esteemed wife cheated on him 40 years ago, he files for divorce and confronts her former lover, who lives in the French Riviera.

A teenage girl makes a wish that shrinks her to the size of her childhood toys, which magically come to life.

Inspired by a true story, Invincible recounts the last 48 hours in the life of Marc-Antoine Bernier, a 14-year-old boy on a desperate quest for freedom.

Tension mounts between a quadraplegic man and his wife as she prepares a bath for him.

Ming Wang is an impoverished Chinese prodigy who flees Communist China to become a pioneering eye surgeon in America. When tasked with restoring the sight of an orphan in India, who was blinded by her stepmother, Wang must confront the trauma of living through the violent uprising in his youth, the Cultural Revolution.

Ben and Laura are a passionate but volatile couple who embark on a round-the-world sailing adventure to give their relationship a new start. During their trip, they decide to explore a vast deserted island which they discover off the coast of Chile. Caught in a violent storm, they shelter in an abandoned whaling station for the night but wake up the next morning to find their boat has disappeared. Stranded in a hostile environment with no means of communication, dwindling supplies and winter approaching they must work together in a life and death battle for survival, that will challenge their feelings and change their relationship forever.

After 25 years together, married life has taken its toll on Xavier and Sophie, so when Sophie decides to invite their neighbours over for dinner, Xavier is less than enthusiastic to say the least! He can’t stand how obviously still in love they are and their lack of discretion… especially at night! On coming face-to-face with the uninhibited couple, Xavier and Sophie will be forced to confront their own, sad reality, before finding themselves pushed into a corner by a somewhat… indecent proposal.

To overcome their financial problems, Justine, her husband and their whole group of friends organize a fake romantic cruise for Franck, a big investor, who is trying to seduce a woman.

San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner took 12 years to complete a montage cycle set to the late Leslie Scalapino’s most celebrated poem, way—a sprawling book-length odyssey of shardlike urban impressions, fraught with obliquely felt social and sexual tensions. Six stylistically distinctive films for each section of way, using sources ranging from Kodachrome footage of sun-kissed S.F. street scenes to internet clips of the Iraq war to a fragmented Fred Astaire dance number.

The journey of a professional wrestler who becomes a small town pastor and moonlights as a masked vigilante fighting injustice. While facing crises at home and at the church, the Pastor must evade the police and somehow reconcile his violent secret identity with his calling as a pastor.

Po tragickom incidente počas natáčania temného hororového filmu je do hlavnej úlohy náhle obsadený kontroverzný herec Anthony. Natáčanie filmu sa však nesie v znamení nečakaných komplikácií a Anthony začína prejavovať znepokojujúce správanie, ktoré vyvoláva otázky nielen o jeho minulosti, ale aj o samotnej podstate filmu. Anthonyho dcéra sa snaží pochopiť, či jej otec opäť podľahol svojim starým závislostiam, alebo či sa počas natáčania deje niečo omnoho zlovestnejšie.