From the bustling streets of Jerusalem to the raging Sea of Galilee, join Peter, Nicodemus, Mary Magdalene, and a multitude of others as they journey alongside the most famous person ever to walk the earth. Witness the most miraculous events in history as Jesus sets sail with fishermen, challenges the Pharisees, befriends the outcasts, and heals the hurting. The lives he touches will never be the same. Filmed in front of a live audience, Sight & Sound's spectacular original production has been experienced by over one million people live on stage.

Swiss girl Adelheid 'Heidi' is orphaned young. Aunt Detie brings her to grandpa Alp and his wife, who live isolated in the Alps since his murder charge. Heidi soon takes to the wild country, especially accompanying young goatherd Peter. Grandpa refuses to send her to school in the city, but aunt Detie returns and forces him to give in. She's sent to a posh lady in Frankfurt, where she'll be a companion for crippled daughter Clara after school hours.

Per her mother's last wish, an 8 year old girl sets out to reunite her father with his college best friend who was in love with him.

The master of a dorayaki pastry store hires a 76-year-old woman whose talents attract customers from all over. But she's hiding a troubling secret. Life's joys are found in the little details, and no matter what may be weighing you down, everyone loves a good pastry.

A striking political activist and refugee from Paraguay escapes to Paris and falls in love with a rich law student changing their lives forever. The beauty of their love is challenged by a fervent devotion to fighting for a cause. "Two Autumns in Paris" has won more than 130 awards and was the most awarded Venezuelan film of 2020. A historic examination of class, refugees, and political rebellion that subtly speaks in parallel to the world today. Its turbulent romance set with the background of the 'City of Love'.

Roger Murtaugh je iskusni policajac kojemu do mirovine nedostaje tek nekoliko godina, detektiv s dosjeom bez mrlje i toplim domom, koji sav posao radi po pravilima. Martin Riggs njegova je potpuna suprotnost, nezaustavljiva mašina za ubijanje, neukrotivi avanturist koji se od smrti supruge čini još nestabilnijim. Sada su njih dvojica prisiljena raditi zajedno, istražujući ubojstvo prostitutke koja je bila kći Rogerova prijatelja. Istraga ih vodi do međunarodne skupine visoko pozicioniranih kriminalaca...

A young writer begins an affair with an older woman from France whose open marriage to a diplomat dictates that they can meet only between the hours of 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Život Johna Brennana naizgled je savršen sve dok ne uhite njegovu suprugu Laru zbog ubojstva za koje ona tvrdi da nije počinila. Tri godine nakon osude John se bori održati obitelj na okupu, odgajajući sina i predajući na koledžu, a istovremeno pokušava na sve načine dokazati njezinu nevinost. Nakon što joj Vrhovni sud odbije žalbu, Lara postane suicidalna i John odluči da je jedino moguće rješenje njezin bijeg iz zatvora. Ne dopuštajući da ga zastraše neizvjestan uspjeh ni vlastito neiskustvo, John osmisli plan bijega i uputi se u opasan i nepoznat svijet, riskirajući sve za ženu koju voli.

U selu Colonia, obgrljena sigurnošću Amazonske prašume, sretno živi djevojčica Ainbo. Mjesto u kojem Ainbo živi daleko je i nepoznato suvremenom svijetu, no iznenadni susret različitih civilizacija najaviti će početak epskog putovanja. Naime, dolazak rudara i drvosječa koji započinju proces uništavanja prirode i narušavanje harmonične svakodnevice koju je Ainbo poznavala, izazvat će njenu borbu za očuvanje zemlje, ljudi i života, a junakinja će uz pomoć svojih duhovnih vodiča, krenuti na jedinstveno putovanje za spas svog doma, daleko u dubinama veličanstvene Amazonije.

Dvanestgodišnji David pao je jedne noći 1978. godine u šumsku udubinu i onesvijestio se. Kad se probudio, vratio se kući, ali tamo je zatekao neke druge ljude.Naime, sad je 1986., i David se čudesno vratio nakon što su svi već mislili da je mrtav, međutim u tih osam godina nije ostario ni dva dana, za razliku od njegovih sad već sijedih roditelja i mlađeg brata koji ga je odavno prerastao.

Tom Cruise glumi u napetom filmu OPERACIJA VALKIRA temeljenom na istinitoj priči o odvažnoj, genijalnoj zavjeri za eliminaciju jednog od najopakijih tirana koje je svijet ikad poznavao. U svijetu u kojem su pravda i čast potkopani, a policijska država nadzire svaki potez, skupina muškaraca skrivenih unutar najviših dometa moći odlučuje krenuti u akciju.Pukovnik Claus von Stauffenberg odani je časnik koji se nada da će netko pronaći način da zaustavi Hitlera prije nego što Europa i Njemačka budu uništene. Budući da vrijeme ističe, sam kreće u akciju i pridružuje se njemačkom otporu. Naoružani lukavom strategijom da iskoriste Hitlerov vlastiti plan za hitne slučajeve poznat kao Operacija Valkira, pripadnici otpora planiraju atentat na diktatora i rušenje nacističke vlade iznutra.

Jonathan Switcher, an unemployed artist, finds a job as an assistant window dresser for a department store. When Jonathan happens upon a beautiful mannequin he previously designed, she springs to life and introduces herself as Emmy, an Egyptian under an ancient spell. Despite interference from the store's devious manager, Jonathan and his mannequin fall in love while creating eye-catching window displays to keep the struggling store in business.

One man's struggle to contain the curse he hides within... and his last-ditch attempt to free himself with the love of family. But when it looks as if he is losing his battle, and endangering all he holds most dear, the family dog, Thor, is the last hope for his family's survival... and the end to his Werewolf curse.

A young woman from a Catholic school and a young man from a nearby prison camp fall in love and run away together to escape the law, the church and their parents.

A woman tries to help her teenage daughter when she becomes the victim of online bullying.

When three high-school friends invent a time-machine, they decide to use it to go back in time and prevent other youngsters from making humiliating mistakes.

Ostavši bez roditelja na području plemena Zambuli, Sheenu (Tanya Roberts) odgoji plemenito pleme i nauči je telepatskom komuniciranju sa svim živim bićima. Dobiva i lekciju iz ljubavi od Vica Caseya (Ted Wass), vrckavog novinara koji je došao u Afriku napraviti reportažu o kraljevskom nogometašu, princu Otwaniju (Trevor Thomas). Vic se uskoro nađe upleten u mrežu političkih intriga, a kada princ odluči napasti zemlju Zambulija, Sheena mora spasiti Vica i svoje idilično kraljevstvo.

Five former cub scouts have a reunion and go camping on the mountain they never conquered. High jinks ensue due to their childhood enemies and a group of escaped convicts who mistake them for an FBI unit.

Arthur loses his fortune for staying with Linda, right as the two were preparing to adopt a child. As their marriage suffers, Arthur plans for a way to get his money back, but first he must sober up and get a real job.

A struggling American writer and a fellow American expatriate begin a sordid affair among the chaos and discord of 1940 Paris, France on the brink of World War II.